Considering a Revamp (again)

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So I'm considering re-writing this story again. I tried once like..... three or four years ago?? It feels like forever tbh.

But I got discouraged because not many people read it. That was pretty dumb of me but I was valuing popularity over the fun of doing my story again.

Now I want to revamp just because honestly? I still love this dumb story to death. I love the idea and the premise. I love the characters. I want to do it again except with some actual quality to the storyline (Because let's be honest. It's pretty bad.) I want to make this with the skill it deserves so this story can reach at least much closer to its full potential. Plus, this is the first story I ever completed. Still haven't done it again. Time and school make it really hard, plus having to think of ideas and come up with a storyline is hellish.

Lots of people still like this story it seems (given that we're slowly approaching 60k reads holy crap???). And it's ranked *squints*... #442 out of 1800 stories tagged with Gold. #87 out of 340 Team Rocket stories isn't bad either LOL

I don't even think pokemon fanfics are "cool" anymore but I honestly don't care. I'm doin' this for me. I guess I might even make into not a fanfic? Maybe? Probably not. It'll probably stay a fanfic mostly because it'd make everything with the powers even more complex (LOL).

So I guess here's the layout.

It's definitely not gonna be posted here, probably. AO3 is the 'cool' fanfic site now and seems to get more traffic than here, so I'll probably post there instead. Even though some of the stuff in the pokemon category is. Um. Questionable, given that AO3 allows, uh, adult content. Gonna leave it at that.

Besides that, I think it'd just be good to try somewhere new since this story has been here for. Yknow. 5 YEARS.

It's gonna be slow. I'm in college right now (as I write this I'm in the library, just got done with a bunch of homework and have to move on to working on a two page paper and a 250 work reflection when I'm done with this, and design class drawings. Oof.) The plot needs almost a total overhaul, not to mention that I haven't reread this in a long time and am gonna have to do that. Then I'll have to work on editing the plot, solidifying the plot, and write drafts, edit them, and publish them. Plus nowadays my main hobby isn't writing, so I'll also be wanting to do other things besides work on this.

If I had to estimate, it's pretty likely that the first chapter won't be up until 2019, but probably early 2019.

 But even if it takes forever, I wanna do it, if just to flex my writing muscles, work on an actual project and accomplish something.

And in case you're worried, no, I'm not taking this version down. Again, it's the only thing I've ever actually completed, even if nowadays I think it's poop.

AND finally, like I said, I'm CONSIDERING. No for-sure promises, especially given that I'm in school, but I mean, I really do want to. My interest in some things tends to ebb after awhile but this has been on my mind on-and-off so I think I'll be able to commit to it. 

SO. Here's the link to my AO3 account: 

And my instagram, I guess. I post art there but it's probably the most 'formal' way to connect with me since my tumblr is just goofing around and I don't post anything on twitter.:

If there's enough interest expressed in this project, I can make social media accounts specifically to post about it! But obviously I have no idea yet if anyone cares, so...

And of course, Comment Below and give me some feedback! If you're excited, annoyed, or don't care! Etc! I wanna know. If you don't wanna comment just vote for the chapter LOL

And also, thanks for reading!

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