Chapter 34

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Samantha's POV:

The way Harry looks outside at the crowd makes me feel sorry for him, sometimes he just wants to be on his own and not constantly followed by fans. I know he loves his fans but he also is just a human and needs free time. I watch him as he goes to the reception and speaks with the lady there. He nods a few times before he points at me, I raise my eyebrows but let him talk with the lady for a few moments before I carefully come closer. I don't want people to think that we are something and I'm not stupid to know that there are different paps outside the hotel who can see us right now.

“Okay thank you so much” I hear Harry saying and he turns fully towards me.

“I found a way to get out without anyone seeing us, are you ready?” he smiles at me.

“Sure” I answer and nod.

“Okay great” Harry says and starts to walk, he turns around again “Thank you again” he smiles towards the lady at the reception.

“No problem” she answers back also with a wide smile “Have fun” she calls after us.

“We will” Harry mumbles and I wonder if he is right.

I'm still a little pissed at him for talking about my mum and whenever I think about yesterday I don't know if I made the right decision. I still haven't realised that I probably lost my mum.

“You okay?” Harrys voice brings me back to reality and he softly takes my hand in his.

I like the way my hand feels in his big hand, his hand is warm and the way he squeezes my hand softly makes me feel safe.

“Yeah sure” I force myself to smile and look down at our intertwined hands.

We reach the secret entrance from the hotel only a few minutes later and there is already a taxi waiting for us. Harry tells the driver where to drive and takes the passenger seat while I get into the back of the car. We aren't driving for a long time until Harry tells the driver to stop and let us out. He pays and opens my door. I mumble a short “bye” towards the driver and get out of the car before I look at Harry with furrowed eyebrows.

“Where are we now?” I ask him and I'm still surprised how well he knows every city we go.

“I decided to take you out for a short walk before we go to eat breakfast” he says and I love the cheeky smile around his lips.

“Oh” I breath and my mouth forms to an “o”.

He laughs quietly before he begins to walk.

We are walking besides a small river with a nice path besides it. There aren't many people, only a few old people walk past us. Its beautiful and it reminds me of the time and place where Harry kissed me the first time. I remember how much I hated him back there and how I wished he would let me go. I still remember how his lips felt on mine but it was different compared to our kisses now. I feel Harrys eyes on me and as I turn my face to look at him he smiles at me. His beautiful teeth and dimples are showing and I feel butterflies in my stomach as he pulls me closer to him by laying his arms around my shoulder.

“Do you like it here?” he glances down at me.

“Its beautiful” I whisper and look up into his eyes.

His wide smile is better than any answer and he slowly leans down and presses a soft kiss against my forehead.

“Sorry about before” he whispers and I nod.

“Its okay.”

“I sometimes talk without thinking about it” he rests his head on mine as we walk.

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