Chapter 16

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Samantha's POV:

We both don't talk much as we finally make our way home to the hotel. I'm still thinking about the way he said “friend” I know I should be happy that we're now friends. Or should I be happy about it? Something inside me is confused, do friends kiss? Or are those the friends Harry has? I still can't bury the feeling of being hurt by the way his words sounded. I can see Harry is looking at me but I ignore it. He is holding the bag with clothes he just bought for me in his hand and we walk down the street, trying to avoid as much people as possible.

“Do you want to go home?” Harrys raspy voice makes me flinch.

“Uhm I don't know” I manage to say “Do you want to go?” I still refuse to look at him only to avoid the feeling I get every time I look into his green eyes. I don't know why and when it started but I get this weird feeling whenever I look at him. I can't even describe it because I never felt like this before. 

“We could grab something to eat oooor..” he stops and looks around “we could start to hide cause there are fans”

I look up at him and he has his sunglasses on again. He looks down on the floor and suddenly starts walking faster. I gasp as I see the crows of girls running towards Harry as he finally stops and turns around to me.

“You can go and get back to the hotel, I'm going to take some pictures” he says, back to his fake smiling.

“I..I can wait.” I look down “If you want me too”

“Whatever you like Sammy” he mocks and walks towards the fans.

I want to punch  hin for callin me Sammy all the time. I hate this name so much but he obviously likes making me angry. I turn around to see him, talking to the fans, taking pictures, doing some small talk. They all ignore me as I stand there with the shopping bag Harry handed me before and my sunglasses over my eyes. I look down and pull my phone out to act like I'm busy while I watch Harry.

He looks not really happy about all the girls but he tries his best to please them all.

“I love you Harry” they all say after they got their pictures.

“I love you too” he answers every time.

They're all calm now and as Harry says he has to go now they all wave at him, some of them are crying and some of them are smiling all over their faces. They still haven't noticed me and I begin to think that they maybe think I'm a fan. I chuckle at the thought of this, to be honest before I went to the ballet audition, I never really heard of them. As soon as Harry walks towards me and I walk with him, the girls all start to yell.

“Who is she” “Harry who is she”

Harry grabs my arm and pulls me with him, forcing me to walk quicker. He really knows how to hide and escape and soon we left them behind us. I'm glad I work out sometimes but I'm still out of breath. I can't compete with Harrys long legs.

He stops soon and looks at me.

“Everything okay?” his look is concerned.

“Yeah sure” I smile at him and he grabs the bag again.

“I'm sorry, they always seem to find me” he mumbles as we continue to walk.

“Its okay” I laugh quietly.

“Sometimes its annoying” he looks down on the floor and I suddenly feel sorry for him. I don't know what it is like to be followed non stop and always from screaming girls who tell you they love you. I don't know anything about it but its his job, I guess.

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