Chapter 75

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I walk a few steps into the room before I stop again, neither Harry or Anne notice that I'm here. I can't help myself, I start listening to their conversation.

"Harry you know exactly what I'm talking about don't act like that" Anne says, she seems very angry and her lips are pressed together. 

"Mum I'm not the same person anymore and Sam isn't her," Harry says and I notice how he straightens his shoulders, a sign that he is really trying to keep this conversation calm and don't overact.

"I'm warning you," Anne repeats this sentence again and again and I wonder what she means.

"I don't need you to warn me, I'm okay" Harry blows his breath out of his mouth, making his sentence sound like he's making fun out of her. 

"You know how it ended the last time, don't tell me you have it all sorted out, I know you Harry," Anne raises her voice.

"This is my decision and not really your business, don't you think?" Harry gets angry and he puts both of his hands on the table.

"Whatever Harry but don't be so sure that you have your life under controll," Anne says and Harry slams both of his hands on the table and jumps up.

"Don't treat me like a fucking child mother, I know what I'm doing," he screams at her, looking her directly into the eyes.

Anne looks back at him and raises her hand.

"Fine, do whatever you want," she says and looks away.

She looks really, really pissed but it seems like there is also a bit of  hurt mirrored in her eyes. 

"Yes, I will and I'll start looking for the girl I.." he turns around and stops speaking as he sees me standing behind him in the room. "I love..," he finished his sentence and I just stand there and watch him.

I see Anne looking shocked in the background but my eyes are focused on Harry, he takes a deep breath before he slowly walks over to me and reaches for my hand.

"I'll explain it all to you, I promise, just don't be angry at me..not right now?" he whispers before he pulls me in for a hug. "Please,"

I hug him back but it is out of habit not because I really want to hug him right now, I close my eyes and try to hold back the tears. My mind is running crazy and I wish he would tell me right now what all of  this means and why Anne is so angry with him. What did he do, do make her so angry and sad? Yeah Anne seems sad, more sad than angry to be comletely honest. 

"Let's finish this dinner, please," he whispers into my ear and I nod slightly.

He takes my hand and leads me back to the table, I sit down on my chair not looking at Anne or Harry and continue eating. I'm not even hungry anymore but I chew the food and act like i'm really focused on what's on my plate. Anne doesn't say a word and I see Harry looking at me from time to time. I just continue eating and as I'm finsihed I lean back in my chair and look at Harry for the first time since we got back at the table. His hand grabs my thigh and squeezes softly, I don't react.

"Can you call your housekeeper?" Anne asks Harry, her voice is cold.

"Yeah there is a electric bell on the table just press the button," Harry answers not even looking at her.

Anne searches for the bell and presses the button, Rosy enters the room only seconds after.

"What can I do for you?" she aks and Anne smiles at her.

"I would like a glass of wine, please," she tells Rosy.

"Of course, Harry, Samantha would you like a glass of wine as well?" she smiles at Harry and then she focuses on me.

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