Chapter 1

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Samantha's POV:

“Samantha – Samantha – its time to get up, you're going to be late” the voice of my mother wakes me up. She hammers against the door and screams my name.

“I'm up mum, gonna be down in a few minutes” I tell her and she leaves.

Oh god, as I looked at the watch I understood why my alarm didn't go off. It was natural for my mum to wake me always half an hour before I actually had to get up. Before resting a few more minutes in my bed I finally shift my body out if it and go straight to the bathroom. The weird feeling in my stomach tells me its real, yes today I'm going to dance in front of the judges. Maybe I'm going to be touring with the ballet theatre after today. Maybe.

I quickly brush my long dark-brown hair and wash my face. I highlight my brown eyes with some light make-up and put some my favourite lip-gloss on my lips. I put on some slim jeans and my favourite white blouse add a necklace and some armrings and grab my bag and walk down into the kitchen.

“You look nice, but close that button on your blouse” my mum greats me as I enter the kitchen.

“Yeah mum” I mumble and do it slowly.

She always tells me how to dress and what to say and how to act. Sometimes I get annoyed but I figure its the best not to argue with her today. She gestures me to sit down and puts the plate with my breakfast in front of me. I take a sip from my orange juice and start to eat.

“Do you remember your choreography?” my mum asks me.

“Yes mum, I trained hard for today, remember?” I answer a bit annoyed.

“Don't snap at me” she looks at me with her serious look and I quickly focus on eating again.

“Remember to smile all the time, and please don't forget to pull your hair back into a tight pigtailjudges don't like it when your hair flies around!”

I nod as she continues.

“I'll drop you at the arena and call me when you finished. Don't forget to listen to everything the judges say to you and don't be late, that wouldn't make a good first impression.”

I nod again.

“Do you want to take something against the nervousness?”

“No I think I can handle it without your medicine.” I shake my head.

“Okay, get ready then, I'm going to drive you now, so you wont be late.” she rushes out of the room and I get up and put the plate into the dishwasher.

I quickly go through my imaginary check-list and pray silently that I haven't forgotten anything as I put on my black ballerinas and lock the door as I step outside.

My mum already started the car and waits for me in the slip road. I'm glad that the drive to the arena only takes a few minutes, otherwise I would prefer to go there cause I really can't stand my mum when she acts like my boss. Well she is kind of my boss, she arranged everything and she forces me to dance today and she pushed me since I was little. But still I'm 18 now and I know how to behave and the most important thing I know how to dance.

As we arrive at the arena, my mum gives me a kiss on the cheek, wishes me good luck and releases me out of the car. I grab my bag and quickly go to the entrance. I hear my mum driving away, but I refuse to look back. I take a deep breath and step towards the desk where I have to say my name and get my audition number.

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