Chapter 36

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Samantha's POV:

We arrive at the hotel and to our surprise some fans already found out the secret entrance. Harry sighs as the taxi stops and turns around to look at me.

"Just keep walking into the hotel, I might stop and take some pictures, okay?" I nod as I watch the girls running towards our taxi.

"Harry opens the door and gets out of the car and after seconds he is crowed by some screaming girls. Nobody is really paying any attention to me and I see Harrys look as he slowly turns to face me. He looks annoyed but he put his fake smile on and tries to please those girls by giving them their pictures and autographs. I watch him for a few seconds before I decide to walk into the hotel. I hope he'll be okay and they'll let him go. As I step into the elevator I watch myself in the mirror. I wish I could believe Harry and Bailey when they tell me I'm beautiful but I can't see it. I see a exhausted not really self confident girl with heavy rings under her eyes. I see a girl that is afraid to tell what it feels and who misses her mum more than she wants to admit. I shake my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head as the door opens and I walk out of the elevator. I'm glad Niall opens the door for me because Harry has out key.

"Everything okay?" he asks me as soon as I walk through the door.

"Yeah everything's fine" I smile at him and put my handbag on the chair in the living room.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" he mumbles as he walk behind me into the kitchen.

"Yeah me too..I'm sorry you had to see or hear that" I look him into the eyes and he smiles but the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"Where's Harry?" Niall asks after a short moment of silence.

"He's meeting some fans down at the back entrance" I mumble and grab a glass to fill it with water.

"He is?" Niall asks and raises his eyebrows.

"Yes..Why are you asking?" I take a sip of my water.

"Oh no..I just..I never thought he would stop for fans when he is with you" Niall says looking down at his feet.

"What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Nothing" Niall wants to turn around.

"Niall.. tell me" I beg him and he slowly turns back to face me.

"I just don't know Harry when he is like that, normally he never wants to be seen with a girl and he takes you out so many time and he is so different" Nialls smiles shyly.

"He is still embarrassed about me" I speak before thinking.

"No he's not" Niall assures me "Why would you say something like that?

"Its just how he acts whenever other people are around" I say quietly.

"Samantha" Niall says and I look him into the eyes "The way Harry even speaks to you when we are around shows us that he likes you, he normally ignores everyone.."

"Ohh.." I don't know what to think.

I knew he never really saw the girls he spend the night with at the next day but I never thought he would be like that.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm making a mistake" I whisper and Niall comes closer.

"Why?" he asks me, his voice is soft.

"I don't know Niall" I tell him "I got away from home, I lied to my mum, I go out and drink, I get wasted and I let Harry play around with me..I..I even list my mum" I swallow down the lump in my throat as I speak out my thoughts.

"Samantha" he repeats and suddenly wraps his arms around me "You have a right to change and live your dream" he whispers.

"Are you happy?" his voice is nothing more than a whisper now.

"Yes..I guess.. Sometimes" I answer.

"See, that is all that matters, you're old enough to decide what you want." He pulls back a bit and smiles at me.

"I guess your right, its just a little hard sometimes" I mumble but force myself to smile.

"Everything will be okay" he assures me and I pull him in for another hug.

"I hope so" I mumble into his chest and take a deep breath.

"Do you really think Harry changed?" I pull back after a few seconds and look Niall deep into the eyes.

He nods.

"We are all very surprised how different he became."

"I can't see a change" I'm a little embarrassed by my words and I wish I could tell him that I see a change but I don't.

"You don't know how he was before you came" Niall chuckles but stops as he sees my concerned look.

"Tell me" I say.

"I don't..."

The door opens and I hear someone curse. Harry he is back. Niall slowly moves away from me and walks towards the fridge to grab something to eat.

"I never stop for fans again" Harry mumbles angry as he enters the kitchen but he stops as he sees Niall and me in there.

"Oh" he huffs and wants to turn around but I grab his hand.

"What happened?" I ask him and I look down his body.

His shirt is ripped and there are red scratches on his hands.

"They got crazy when I wanted to leave" He shrugs his shoulders and I trace one of the scratches and he takes in a sharp breath and wants to pull his arm back.

"You should put something on it" I tell him but he shakes his head.

"It's nothing, I'm not going to die" he looks down at me and his eyes are softer then when he came into the kitchen.

"Harry" I start but he ignores me and looks to Niall.

"When do we have to leave?" he asks him not really allowing any eye contact.

"I guess in an hour or something, Paul hasn't called yet" Niall says while taking a bite from his sandwich.

"I'm not going out there again, I promise you that's fucking insane" Harry mumbles and turns around to walk out of the kitchen.

I want to grab his arm again but he managed to get away from me without even touching me again. I stand there and watch Niall as he smiles shyly at me and focuses back on eating.

"I really want to know how he.." I start.

"No, Samantha not now, please this is not a good idea" Nialls look is horrified and I quickly nod.

"Okay..uhm.." I don't know what to say as I wave my hand awkwardly into his direction and walk towards the bedroom.

As I enter the room, Harry isn't in there but I hear the water in the shower and I decide to lay down on the bed and wait for him to come out.

He walks out after about 10 minutes. As always he only has the towel wrapped around his hips and his wet hair covers his forehead in an adorable way.

"I didn't know you were in here again" he looks down his body and bites his lips.

"It's okay..really" I say while I try to take my eyes off of him.

"I'm going to take a quick nap before we leave" Harry mumbles and walks towards his suitcase.

"Okay" I say and watch him getting his boxers and a white T-shirt out of it.

He slips into the T-shirt and I nearly gasp as he lets the towel fall and tries to put his boxers on. I immediately look away and move my head into the other direction, I wasn't expecting this. My heart is suddenly beating really hard again and know that my cheeks blush.

"Do you mind if I turn on the music?" Harry nearly makes me jump as he hops on the bed beside me.

"No..noo" I answer and shake my head.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and puts some music on. The volume is really comfortable and I watch Harry as he lays down on the bed and moves on arm under his head. I can see his muscles tense as he lifts his head with his arm and looks at me.

"I can turn it off, I." he starts.

"Its okay I like the fray" I smile at him and le lays back down again.

I watch him as he closes his eyes and his long eyelashes softly relax. His chest is moving up and down in a calm way and his naked legs are covered with a blanket. His hair is still wet and I see small water drops, dropping down at the mattress.

I move over so I lay only on the side of my body and put my head on my arms as I continue watching him. He smiles lightly and it makes him look so pretty.

"I'm sorry that I'm always a bit weird" he surprises me as he starts to talk.

"I told you I don't know how to act around you and I don't know how I should react in public" he continues and I nod even though he can't see me because his eyes are still closed.

"Are you mad at me?" he asks and opens his eyes.

"No..not really" I stutter, I'm quite surprised by his direct questions.

"I thought you were, I saw your look when I left you alone in front of the hotel" he whispers and closes his eyes again.

"I was just a bit confused" I tell him and he chuckles.

"It was a bad idea anyways, those girls were crazy" his smile slowly fades as if he over thinks all the actions from before again.

"Are you sometimes embarrassed of me?" I speak without thinking.

His head turns immediately and he opens his eyes wider than normal.

"I told you that I'm not embarrassed of you" He says softly and I nod but don't respond.

"It's just new for me" He whispers and I look him into the eyes.


"Yeah" he nods and lays also on the side of his body. He looks me straight into the eyes before he continues.

"I told you that I never really did something like I do now"

I frown my eyebrows. I want him to talk cleary to me.

"I.." he clears his throat "I never spend so much time with one girl." he says and his eyes shoot up to meet mine, as if he was looking for my reaction. I force a quick smile and hope he continues, I really need to hear what he thinks.

"I just fucked them, left them, maybe fucked them again but nothing more." he stops again and takes a deep breath "Most of the time I was drunk or just in the mood to fuck someone" he doesn't even blink with his eyes while I already feel my cheeks blushing because of his choice of words.

"Most of the time I just wanted to forget about something else, I wanted to distract me or whatever. I guess I just like messing around and having fun. Every night a new city I never had to care about seeing them again and I just drank a lot of alcohol. I.." he stops and meets my eyes again. "I.." he starts again this time he looks down at his big fingers. He plays nervously with them as he opens his mouth for the third try. "I haven't liked a girl since a long long time, and I think I really like you. I enjoy being with you but I'm not used to it. I'm sorry" he slowly lifts his head and looks into my eyes.

My heart is beating faster and my cheeks burn, I feel my hands shaking and that only because of his words. He likes me, he just said he likes me and he enjoys spending time with me. I never thought I'd hear that form him but I like those soft and calm words coming from his prfect lips and those emerald green eyes almost looking into my soul. I slowly reach out my arm and grab his hand. He smiles shyly as I bring it up to my chest and let him feel my heartbeat.

"I really like you too and I enjoy spending time with you too.. well most of the time at least" I giggle and he laughs.

He laughs his happy and at the same time relieved laugh and I could listen to it endlessly. He moves his hands from my chest up to my neck and strokes his thumb over my cheek.

"Most of the time huh" he whispers as he moves closer.

"Yes, I mean sometimes you're just a little.."

Shut up silly head" he chuckles as he presses his lips against mine.

A shiver runs over my body as his hand moves down my back as always he is only touching me with his fingertips. His lips are soft as he kisses me really carefully and still so passionate. He pulls back after a few moments only to peck my lips once more and smiles at me.

"I'm not a silly head" I whisper and he giggles.

"Nooo of course not" he mocks me and I can't help it and laugh with him.

He leans closer once again and kisses my nose softly.

"Stop distracting me I want to take a short nap" he tries to be really serious but I can't stop laughing.

"Okay, okay..I try" I promise him and he lays down on his back again, his arm under his head and closes his eyes.

I try to bear down the giggles as I watch him pulling his lips to a shy smile.

The song on his iPhone changes to Bastille and the song "Overjoyed". I slowly calm down and I start to watch him. His chest is back to moving up and down in a steady and calm way. I know I can't sleep right now, his words are still running through my mind. He really just told me he likes me, he told me in such a honest and simple way that I really start to believe him and I know that I like him. I have felt something for him since the first time I saw him and the way he touches me, I sigh. I hugged Niall today and it felt good, it really felt good but it was nothing compared to a simple hug from Harry. He makes me feel like I'm on fire, my whole skin starts to burn and reacts to every touch of him. Even if he only looks at me I feel like there are fireworks exploding in my stomach. Butterflies. Maybe this is the way you feel when you have butterflies in your stomach. Maybe.

I let my eyes rank over Harrys body and without another thought I slowly crawl closer to him and lay my head on his calmly moving chest. I wrap my hand around his body and nuzzle into his chest a bit more. I love the smell of his clothes. I just love the way he smells. I take a deep breath and scoop as close as possible as I close my eyes. Maybe I could try and sleep like this, maybe being closer to him helps me forget about my mum and all that stuff. I sigh as I think of my mum and I'm surprised as I suddenly feel Harry wrapping his arm around me and squeezing me softly against him.

"Don't think so much" his raspy but sleepy voice mumbles.

He is right but that is one of my problems. I either never think and speak just whatever comes to my mind, most of the time I regret my words right after the left my mouth. Or I think so much that my mind goes crazy and I can't be distracted from my thoughts and I end up being depressed and with a lack of sleep.

Harry squeezes me again and places a soft kiss on my hair as he puts his other arm around me too. I nuzzle deeper into Harrys chest and he softly strokes a few times over ma back, before I pull the blankets over myself and slowly forget to think and just relax, enjoying the moment, the moment together with him.

Thanks for 1 Million reads I love you all <3

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