Chapter 71

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Samantha's POV:

My head hurts as I finally manage to open my eyes, I quickly close them again the light in this room is too bright. I put my head under the blankets and take a few deep breaths. I don't know why my head is hurting so much, I can't remember anything about last night I only know we went to the movie premier and I had a fight with Harry again and I was on my own nearly the whole night.

I notice that my hair is pulled into a way too messy bun and that I'm wearing one of Harrys shirts. I jump up and turn around, regretting the quick movement as soon as I feel the pain getting worse in my head. I look at my left side and I see Harry starring right into my eyes.

“Are you feeling better?” he asks me, his eyes are full with concern and I don't get what happened.

“Why are you here?” I ask him not sure about what happened last night. “Why am I in your shirt? Harry what happened?” I ask him and he slowly sits up and grabs my arm to pull me closer to him.

I try to pull my arm away but the pain in my head makes it nearly impossible to move or even think about last night.

“Hey calm down,” his voice is so raspy as he scoops a little closer.

I missed waking up beside him only because I love his sleepy voice more than anything. I turn around to look him into the eyes and he smiles a weak smile before he puts both of his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug.

“What happened harry?” I ask again.

I know by the look into his eyes that something happened. Something that wasn't supposed to happen, something that wasn't planned and probably something really bad.

“I can't remember most of the things of last night,” I whine and he grabs my hand, softly squeezing it.

“Lay back down, Sam, I'll get you some painkillers and some water after that I'll try to explain everything okay?” He jumps out of the bed and disappears into the bathroom.

Harry comes back only a few seconds later, with a glass of water in his hands and hands me the pill. Its then when I realize he is only in his boxers and I stop for a moment to look at him. I missed him, I really missed him and through all the circumstances he still makes my heart race.

“Thank you,” I whisper as I manage force myself to look into his eyes.

“No Problem,” he grins slightly and I gulp down the pill with nearly all the water.

I know he looks at me as I slowly lay back down and hide my body with the blanket again. He steps into the bed and lays down beside me trying to cover up his body with the blanket but of course he loves being shirtless and of course he likes to show it whenever he can.

“Can you tell me what happened, last night?” I ask him again.

I'm too scared to look at him, too scared of the things I'm about to hear. I really don't know what happened, and I don't know what happened between me and Harry but he suddenly is nice again and he suddenly looks at me the exact same way he did before our fight. My heart starts to beat harder as Harry clears his throat and I sink a bit deeper into the bed, preparing myself for the worst.

“You're okay right?” Harry asks me and his voice gives me shivers.

I nod slowly but don't look at him.

“Okay, I hope so,” he adds. He clears his throat again as he finally starts explaining what happened.

I hold my breath as he tells me everything and actually turn around to face him after he mentioned John and the fact John tried to get other girls into bed with him by drugging them.

“But I was drinking your drink, right?” I remember Harry telling me how we switched glasses because he was already too drunk.

“Yes, Sam we did. And I'm sorry, I know this was supposed to happen to me and I'm so sorry, please don't be mad,” Harry is actually begging me not be mad at him and I shake my head in disbelief.

“Are you joking Harry?” I ask him scooping a bit closer to him, I look him straight into the eyes as I continue. “This wasn't your fault okay?”

“You were is so much pain last night,” Harry shakes his head, looking down on his hands in front of him.

“I can't remember anything, so it's okay,” I try to make him understand that everything is okay, well as okay as it could be after being drugged by some stranger.

“But Sam don't you get it?” Harry asks me and I shake my head, I don't know what he means. “He wanted to drug me, so he could force you to come home with him, he's always been like that, why did I have to be so drunk last night, I could have stopped everything...”

“Hey..,” I cut him off “Stop now Harry, you carried me home, you gave me the pill and I'm alive.. besides all that only my head is hurting, I'm okay, stop trying to make this all your fault, stop please..,” I grab his arm and he slowly looks into my eyes again.

“Are you sure you're okay?” he asks me after a moment his voice is nothing more than a whisper.

“I'm okay, better than okay actually,” I smile and I know I'm blushing right now, the fact that Harry and I are in the same bed again is just so overwhelming and I really, really missed it. “Are you okay?” I ask him back.

“I don't know,” he answers and I look at him questionably.

“What's wrong?” Again I scoop closer and I'm glad the pain in my head slowly starts to disappear.

“You don't remember that we talked last night, do you?” he asks me and I hold my breath.

“We talked about what?” I ask and he sighs because of my question.

“We talked about the fight, about us and everything,” he explains and I try to remember a thing but I can't.

“I'm sorry but its all dark in my head, its like I was dead last night, I can't remember our talk, I'm sorry,” I search for his eyes but he looks down on the white sheets.

“It's okay,” he answers after a while as he looks up again and forces himself to smile.

“What did you say?” I ask him and he laughs quietly, but I know its more because he's disappointed and not because he's amused.

“I said that I'm sorry about everything and that I never want to lose you and that I love you more than anything,” he answers completely honest and again I hold my breath.

The feeling which overcomes my body as he says those words makes my heart race and makes it even harder to breath. It takes me a while to look up at him again and as I meet Harry eyes I cant stop myself. I grab his neck with my hand and pull him down to kiss him. He looks me straight in the eyes before his lips meet mine and the sparkling shine they get makes my heart race even harder.

I can feel him smiling as he softly opens his lips and his tongue meets mine, the butterflies awake in my stomach again and it feels like my whole body is exploding. He softly grabs my face with one hand while his other hand moves down under the blanket and rests on my hips. His lips are forcing on mine but still so soft and I missed this feeling more than anything.

“I love you Harry,” I mumble under his lips and he smiles again.

“I love you more,” he answers back, before he crushes his lips on mine again.

I put both of my arms around his neck and pull him closer, slowly forcing him to lay down on me. Damn I really did miss that.

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