Chapter 22

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Samantha's POV: 

 “Do you have everything?” he asks me while glancing back into the hotel room.

“Yes I guess so” I shrug my shoulders and step outside.

He closes the door and takes both suitcases before he starts walking down the corridor. I walk behind him, not sure how I'm supposed to act if people see us.

“Do you have sunglasses?” he suddenly turns around.

“Yes in my handbag” I stop as he stops in front of me.

“Maybe put them on and put the jacket on too” he points towards the blazer which I hold in my hand.

I look at him confused but he turns around and continues walking. I have no other choice than following him so I put on my blazer and my sunglasses and walk behind him. We arrive in the hotel lobby a few minutes later and Harry is still carrying both of our suitcases. He walks straight to the reception and talks with the lady there. I watch him and I know he is trying to seduce the lady with his adorable smile and his stunning green eyes. The lady shakes her head a few times but Harry scoops closer and I wish I could hear what he says but suddenly she smiles and gives him a key.

He turns around and smiles really confident at me, before he bends down grabs the suitcases and points me to follow him. I nod towards the lady at the reception and follow him. He walks down weird corridors and suddenly stops in front of a big door. He puts both of our suitcases on the floor and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

I look around me while I wait for Harry to explain this situation to me put he just stands there looking down in his phone, seeming really busy. It actually seems like we're in front of a secret exit. As I look at my watch I let out a deep sigh, we're gonna be so late if he doesn't hurry up soon.

“Okay, we have to wait 15 minutes until my car will come” he says as if he just read my mind.

“Harry we're gonna be so late” I point at my watch.

“Don't worry I'll explain it to Paul” he puts his phone back into his pocket and looks at me.

I sigh before I walk towards my suitcase and sit down on it. What will the others think, that is the only thing running through my mind right now. Besides the fact that I'm alone with Harry for another while. As I look up from my feet I realize that Harry is sitting on his suitcase right in front of me. He looks at me and as our eyes meet he smiles, I shyly smile back and he chuckles.

“So” he starts and I raise my eyebrows. “Do you enjoy being on tour with us?” he asks and I hold my breath. Is he really trying to start a normal conversation with me.

“Its good, I like it” I tell him and look down again. My mum comes to my mind, I haven't heard from her in a while and I hope she doesn't get worried about me.

“Is it different to what you did before?” he asks and I start to believe he is actually interested in my answer.

“Completely, to be honest I never did something like that before. I just trained my whole life and well didn't succeed in the end. But here I am” I laugh quietly but its not that confident laugh I want him to hear.

“I'm glad you're here now” he says and I don't look up at him.

I wish I could see his eyes when he says those words but my heart starts to eat faster and I know my cheeks are flushing so I decide to keep my eyes on the floor. He makes me feel so weak. I am weak. I've never been a self confident person but when I'm with him I'm always afraid of saying and doing something wrong. He stands up after I still don't respond and my heart start to beat even faster.

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