Chapter 15

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Samantha's POV:

As I wake up the next morning my thoughts instantly go back to last night. I kissed Harry, we spend time together in my room. I glance at the watch tells me its already 8am and I quickly shove myself out of the bed. He said something like 9am is okay so at least I want to try and be ready whenever he comes. If he comes, well he spend the night with Linda and I really don't want to think about it but I can't help myself. I don't like the thought about him being with her. She isn't the girl I like to spend time with, she really like to sleep around with boys and I don't think she cares about who gives her a good time.

I step in the shower, letting the hot water run over me. As always it makes me feel relaxed and good. My hair is up in a messy bun and as I step out of the shower I dry myself with a towels before going to my cupboard to get something to dress. I decide to wear black denim shorts and a white top with a blue loose blouse over it. I put on a simple necklace and some simple and light make-up. My sunglasses and my purse are ready to get put into my handbag as I step out into the kitchen to see Danielle sleeping on the couch.

She doesn't wake up as I enter but she really looks exhausted, her mouth is slightly open and she snores. Oh dear, I thought she was a girl but that sounds worse. I quickly go back into the room and grab a blanket as I softly pull it around her. Poor Girl had too much to drink last night. She grumbles low as she turns around without waking up. I wish I could sleep like her, but I always wake up at the lightest things, well at least when I'm sober.

I don't know if I should eat something before I go out with Harry or if we grab something on our way to the stores but I quickly grab a glass of orange juice and sit down. Its 8:45am and I scroll through my phone while waiting for Harry. Twitter is dead as always, well I only have 105 followers and not really anybody who likes to interact with me. I log into facebook to see some notifications from my old schoolmates, but I don't feel like answering them. They only want contact now because I made it to the ballet theatre, well at least they think I made it. My mum comes to my mind, they way she pressures me about giving her the dates to the show. I think about buying her tickets to the official theatre show and telling her I got my ankle injured so I can't dance, but I'm afraid she'll see that I don't know anyone there and then she wants to hear the truth and probably wont let me back here. I really enjoy being on tour with the girls and I begin to like the boys too. They all seem pretty chilled and its just nice being on stage, dancing. Even if its different to what I did before.

9am and still no sign of Harry. I stand up and put my glass onto the counter, I don't feel like washing up and cleaning, I feel nervous. I never “went out” with a boy before and I never went out with a boy like Harry. My mother would kill me if she only knew what I do. He has tattoos, my mum always tells me guys with tattoos and messy hair are bad. Well maybe Harry is bad but there is something I like about him and there is for sure a really soft and nice side on him. All my mum would like about Harry are probably his nice legs, she always liked boys with nice long legs but only due to the fact that it was better for dancing ballet. I laugh at the thought of Harry dancing ballet, that would look hilarious I'm sure.

The doorbell rings and I quickly look at Danielle, she is still asleep and I tip toe to my room to get my handbag before I take another look at the clock. 9:15am well well, someone was busy. I put on a smile and grab my shoes before I open the door. I'm surprised as I see Harry standing there, with messy hair, a lacerated shirt and well of course his black jeans and white converse. He looks like he just woke up and his hand ruffles almost every second through his hair. His eyes are read and still thick of sleep.

“Hi” he mumbles with his raspy morning voice.

“Hi Harry” I answer, trying to hide the confused look.

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