Chapter 43

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Harry's POV:

I'm already finished for our date as I sit down on the bed and wait for Samantha. It seems like she takes forever to get ready. I'm a little nervous about my first real date, I planned special things and I hope they will work out. I enjoyed the day with her, only cuddling while watching TV and mocking each other or just being with her in silence enjoying her presence. I comb my fingers through my hair and look down on my watch.

"Samantha please hurry up" I shout towards the closed bathroom door.

'Just one sec" I hear her response and shake my head.

We will be late. I grab the necklace around my neck and play with it. My fingers comb nervously through my hair again. I check my wallet for my credit card and put it with my phone into my pocket. I hope this day or this night will be special. Something we both will remember as a good night.

"Samantha please" I shout again and stand up.

I knock on the door and as she doesn't answer I push the doorknob down, she locked the door. I sigh a little angry and start to walk up and down in front of the bed. My boots on the floor is the only sound I hear as i try to calm down and relax again.

"We can go" I hear Samantha's voice behind me and I turn on my heels.

Holy shit she looks amazing. I stop and look at her, my mouth opens as I let my eyes go up and down her body. Holy shit.

"Jesus Christ" I breath, she smiles shyly at me. "You"

I can't believe how beautiful she is. The way she is standing in front of me not aware of what she is doing to me, makes me nearly loose all my self control. I knew she was beautiful and hot as fuck, but I've never seen her like this. She looks self confident and her smile is cheeky and real, her eyes mirror happiness and she doesn't look at me as shy as she used to. She is unbelievable beautiful, I can't believe my eyes.

"Thank you" she whispers and hands me her black coat. "Can you help me put it on?" she turns around and I help her getting into it.

I can't stop looking at her. She wears a white dress which is extremely short but sexy as hell. It closes around her neck with a grey border and hides her breasts but it makes her look fabulous. Her curves are perfectly visible even thought the dress is a bit loose. She wears grey high heels which match with the grey border on her dress. Her hair falls curly down her shoulders and her make up makes her eyes look wilder and bigger. She put lipstick on, I've never seen her with such a light lipstick but it makes her lips appear fuller than normal and I can't help myself other than stare at her.

She clears her throat as she grabs her small white bag and looks at me.

"I'm sorry, are you ready?" I croak and try to force myself to focus on something else.

She is just too beautiful, too stunning and when I look into her eyes I feel the butterflies in my stomach. I have never, in my entire life, felt like that. This is completely insane.

"Yes, I'm ready" she interrupts my thoughts and smiles. I nod, as I walk out of our room and down our corridor towards the door which leads to the lift.

Samantha follows me and I lock the door behind us and turn towards her. She looks down on her feet, her hair falls lightly into her face. I step closer and with my fingertips I touch her cheek. I softly stroke the hair behind her ear and she looks up at me, her cheeks getting slightly red.
I bend down to kiss her cheek before I grab her hand and softly pull her with me. She blushes but walks beside me, not trying to remove her hand from mine.

Samantha's POV:

I know it took me forever to get ready but after I saw Harrys reaction I know it was worth it. His eyes nearly popped out as he saw me and I was glad he was so surprised about me that he didn't recognize how my heart stopped beating as I saw him. He looks amazing and as I glance at him while I walk besides him, I can't believe that he is the one who told me that he loves me, out of all the girls he could have, he choose me. I watch him as he pushes the button at the lift and my heart beats faster. He is wearing his black boots combined with his black and really tight jeans, as always. But I'm actually not used to him wearing something different than his white or black shirts and that's why I was surprised as I saw him with a blue button up shirt with white hearts on it. It might have looked weird on someone else but he looked really hot in it and the black blazer made his outfit even better. He actually looked like he was ready for the catwalk, he looked like a model. His hair was perfectly styled and his cologne smells amazing. I wish I could just nuzzle into his chest to smell him and feel his heartbeat.

The door opens and Harry and I both step into the lift. I look at myself in the mirror and pull my hand out of Harrys to fix my hair. I glance at him he is combing his fingers through his hair, looking hot as hell while doing it. We look good together in the mirror and almost as if he thought the same he lays his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me closer.
I smile up at him and he smiles back, placing a soft kiss, who makes me shiver, on my forehead.

We get into the car without anyone else seeing us and I decide to stop wondering about how Harry always plans and organizes all the things without me noticing. I watch him as he pulls out of the garage, his hands closed around the steering wheel. He turns the radio on and glances at me, followed with a big smile towards me. We drive a few minutes without talking as I turn the music quieter and turn towards him.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"That's a surprise" he smiles and places his hand on my tight, softly squeezing.

"Oh" I say and look down on his hand.

He leaves it on my tights, starting to rub up and down after a moment. His touch leaves traces of heat on my body and after a while I put my hand on his to stop him. He turns towards me and I smile shyly.

"Does that turn you on?" Harry asks me and I blush at his direct words.

I don't want to answer as I look down on my feet and Harry laughs and squeezes my tight again.

"You should control yourself a bit better" Harry states and I look at him, my eyes wide open. He can't be serious right?

"Funny" I whisper and Harry laughs harder.

He pulls into a small parking space and turns the radio off before he turns the car off. I unlock the car door and want to open it as Harrys jumps out of the car an rushes towards my door to open it. He takes my small hand into his big one and leads me around the car towards a restaurant I've never seen before.

"A place for two" Harry smiles at the man who greets us at the entrance.

"On what name?" the man asks.

"Styles, Harry Styles" Harry whispers and the man nods.

"Okay, follow me" he says and we walk towards the big door into another room.

I gasp as I enter the restaurant, it looks like a castle, the tables are so nice and the light is darker than in usual restaurants but only because there are loads of candles nearly everywhere which makes the atmosphere really romantic. The man leads us to a table in the corner of the room, where he stops and smiles at us.

"Table for two, is this okay?" His voice sounds nice as he looks at both of us.

"It's perfect" I answer and Harry nods.

The man smiles again before he turns around and leaves. Harry looks at me as he helps me out of my coat and gives it to another man to put it into the garderobe. His look seems a little concerned and he bites the inside of his cheek a normal thing whenever he is insecure or nervous. I look around in the room, it really is beautiful here and as the waitress comes and hands me the menu, I smile happily at Harry.

"Do you like it here?" Harry asks me and the thought of him being nervous gets confirmed as I hear his slightly shaking voice.

"It is amazing, I didn't even know a place like this existed" I giggle and he pulls one corner of his mouth up to grin at me with his boyish grin, that I love so much.

"What can I get you to drink?" the waitress asks us, as she comes towards our table again.

Harry looks at me, his eyebrows are raised and I shrug my shoulders.

"I'll get a bottle of wine" Harry says.

"Which one can I get you?" the lady asks.

"A bottle of Bordeaux" Harry answers before he looks at me "and a bottle of water please" he adds and the lady leaves to bring the wine.

"I can't drink wine, Harry" I tell him as soon as the lady left.

"Why?" he looks at me confused.

"I'll end up drunk again" I look down on the table as Harry reaches out for my hand over the table.

"It's a fancy restaurant and I thought we have something to celebrate" he whispers and I feel sorry for criticizing his actions.

I nod and he squeezes my hand before I focus on reading the menu again. There are so many good things so I can't decide what I want to eat. The look through the menu shows me that it is an italian restaurant and I wanna hug Harry for bringing me here, I'm a big fan of italian food.

"Do you want some mozzarella with tomatoes to start with?" Harry ask me.

I'm not used to have a different course menu but I nod at him and he smiles back.
As the waitress comes with the wine he orders the mozzarella and a antipasti. I look at him as he orders and I can't help myself than find him extremely attractive as he talks slowly but with his deep and raspy voice. His english accent is clearly hearable and I love how he pronounces and speaks the words so different.

"And I'll get a steak with potatoes, vegetables and a salad" he orders his main dish.

The waitress turns towards me and I slight panic as I look into the menu once again and I don't know what to eat.

"For me the spaghetti alla norma and a rocket and radicchio salad, please"

The waitress picks write down what we ordered before she smiled politely and leaves. Harry looks at me with big eyes and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You can speak italian?" He asks me and grabs my hand over the table again.

"Only a little..." I answer "my father is from italy" I say quietly and look down on the table.

Harry squeezes my hand and his thumb is running circles over my skin.

"What happened to you father?" he asks me with his raspy voice and I slowly look up at him.

"I don't really know, but can we talk about something different?" I beg him, feeling really uncomfortable talking about my father.

"Sure, I'm sorry" Harry says and I can tell he means what he says.

He pours wine into my glass and hands me my glass before he slowly raises his and wants to clink glasses with me.
I look him deep into the eyes as I raise my glass too and a beautiful shiver runs through my body as we both stare at each other for a moment before we nip on our wine.

The candle in the middle of the table makes his eyes sparkle and it seems like they're burning. He barely looks anywhere else, his eyes are always on me but I don't feel uncomfortable this time. Our food arrives and we both eat without talking much. I'm glad my mum was always very strict about eating manners so I don't have a problem with eating in fancy restaurants.
I wonder what my mum would say if she knew I was here with Harry in a restaurant like those she always wished we could go. I feel sorry for her, she always worked so hard to get me to the too but she never really asked me what I want. Her last words are still clearly hearable in my mind, she basically told me I'm not her daughter anymore. I do miss her, a little at least but I'm glad I'm busy almost all the time so I don't have time to think about it.

After we finish the main dish, Harry orders two rossinis and two raspberry frangipanis.

"Rossini?" I look at him questionably.

"It's a prosecco with red berry puree in it" he smiles "it's delicious I promise"

"Oh" I smile at him, I already feel the alcohol in my veins.

Wine was never a thing I could drink much of and now a prosecco, I don't know how that will end.


After we finish eating and I feel like I can't eat for the next few days. Harry orders another Prosecco and we clink glasses again. It is beautiful here and I always feel the butterflies in my stomach whenever Harry looks at me with his sparkling green eyes or when his hand carefully touches mine.

"Did you enjoy the food?" Harry asks me.

"I loved it, it was amazing" I answer honestly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he whispers and looks at our intertwined hands on the table. "It's one if my favourite restaurant whenever I'm here" he adds and I smile.

"It's really good and romantic" I say and I wonder who he took with him to eat here.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He changes the subject "there is a beautiful lake behind the restaurant and a path to walk"

"Yes" I nod and he sighs relieved.

I'm still not over the fact that he can be so nervous. I always thought he was that tough and strong person but when it comes to smaller things he isn't as self confident as people think. Harry orders the check and pays the whole bill, before he stands up and takes my coat from the man who brought it back. He helps me getting into it and turns me around afterwards. I still have to look up at him even though I'm wearing heels. His hands close around my face as he strokes my cheeks with his thumbs.

"You look beautiful tonight" he whispers and I shiver.

"You look really handsome yourself" I say and he smiles shyly before he kisses me softly on the mouth.

The kiss doesn't last long but it feels like so much more. Every time I kiss him it feels like my stomach is going crazy, my heart is beating faster and my whole body feels like it is on fire.

Harry grabs my hand before he leads me outside the hotel and starts to walk towards a bog gate. He opens the gate and walks through it always looking out for me.

I can't believe my eyes as I see the pretty lake in front of me. It is beautiful, there are candles everywhere even on the water and there is a path around the lake. With beautiful places to sit and lay. The sky is full with stars and the moon is shining bright.

"Oh my god" I breath and Harry stops walking and turns towards me.

He looks at me, a beautiful smile around his lips as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer.

"It's so beautiful" I gasp as I softly get out of Harrys grip and walk towards the water. There are flower on the water and a small waterfall which makes a beautiful sound.
I hear Harry walking behind me as I bed down to put my hand into the water. I live water and I love swimming and this is just beautiful. As I stand up again and look around me again and again, I feel Harrys hand around me. He grabs my waist from behind and pulls me against him as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"You like it here, don't you?" he whispers into my ear, his breath tickles me.

"I love it here, its so beautiful" I answer and lean against him.

He wraps his arms around me and I put my arms over his as we stand in front of the lake and listen to the different sound while holding each other.

"I love you Sam" Harry whispers into my ear without any warning and my stomach jumps and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I squeeze his hands before I turn around in his arms.

"I love you Harry" I whisper and look him deep into the eyes "thanks for today"

He smiles before he softly leans in and our lips touch. It's a harmless kiss which turn into a really passionate kiss as soon as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. I still have stand on my tiptoes to reach but he bends down to make it easier for me. Hid hands stroke up and down my back before he pulls me closer and holds me close to him. His lips move in perfect sync with mine and he opens my mouth softly and careful with his tongue. as our tongues meet I let out a deep sigh, its feel like I'm on fire I want more and more. His kisses are addictive and I try to hold him as close as possible. Harry moans as I let my fingers run through his hair and softly pushes his hips against mine. Our tongues fight with each other but in a very calm and loving way. We both enjoy the kiss and every time he tightens the grip around me waves of electricity run through my body. Even though we only kiss for a short time we are both put of breath as we pull away. Harry lets his hands run up my body and grabs my face softly with his hands. He places a soft kiss on my mouth before he hugs me tight and I nuzzle into his chest. I feel his heartbeat going faster at first but slowly relaxing and I enjoy the way his hands rubs circles on my back. Goosebumps appear on my back, even though I wear a coat.

"Do you want to walk around the lake?" Harry whispers into my ear and I nuzzle deeper into his chest as his breath tickles me.

I nod and he lays his arms around my shoulder as we start to walk. It really is the most beautiful place I've ever seen and being here with Harry makes me feel like I have no problems and my life is perfect. I lay my head on Harrys shoulder as I wrap my arms around his waist. We walk without talking around the lake and as we're back at the spot where we started I stop to look at this beautiful place once again.

"You look happy" Harry states as I turn towards him and smile.

"I am happy" I answer but can't do anything about the fact that I'm blushing.

"That's a good thing Sam" Harry whispers as he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. "Do you want to go home?"

I nod slightly, its getting late and I'm getting a bit cold.

"Yes, lets go home" I whisper and look over the whole place once again.

I take Harrys hand in mine as we walk beside each other and towards the car.

"I was hoping you'd say that" Harry smirks and looks down at me "I can't watch you any longer while you try to tease me with that beautiful body of yours" he cracks a smile and I pat his shoulder.

"Harry" I laugh and he squeezes my hand.

"I don't regret a word I just said" Harrys smiles playfully and I raise my eyebrows at him.

Harry laughs loud as we turn into the path were his car parks, he sounds so happy that I join him as I softly lean against his side while we walk. I hold onto his arm with my hand while my other hand in intertwined with his. I am happy, he makes me happy.

We walk across the corner as suddenly people starts to scream and flashes hurt my eyes.

"Shit" I hear Harry mumbling and he immediately lets go of my hand.

I walk past him, scares of the amount of people who run towards us and want to talk to Harry.
Harry walks in front of me, he seems like he doesn't care about me as I suddenly get pushed to the side and have trouble not to fall down.

Vote and comment ad make me happy. I feel whenever I don't end with a cliffhanger people don't vote so don't be surprised if there will be more cliffhangers soon;)

Follow me on twitter @MissSnoowflake and on Instagram miss_snoowflake ! I can answer your questions there, because there are quite a few on wattpad and its difficult to see everyone :)

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