Chapter 2

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Samantha's POV:

Mr. Brown leads me to a big door and I can hear music behind it. He opens it and I realize this isn't the kind of music I'm used to dance to.

I quickly glance through the arena and see some nervous girl running around as another man dressed in black comes towards us.

“Miss Davis?” he asks me and offers me his hand. I shake it and nod. “I'm Paul, nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too” I stutter.

“Follow me, the crew is already excited to see you.” I looked confided at Mr. Brown but he just winked at me and told me to follow Paul.

I had to run after him because he made so big steps and as I finally reached the area where everyone was waiting for me I was surprised that there weren't any judges.

“Guys this is Samantha Davis, she just dropped out of the ballet theatre and will be dancing for us in a few minutes.”

I nod and look around in the arena, there was a massive stage with microphone on it and there where massive screens and so many lights. I'm a bit embarrassed by the way Paul introduced me to the others but I decide to ignore it and move on.

A nice lady walks towards me and takes me behind the stage to show me my costume. Yeah costume they had everything prepared, it seemed like thy already knew that I was coming.

“I'm Bailey” she says with a big grin.

“Sam” I answer.

“You're a ballet dancer right?” she asks me.

“Yes, at least I was a ballet dancer until a few minutes ago” I try to fake a laugh.

“Ohhh” she says and laughs “be happy, now you can dance with us”

“Us?” I ask surprised.

“Yeah, me and four other girls” she says “We just fired one of the background dancers because she was always late and we needed another talented girl and Pete told me about you and I saw your video..” she stopped for a minute to take a deep breath “Short.. I think you're amazing and way to talented to waste your time with ballet”

I choke and try to sound as I had to cough. I wasn't expecting to hear anything like that and I never though I was wasting my time with ballet, I always enjoyed dancing ballet and I loved it.

“Why are you looking so confused” Bailey waved in front of my face as I came back to reality.

“Oh nothing” I mumble and she laughs again. She looks beautiful, with her blond hair braided to a pigtailwhich falls down her left shoulder and her perfect body.

“Anyway” Bailey continues “have you ever though about mixing ballet with some modern dancing like Hip-Hop, Break dance and thinks like that?” she looked at me with her big eyes.

“Erm I used to dance hip-hop but only secretly cause my mum doesn't support it” I confess quietly and Bailey claps her hands.

“Perfect” she says “I'll show you some moves and you'll dance them with us later so the crew sees if they want you on the team or not? Is that okay for you?”

I nod and want to answer as she puts on the music and jumps starts to dance.

I look at her with big eyes and amazed by the way she moves her body. The dance moves look simple but I figured that there will be more behind it than just dancing the normal routines.

As the song finishes Bailey turns around and faces me.

“Not too difficult, right?” she asks with a smile and I shake my head. “Okay repeat right after me” she tells me and I step behind her, taking one step after another.

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