Chapter 44

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Samantha's POV:

I shriek as someone pushes me harder into the side and I stumble into the other direction, I continue to walk behind Harry. He has his head down and tries to walk faster. All I hear is girls screaming and man voices screaming stupid questions into Harrys direction. He walks faster and I can't follow him any more, tears appear in my eyes but I bite my lips and try to continue walking, I look down on the floor. Pulling my coat deep into my neck and lifting my shoulders up. The paparazzi starts to get interested in me as they film me, stick microphones into my face and shout questions at me.

“How was the date with Harry?”

“Are you officially dating?”

“What about your boyfriend Harry Styles”

I try to continue without giving them any attention but it is hard. The questions are followed by rude comments from the girls about the clothes I wear, about the way I look. A lump appears in my throat and all I wanna do is disappear and drive as far away as possible. Harry continues walking and the girls basically pull on his clothes and want him to stop. He just ignores them and continues walking, he ignores me as well, it hurts thinking about that and I regret bringing no body guard with us also I regret parking our car so far away.

Some girls come closer to me and the flashes make it hard to see the path where I have to go. The girls shout weird words at me, I'm glad I actually don't understand what they're talking about. I just continue walking, trying to ignore them, pretending to be strong.

“hey bitch, stop acting like you're famous” a girl screams at me and I look up.

I look directly into her eyes as she pushes me over and I fall on the ground. I shriek and the group around me walks over me and laugh. I can't hold the tears now as I slowly start to lift myself up. I look at the group of girls who try and follow Harry again.

“Seems like Harry doesn't care about you either” one of them says and its hurts.

She speaks the truth and it hurts me, its really hurts me. Tears run down my face, as I put my heels on my feet again and continue walking. I need to get to the car to tell Harry he should bring me somewhere close to Bailey. I'm actually done with all of this.

“Why are you walking so strange now?” Another girls asks.

My foot really hurts after I fell on the ground and the paparazzi laugh and probably got plenty of pictures of me laying on the street.

I don't answer, I try to overplay the actual hurt and continue walking.

“You're a bitch” someone screams really loud and I know they mean me even if I don't look up.

I look on the ground, tears running down my face as I hope all of this will be over soon.

I suddenly feel someone grabbing my hand and I react fast and try to pull my hand back.

“Shh its me” Harry raspy voice whispers into my ear as he pulls me closer and puts his arm around me.

I immediately relax a bit as I feel his strong arm around my body, trying to lead me through the screaming girls. The flashes go crazy and the girls scream and shout disgusting things. I'm too exhausted to escape Harrys grip and tell him to go away after he left me so alone. Instead of that I hide my face in his jacket and trust him. The girls try to pull Harry away from me, the pull on his jacket on his jeans and on me. I sob into Harrys shoulder as I try to stay as close as possible. As we reach the car a few minutes later, Harry opens the door for me and makes sure I'm safely in the car before he locks all the doors and tries to go around the car to his door. I slowly look up to find him in a crowd of flashing lights and girls who all want him to stop. He looks pissed but he still has his fake smile around his lips. He pushes himself through the crowd, girls still pull on his jacket and it seems like he can't move forwards or backwards. He suddenly makes a fast moves, pulls his jacket off and nearly jumps towards the care before he unlocks the doors jumps into the car and locks all the doors again.

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