Chapter 50

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Samantha's POV:

I want to stop Harry, I'm not ready for more besides its pretty early in the morning and all I want is a shower after hours of sitting and laying in this stupid plane. His lips don't allow me to pull away and his body is pressed against mine, while he teases me with his hands and I have to say it works. I stop trying to push him away and I feel him smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down so I can kiss him better. I still have to stand on my tip toes but he leans down and I softly bite his bottom lips, he groans and his grip tightens around my ass again. I hold my breath for a short moment and move on hand up to his hair, slowly grabbing some of his curls. He reacts and pushes his growing bulge against my intimate area and I press all the air I held out. He chuckles and moves his hips slowly over my area, I can exactly feel his bulge and the heat in my body is rising as his hands starts to trace over my body again. He pulls away from my lips and I open my eyes shortly after to look into his sparkling green eyes.

"Harry," I whine as his hands move up my stomach and stop under my breasts.

"Sam," he breaths and starts to kiss my neck.

I move my head to one side to give him better access to my burning skin. He places soft kisses on my neck before he softly sucks my skin. I feel something really weird, it hurts but at the same time it lets the heat in my stomach rise even more. My hands travel down his back and I grip the shirt as he sucks harder. His tongue twirls over my skin, leaving wet traces and I my breath only comes out in short halts. I can't think of anything else besides that I'm not ready for this to actually to happen.

After a moment Harry stops sucking on my skin and his eyes meet mine again.

"You like that don't you?" he whispers and the hot breath makes me shiver.

I don't answer I'm too embarrassed again.

"I should go and shower now, Harry!" I croak and my voice betrays me.

"Or we could just do something different," Harry says and tightens his grip around my hips.

I know that my head is probably red and my eyes have this weird expression, Harry likes about me. But this is too fast for me, or too unexpected. I can't give in now, that wouldn't be the moment I imagined with him.

"I should really go," I softly push him away.

My heart is beating so hard and my body feels weird as I walk the stairs up to his big bathroom. I thought about this a few times but I'm don't know if I'm ready to really give my self over to him. I trust him, I do but I'm still a bit worried about everything and I know I just hurt him but I hope he understands.

I walk into the bathroom and make sure I lock the door as I step into the bathtub and turn the water on. I realise to late that my suitcase is still downstairs. I wrap a towels around my now naked body and walk downstairs to grab my suitcase. Harry isn't around and I wonder where he is. I'm actually really sorry now.

As I reach the bathroom again the tub is almost full and I immediately lay into the bathtub. The warm water has his usual effect on my and calms me down. I could lay like this forever. I close my eyes as I hear soft music starting to play, its a nice melody and I'm not even surprised about Harrys special effects everywhere in his house. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Did you find everything you need?" Harry voice makes me scream and open my eyes instantly.

I try to hide my body with the bubbles and the foam in the bathtub as he walks closer.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, are you okay?" He stops beside the bathtub and sits down on it.

"I'm..I'm o-okay," I stutter completely surprised. "I thought I locked the door?" I ask him confused.

"I have special ways in my house," Harry smirks and I nod, of course he has.

Its then when I realise he only has a towel wrapped around his body and I hope he wears at least some swimming trunks.

"Are you finished soon?" Harry asks me his smile growing bigger.

"No, I'm not ready now," I answer honestly.

I haven't even shaved yet, I just wanted to relax a bit.

"Okay, well then I guess I have to come in here," Harry smirks and I hold my breath.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Harry!"

I don't want him to be naked in the same bath tub as me, not now, not after what just happened down there in the kitchen.

"Well then, when will you be finished?" Harry asks me, his face clearly showing how disappointed he is.

"10 minutes," I promise him and he stands up and walks behind a small wall.

I hear him turning on the water and I guess there is another shower behind the wall. Even though I'm quite uncomfortable with him around me, I start to shave and get ready for my bikini. I'm faster than I'm normal but I guess its only because I know Harry could come across this corner every second. I wash myself after I'm finished with shaving and wrap the towel around me again as I walk outside the bathroom towards my suitcase to grab my bikini. Maybe I'm weird but I feel nervous about the fact that Harry will see me in my bikini and I'm half naked around him. It just feels so unreal that he likes me and my figure, I bet he has seen so many prettier girls and I still have the thought that he wont like me as much as he does when he sees my body in the real light. I'm not the typical skinny girl, I have curves and I can workout as much as I want they don't disappear. I have a flat stomach but it could be thinner, I watch myself in the mirror as I slip my bikini on my body. I love my black and white striped bikini and I actually like my tanned skin, I wrap the towel around me again and want to go down to the pool. I turn around as I see Harry standing in the door frame, looking at me with a crooked smile.

He has a towel over his shoulders and wear white swimming trunk which fit him more than perfect. His nice tanned skin and his tattoos make my breath stutter and I clear my throat as he starts to laugh. He caught me staring again.

"Lets go," he chuckles and I nod.

We walk down through the kitchen and into the garden. It is colder than I thought but as soon as we reach the pool it feel so much hotter. I realise that even the floor has heating and that's why its suddenly so much warmer, I bet the water is warm too. Harry throws the towel on one of the sunbeds and jumps into the water with an elegant header. I laugh as he rises up from under the water and does a cute little hair flick before he pushes his hair out of his face.

"The water is warm," He assures me and once again I realise that he know me better than I sometimes think.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yes I'm sure," He laughs and ducks into the water again.

I watch him again as he throws his hair back and I have to admit I love his cute hair flicks so much. The expression of his face whenever he does them and how is hair is just exact in the same way it was before only a few seconds later. It really is amusing and I love watching him.

"Come in now, Sam," Harry yells and I take a deep breath.

I'm not the biggest fan of jumping into the water so I look out for a ladder to get into the water but there is none.

"You can get into the water on the other side, here is the deepest area," Harry explains and I nod.

I put my towel on the sunbed next to Harrys and start to walk around the pool. I know Harry is staring at me, the water suddenly stopped to make sounds, which means he probably stands there calmly and watches me. I step into the water and I'm surprised, it actually is really warm and nice. I look up to Harry to see him standing in the water watching me with his mouth slightly open. I blush as I see his reaction, he looks completely taken away.

He doesn't move as I slowly step further into the water, my eyes on him as he suddenly groans and looks away. I splash some water on him and he he ducks under the water again, slowly swimming away. I stop at watch him and he suddenly jumps out of the water and turns towards me. He smiles over his whole face as I start to walk again, the water didn't even reach my knees by now.

Harry's POV:

My whole body stops working as Samantha puts her towel besides mine and I finally see her whole body. She looks absolutely stunning and I have trouble breathing. She starts to walk around the pool and I can't help myself other than stare at her perfect ass. The way she moves her hips when she walks, fuck she is so amazing. I stop splashing the water around me, I'm to amazed by her appearance. She blushes slightly as her eyes meet mine and I love the shade her cheeks turn into. She is so insecure and that turns me on, I can't help it. She slowly walks into the water and I can tell that she is surprised that the water is actually really warm. She looks at me again, her hair is softly falling down her back and I feel my self getting hard as she slowly walks towards me, her hips moving in a perfect way. Her breasts look amazing, I mean they always fit her perfectly but that bikini puts them into a perfect position. I need to look away, I can't be like that when she'll be right next to me in a few seconds. I duck under the water trying to get my focus on something else. She smiles at me as I jump out of the water and I can't help myself and continue to stare at her again.

"Is something wrong?" She asks me in her really attractive and innocent way.

Sam, besides the fact that you turn me on and I want to fuck you right now, there is nothing wrong.

"No everything is fine," I smile at her and I can almost see how she slowly relaxes because of my words.

She starts walking again and I grab her hand as she finally reaches me.

"You look amazing, that bikini fits you perfectly, baby," I whisper as I pull her in a warm embrace.

"Thank you," She breaths and closes her legs around my hips.

Fuck, she really doesn't know what she is doing to me. She is so innocent.

"I like you swimming trunk too," she adds after a moment and looks into my eyes.

She feels so light in my arms as I smile up at her.

"Thank you Madame," I mock her and she giggles before she splashes water into my face.

"Ohh that was a mistake," I yell and I dunk under the water without letting her go.

She tries to get out of my grip but I don't let her, her eyes are wide open even under the water and I start to tickle her, she lets out a shriek but all I can see are bubbles under the water. I laugh letting more bubbles appear as I slowly let her out of my grip and she jumps out of the water and catches for air. As soon as she recovered she turns around and splashes a massive amount of water right into my face and my open eyes. I blink a few times and cough the water out of my lungs before I slowly swim to get her. She is a good swimmer I notice as I try to catch her but she is faster.

"Ohhh," she mocks me and I laugh.

She is just too cute, yes she is cute. I never had a thing for cute girls but she really is cute and I love her so much. I just hope she believes me, I really try to be different for her and I try to hold myself back but I know that I can't live much longer without sleeping with her. And to be honest her constantly teasing me isn#t really helping.

"Don't be too sure, I'll catch you faster than you realise," I yell at her and she laughs harder, throwing her head back and showing me an amazing and adorable smile.

"Bla bla bla," she mocks me more.

I prepare myself for a sprint to catch her as I count to three in my mind and start to swim the crawl to catch her. She shrieks as I grab her leg and pull her closer to me. She can't stand in that are of the pool any more, so that is a bonus for me.

"Who won now?" I ask her as I turn her around and grip her hips.

"It's still not over," she reminds me and wraps her legs around my hip again.

Her arms wrap around my neck and she looks down with a smile that is really, really teasingly.

"Oh yes it is over now," I whisper and push her against the pool wall.

"Nope," she giggles and leans far away from me as I try to kiss her.

I groan and shake my head. Those are the things which make me crazy about her, no other girl has ever tried to tease me. And she teases me all the time without even knowing. I look over her perfectly tanned skin and her flat stomach. I know she thinks her stomach isn't flat enough but I think it is perfectly flat and her whole body is perfect. She has curves I know but I actually like them a lot on her. Her breasts are in the area of my face as she straightens up and I don't know if she realises what she is doing but I feel myself getting hard for the third time today. Her hands move through my wet hair as she slowly leans down and I let her slide down on the pool wall. She stands tries to stand but can't reach the ground with her feet so she crosses her legs around my hips again and giggles amused.

"I guess you depend on me now, huh?" I laugh and she grins down at me.

"Noo, I don't think so," she says with her singing voice and I close my eyes.

I love it when she seems so happy and is laughing and joking around. Every time she laughs with her singing voice I feel butterflies in my stomach, it almost feels as strong as when she tells me she loves me. The feeling I get whenever she looks into my eyes and tells me she loves me is indescribable. I can't put in words how much I adore this girl in my arms. There are actually no words to describe this.

"Did I tell you, how beautiful you look today?" I ask, my voice is huskier than normal.

"No I don't think so," she laughs and throws her head back.

I wait before she calms down and as her eyes look right into mine, I smile at her.

"You look absolutely perfect today," I whisper and I feel her shivering as she presses harder against my chest.

The water makes it really easy that I can hold her and she leans closer and kisses me on the cheek. A gesture which drives me crazy because only one touch of her could make me want even more.

"I love you," she whispers and I can't hold myself, I nearly explode as I wrap my arms around her and press her hard against the wall behind her.

I bite my bottom lip as I look into her eyes, her pupils get smaller again as her eyes move between my eyes and my lips. I want to kiss her like there is no tomorrow and I know she wants it to, its just so hard if she always stops before it gets serious.

"I love you, baby!" I croak as I smash my lips on hers and she wraps her hands tighter around me.

I love calling her baby, her reaction is different every time but I love the rose colour her cheeks get every time I call her names. I want her, I want her so bad but at the same time I know that I'm not allowed to pressure her in any way. So I bite her lip softly before I pull back, I can't kiss her like that. Not right now. I can't get horny right now, I need to calm myself down, at least a little. She looks at me confused, her big brown eyes seem to loo through my soul. Her small hands touch my cheeks, I still hold her as she takes ma head into her hands and pulls me towards her lips. The gestures make me nearly explode her lips are so soft against mine and her small hand tighten her grip around my face, which makes me crazy. I kiss her back, hard I kiss her really hard and I know that she feels it, I know she feels that I want more.

"Sam," I whisper without leaving her lips.

She moves her hands from my face back to my neck, pulling me closer again before her fingers trace down over my shoulders and down my back. Her fingertips touch me in such an intense way that I slightly shiver. I feel her smiling against my lips as I open her mouth with my lips and explore her mouth. Our tongues fight with each other, slow but very intense and certain. She squeezes me tighter every few seconds and I press myself against her, I'm already hard, really hard. It nearly hurts so hard am I. I don't know if she recognizes but she slowly removes her legs from around my hips and starts to walk up where the water isn't as deep as here. She stops before she pulls me closer again, her lips finds mine immediately and her hands begin to move on my back. I hold my breath as she starts to trace up and down my stomach and my body is shaking whenever she traces the waistband of my swimming trunk. I know she notices how she makes me feel because her small hands suddenly stop at the waistband of my swimming trunks and she slowly pulls my trunks away from my body. She is still kissing me, yes she is kissing me. I only hold her, I hold her really tight and I wish she would just let me fuck her right now. I want her so bad, it hurts it really hurts. I think I've never been so hard in like forever.

She pulls away and her brown eyes are really dark as her eyes meet mine. She pulls a shy smile and I stroke over her cheek with one hand. She leans her face against my hand and I peck her lips softly, before she leans her forehead against mine and moves her small hand into my swimming trunks. I gasp and she chuckles. I can't help myself other than grip my finger hard into her skin, while throwing my head back and holding my breath. I feel her hand slightly shaking as she touches my length, I don't know what overcame her but I like it, I really like it. Her slightly shaking hand, makes it harder for me to stay calm. I'm so ready for her, I just want her. I don't need anyone else I only need her, I need her right now.

"Sam," I moan and I open my eyes again.

Her hand moves up and down in my trunks and I need to concentrate that I don't pull her clothes off her and fuck her right now. Her lips touch mine again right as I wanted to speak to her again, it seems like she wants me to shut up and just enjoy or maybe she wants me to touch her too. I kiss her back, our mouths move in sync. I squeeze her ass again before I move my hands towards her panties, I feel her tense as I trace the top of her pant with my thumb. She kisses me harder and I move my hand into her pants. She moans and her mouth leaves mine, I open my eyes and look at her. It turns me even more on as I see her standing in front of me with closed eyes, touching me while I touch her. Fuck she is so hot, I can't believe it.

She rests her head on my shoulder as I move my index finger over her sensitive area and start to rub over it. I know she is trying to calm down but I notice how she grabs my length harder, she is kinda' loosing her rhythm which shows me she is enjoy my actions.

As I enter her with my index finger she throws her had back, she bites her lips with her teeth as her eyes meet mine and with my other hands I pull her face up and smash my lips on hers. She pulls back only a few seconds later and starts to kiss my neck, I love it when she does it. It makes my stomach feel like there are fireworks exploding. She suddenly pulls her hand out of my swimming trunks and I pull my finger in and out of her. She is tight really tight, but I didn't expect anything else from a virgin.

"You're fucking tight," I croak and she bites my neck slightly. I groan.

"Stop," she moans as I push my fingers harder into her.

I push h two more times before I remove my finger and look at her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, moving my hips against hers.

My bulge is huge right now and I know it makes her feel good when I trace over her clit.

"Nothing," she breaths and her lips connect with mine again.

The kiss is hot and I don't stop moving my hips against her, I notice that she joins me and I press even harder against her.

"Sam," I groan heavily, her hands move to my hair and they run through it.

"Lets continue this in your bedroom, okay?" she says without looking into my eyes.

I see her face turning into a heavy shade of red and I can't believe what she just said. I'm getting harder, if that is even possible and I wrap my arms tighter around her.

"Are you sure?" I ask her huskily.

Her eyes meet mine, her pupils are so small and her eyes dark filled with..lust? She nods as she turns around, grabs my hand and starts to walk out of the water.

I watch her as she walks in front of me her ass looks perfectly in her wet bikini and I can't believe what's just happening. Is this real, did she really just...? Fuck she turns me on so bad, I can't even think about anything else than feeling her. She turns around, a shy smile playing around her lips and I pick her up from the ground, carrying her bridle style into the house. I can't help myself and kiss her as she looks up at me with her beautiful eyes, her breast is squeezed together ans she looks amazing in my arms. I hope this is not a mistake.

A/N: I'm sorry that I stop here but I just can't help it. What do you think about Samry? tell me what you think, I love you .xx

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