Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Hey, watch the hands, perv!" I yelled as a grunt pushed me into the cage. How they had gotten a cage all the way up here, I don't know.

Oh, and guess who else got captured?

"Silver, I thought told you not to get caught!" I groaned, looking at the red haired trainer. He glared back.

"They apparently had been eavesdropping on the whole phone call, then ambushed me after I hung up! I didn't see them!" He growled. I sighed, looking away. I wasn't really in the mood to argue with him.

I walked to the opposite side of the cage and leaned against the bars, shivering. Even in my jacket, I was freezing. Watching Giovanni make some sort of speech, I stood there and shook, teeth chattering. Why did mountains have to be so snowy?!

Suddenly, I felt something warm next to me, and I glanced over to see Silver.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not just going to let you freeze!" He snapped.

"Why do you suddenly care?! You didn't give a crap about me the last time I saw you, and now you do?" I exclaimed. He growled with frustration.

"You wouldn't understand."

"That's not an excuse."

"You want the truth?! Fine! I used to know you! You were my only friend, then you got hit by a car and forgot practically your whole damn childhood!" He yelled. My jaw dropped open. 'Scuse me?

Seeing my expression, he huffed.

"See, I knew it. You don't believe me."

"It's true, I don't remember my childhood. I got hit by a car and forgot a bunch of stuff. But... It's just hard to believe that I could forget something like that." We looked at each other. His silver eyes were glassy, as if he was about to cry.

"I miss you, Glaceon. I miss the you that actually gave a damn about what happened to me."

"I wish I could, but I can't remember anything." I said quietly.

He held one of my wrists and placed my hand against his cheek. His expression relaxed slightly, as if it was comforting. It felt sort of déjà vu, but I couldn't bring up any memories, no matter how hard I strained my brain.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

All of the sudden, he leaned towards me and smashed his lips against mine. Then, a wave of emotions and memories flooded my mind, almost overwhelming me.

When we built that snowman... playing video games... when he got me Eevee, who was now Espeon... All our little moments, that I now realized were... romantic. The nightmare, the car crash. I had pushed him out of the way, which was why I got hit.

I loved him, and I never even realized it. And I still do.

A warm feeling took over my body, my heart raced like a rampaging Rapidash, and I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck.

As Silver pulled back, I just looked up at him, before it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I... I can't believe I forgot you." Tears pooled in my eyes. "I feel horrible, I-I can't believe--" My stuttering was cut off as he kissed me again.

"It's ok, it's wasn't your fault." He murmured, pushing a lock of hair out of my face. I gently brushed my hand across his cheek, over the faded bruise.

"You pulled this whole thing to try to get me to remember you, didn't you?" He nodded, and I smiled. "You're the best." I buried my face in his jacket.

"Yeah, I know." I glared up at him. He had a small smirk on his face, and I smacked him lightly.

"Jerk. But... why were you mean at first? And... why did you just leave? Why didn't you stay to see if I was ok?"

"I didn't think of the plan until Olivine City, so I was just trying to avoid you. I'm sorry. I heard rumors that Team Rocket was here and left right away. I should've said something to you."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore."

All of the sudden, someone grabbed my arms and tore me away from him, hauling me out of the cage.

"Giovanni wants you two to see what we're about to do." The grunt said, yanking Silver out as well.

"And I want to see him falling over the side of the mountain." Silver growled as we were pushed out to a spot where we could see everything.

There had to be at least thirty grunts standing around, and the four Team Rocket executives were talking with Giovanni near some sort of giant container.

"Almost all of Team Rocket is here. Whatever they're planning to do, it's going to be big." I muttered.

Right then, the executives finished their conversation with Giovanni, and he silenced everyone else.

"As you all know, we have finally gotten the power from the Glaceon girl." Giovanni started. "But what I haven't told you yet is what we have planned to do with it. Before I said we were summoning a pokemon, but that is not true. We're doing something much greater. We shall be creating one."


A/N: Mwahahaha! MwahahaHAwahaha! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ok, I'm done evil laughing.

Pretty please comment and vote!

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