Chapter 52

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Harry's POV:

She cuddles closer to me, her naked body presses against mine. Even though she assures me she's okay I know she isn't. I saw the blood on the bed and I know I hurt her. I feel bad for feeling so good after she surely didn't enjoy is as much as I did. I have to admit, I've never felt like that. She is so tight, so perfect and she made me feel so special. I'm so glad she let me be the one to take away her virginity and I know how scared she was about this and how scared she still is. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her closer, I can feel her holding her breath. I really hope it isn't because she feels sore. I want her to know how much I love her. I think my love for her just got so much stronger. I knew it would be special to fuck..sleep with her but I never imagined something like that. This is so much better than I expected and I just hope she can enjoy it soon. I know she will and when it wont hurt her any more she'll get the expression in her eyes. The expression she gets when I turn her on. That she wants to hide how much she actually enjoys it but I still can see how her eyes sparkle every time I rub over her.

“I love you, Sam, I love you so much,” I whisper into her ear.

I want her to believe me, I want to make sure that she knows that I mean those words. That I'm aware of how much she trusts me just to give in to such a thing. I know it was hard for her and I know we probably went to fast but I don't want her to regret a thing. I don't want her to be embarrassed about it.

“Did you hear me?” I ask as she doesn't answer.

“Yes, I did,” she mumbles against my neck, her warm breath tickles me.

She presses a soft kiss against my neck and takes a deep breath.

“You don't have to be worried about me, Harry!” she breaths.

I squeeze her softly, I know it will be hard not to worry about her. I feel so sorry, I wish it could be easier for girls. I actually never thought about this before and to be honest I never cared about the girls when I had sex with them. I wanted to feel good and I did, well most of the times, but this time it felt so real. This time it actually meant something to me, she means something to me..well something..she actually means everything to me. She is my everything. The only girl who understands me, who loves me because of the person I am. I owe her so much, she trusts me. Butterflies appear in my stomach as I think about her, this feeling I get when I think of her. I never wanna lose it, I'm already addicted to it.

“It will get better,” I whisper and she nods.

“I promise,” I tell her softly and she pulls back a bit.

“Its okay, don't worry,” she smiles slightly as she speaks.

“I love you,” I repeat.

“And I love you,” she smiles.

I shake my head in amazement, whenever she tells me these words, my stomach feels like its going to explode. I softly lean closer to her, watching her while she closes her eyes and waits for me to kiss her. As I softly bring my lips on hers,she sights slightly and I smile. I grab her hair and softly stroke over her hot skin, her skin is so soft and I love touching her. I peck her softly a few more times before I hug her really tight, this time she doesn't hold her breath and I take in her scent and I take a deep breath.

“I'm tired,” she chuckles.

“As always,” I mock her and she giggles more. “Lets take a nap before we go back down and finish our day at the pool, huh?” I suggest.

She nods and I know she blushes by the thought of what just happened. I don't want to leave her even though I want to make the room a little darker. She cuddles closer again and I put the blanket over her naked shoulder after I kiss her on her soft skin.

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