Chapter 53

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Samantha's POV:

As we crawl into the bed this evening, I feel weird I don't feel tired but at the same time I do. Harry already changed the sheets and assured me a few more times that it wasn't my fault and that it is completely okay with him. He has been so sweet, I've never imagined that he can be like this but I like it, I actually like it a lot. We've watched TV the whole day, Harry ordered food and we ate at the sofa beside each other. It felt pretty normal and it showed me how normal he actually is.

“Are you okay?” Harrys voice interrupts my thoughts and I smile weakly at him.

“Yeah I was just thinking,” I mumble before I sit down on the bed.

“Thinking about what?”

“I don't know, about everything I guess,” I crawl under the blanket and Harry pulls his shirt over his head.

I stare at him as he pulls his joggers down, runs his hand through his hair and sits down on the other side of the bed. His eyes meet mine after a while and he smiles slightly.

“About us?” he asks softly.

“Yeah about us as well,” I smile.

Harrys eyes rank over my body once again, before he sighs slightly and crawls under the blankets. He turns of the big lights but leaves the small lamp on the bedside table turned on. I watch him as he lays beside me but doesn't say anything.

“Is everything okay?” I asks him carefully.

He looks different and his forehead has those crinkles, he gets whenever he is worried about something.

“Yeah, sure” he tells me and turns his face towards me.

By the look into his eyes I know he isn't okay, there is something bothering him and I want to know what it is.

“Tell me about it,” I whisper and touch his cheek softly with my fingers.

He closes his eyes as I touch his skin and I softly stroke over it. He doesn't answer but I decide to give him some time, he's probably just searching for the right words. He always takes quite a while to answer and whenever he speaks he speaks extremely slow and deep.

As he opens his eyes, I scoop a bit closer and he takes deep breath.

“Do you regret sleeping with me?” he asks and his voice sounds weak.

“What Harry? No, I don't regret it, why would you think that?” I'm a bit shocked about his words.

“I don't know, you were so quiet today and I hope it wasn't too early,” he whispers but doesn't look at me.

I get up on my elbows and lean over him, his eyes connect with mine as I lean down and softly press my lips against his. I smile as he wraps his strong arms around me and strokes every part of my small back.

“I don't regret one single thing, okay?” I whisper as I pull back.

“Are you sure? I don't want that it to change something between us,” he croaks.

“It already changed something between us, Harry” I answer and I try to let my features stay really serious as I look down at him.

I feel him holding his breath and his arms stop running over my body.

“What?” he breaths, clearly shocked and worried.

“Yes it already changed something between us,” I repeat and Harry closes his eyes.

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