Chapter 26

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Samantha's POV:

As we arrive at the new hotel two hours later, Harry wakes me up. I must have fallen asleep. He pokes my shoulder softly.

“Hey, wake up” he whispers and I carefully open my eyes.

“Oh my god, I'm sorry” I jump up and nearly bump into Harry.

“Everything is okay, we just need to get you into the hotel” Harry smirks and I look around.

“Where is Niall?” I ask.

Harry raises his eyebrows and look at me before he takes deep breath.

“He already went into the hotel” he says his voice is cold now.

“Oh” I answer and lift myself up so I could get out of the car.

I walk past Harry and try to get to my suitcase as Harry softly pushes me beside.

“I'm gonna take that” he says and grabs the luggage.

“Thanks” I smile at him and put my hair together to a messy bun. I know I look horrible but I can't change it right now.

“Niall will take an extra room, if that okay” Harry says as he locks the car and we walk towards the hotel.

“Oh okay” I don't know what to say.

Another night with Harry in the same room? But there is nothing I can do about it right. We walk into the hotel and Harry takes his phone out to call Niall. The hotel looks the same as the one we had before only that it seems to be a lot bigger. Alone the lobby seems as big as a soccer field.

“Niall already got our room keys” Harry says as he grabs the suitcases again and begins to walk through the hotel lobby.

I follow him and he acts like he knows exactly where to go. I'm surprised as he finds the elevator a few seconds later and we arrive to the floor where Niall is waiting only a few minutes later.

“Its a suite”Niall says “but it only has two bedrooms” he looks to me and I look straight into his blue eyes.

“Its okay, she can stay in my room” Harry says and grabs the key.

“Is that okay for you?” Niall asks and his eyes look worried as he examines me.

I nod, not being able to say anything else. Harry eyes rest on me and his look in pleading but commanding at the same time. My heart immediately begins to race faster as I think about sleeping next to Harry again. Harry opens the door and we walk into the room. Its already late so I walk into the first bedroom and decide this is the one I want to sleep in, Harry comes after me and places our suitcases on the ground.

“You can take a Shower, if you want to” he says “I'm gonna make myself a cup of tea, do you want one?”

I shake my head “No thank you, but I'm going to shower now”

He nods and leaves the room. I grab my sleeping clothes and hop into the shower. I'm actually scared about being with Harry again and I think about Danielle. She wanted to tell me something but now that she isn't here with me I wont know what she wanted to tell me. I wash my hair, shave and let the hot water clear my mind, before I turn the water of and climb out of the shower. I quickly change into my clothes and decide to let my hair air dry. As I walk back into the the hotel room, I hear a phone going of. It is Harrys phone which lays on the bedside table. I grab it and want to bring it to him as I freeze. Its Linda. I look in disbelief on the display.

“What are you doing?” Harrys voice surprises me. I didn't hear him coming into the room.

“No-Nothing” I mumble “Linda is calling you” I hand him the phone and walk past him.

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