Chapter 6

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Samantha's POV:

I walk straight into the Shower and as always the hot water clears my mind and helps me relaxing. I had no idea why Harry made me so angry but the fact that even Bailey thought that something was going on between us to even though I didn't really know him, makes me angry.

I can hear the others girls chatting in the big living room of our hotel room but I decide to lay down on my bed and read before I finally go to sleep. I'm not really interested in going out today, I want to be perfectly recovered for the Show tomorrow. Every time I think of the Show my stomach slowly turns around and I begin to feel nervous.

“Hey Samantha” I hear Danielles voice outside my room.

“Yes?” I answer quietly and hope that she wont come inside.

“We're leaving now, I guess you're not coming then?” Danielle asks carefully.

“No, I'm not coming, have fun” I grumble and she leaves without saying anything else.

I hear the door slamming and a sigh leaves my lips after a few moments of silence. I decide to call my mum and tell her anything so far, except the fact that I was touring with One Direction instead if touring with the ballet theatre of course.

I'm glad as I hear her voice on the other side of the line, even though it wasn't always easy with her I still missed her.

“Hey Mum”

“Darling, how are you doing? Everything okay? Why are you calling so late?” she asks and the sound of her worried voice almost makes me angry.

“Everything is perfect mum, just came back from the last training before the Show.” I answer and I have to be careful not to mention all the girls in front of the hotel. I really want to tell her but I decide against it, I don't think girls would scream in front of hotel where a ballet theatre would stay.

“How did it go? Have you learnt anything new?” my mother asks her voice seems curious.

“Yes mum I learnt so many new things, its amazing I really enjoy it” I tell her and need to calm myself down.

I actually learnt so many new things but completely different than the things my mum would expect me to learn.

“That sound amazing, I'm glad you enjoy it. Honey I need to go but call me tomorrow okay?”

“Yes mum” I answer and she hangs up.

I put the phone down on the desk, she was always just interested in my career. I seriously had no real friends because I was never allowed to anything else than training and studying for school.

I slowly stand up, grabbing my phone again and walk out of my room. I sit down at the big sofa in the middle of the big living room and decide to watch TV. I zap through the different channels not sure what to watch as my phone vibrates on the table in front of me.

I look at the screen and see a message from an unknown number. Out is curiosity I open it and my heart almost tops as I read through the text.

-Sammy you're missed here, I was hoping to see you in some sexy clothes other than those things you always wear. Should I pick you up? -

I read through the message again and again, there was only one possible person who would write that. Harry. My fingers shake as I decide if I should write him back or not. The moment I wanted to put my phone away, I receive another message.

-Don't ignore me Sammy, I know you read it. We're waiting for you-

My heart races and I close my eyes, trying to breath steady. I quickly locked my phone and put it away, as I switch off the TV and walk back into my bedroom. I lay my phone on the bed side table and turn it off. I wont respond to these messages, who does he think he is. I know many girls want him but I'm not like all those girls. I'm disgusted by the way he acts and I don't want to go out and party with them either.

I lay down on the bed, grabbing my book again and begin to read. “Dear John” my favourite books of all time. I'm reading it now for the third time and I'm still about to cry whenever it gets sad. This book just shows that true love can be so strong but all that doesn't help if the two people can't opened their mouth and talk to each other.

I'm caught by the book and as I drift off to sleep the book falls down on my chest.

I wake up in the middle of the night by loud noises from the hall outside my room.

“Oh shit Roxy, you stepped on my foot”

“Shhhh be quiet”

“Oh my God my head is spinning, I can't even walk straight”

I hear the girls talking and I try to focus on everything they say.

“Dani, you and Liam are soo cute” Linda coos and I smile. Yes she is right they are cute.

I hear their heavy steps walking towards my room and into the kitchen of our hotel room.

“Bailey?” Linda says “Did you see Harry tonight?”

“Yes” Bailey answers and my heart beats faster. I moves closer to the end of the bed, putting my book on the bed side table. I slightly laugh, I really fell asleep while reading.

“I think he was weird today” Linda says. “He never had so many girl with him.”

“I know” Bailey says and her voice sounds different “It seemed like something bothered him, he was constantly looking on his phone” she babbles.

“I think he was just a weirdo tonight” Linda while laughing in an extreme high tone.

“He always is a weirdo, Linda” Roxy answers, her voice sounds normal compared to the others.

“Yes but he should be my weirdo” Linda murmurs and I open my eyes in surprise.

“Lets go to bed, drunk ladies” Danielle mocks them and I hear their footsteps going down the hall. They slam the doors and disappear into their rooms.

I lay back down on the bed, starring up to the wall. The girls were drunk before our first Show and I just overheard a private conversation between them over Harry. He seems more of a lady man than I had expected.

I stand up and walk out on the kitchen to grab me some water as I see the light in the kitchen is still on. As I walk in I see Bailey standing at the fridge eating everything she could find.

“Hi Bailey” I say and see jumps at the sound of my voice, quickly turning around.

“Oh my God you scared me, you monster” she laughs.

You could see that she was incredible drunk, her eyes were read and her hair was messy, she actually looked like a mess.

“Had a good night out, huh?” I ask her as I grab my bottle of water and sit down on the table across from the fridge.

“Best night ever” she slurs. “There are so many good looking guys here, that is almost insane” She crams her mouth full with food and turns around to watch me again.

“You should have come with us, you really missed something” she speaks, her mouth is still full with food and the gestures she makes with her hands are hilarious.

“At least I'm recovered for the Show tomorrow” I say and stand up to go back to my room.

“Hey Sammy” Bailey laughs and I turn around again. “The boys really missed you tonight?”

I hold my breath and look at her in staggered. “I bet they did” I laugh quietly as I finally walk into my room.


Short chapter, I'm sorry. I already told you I wrote like 10 chapter before I began to publish them and I don't know why this is so short. haha anyways I updated my other fanfiction "Trust again" too, so check it out:) 


love you guys


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