Chapter 54

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Samantha's POV:

Harry starts to walk over the big place, he has his sunglasses on again and his hoodie deep in his face. He walks with his face down and I do the same. We walk down a street, there are beautiful buildings and I can't help myself and take some pictures, Harry chuckles whenever I take my phone out of my pocket but I ignore him. He has his arm around my shoulder and makes sure I'm really close to him. Whenever I glance up at him he looks very satisfied and happy, it makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy when I see him like that. We stop at a red light and the cars drive past us, the light is still red as Harry starts to walk and I pull him back, looking at him with big eyes.

“Harry,” I squeak surprised.

He pulls me over the street behind me as his arms wraps around my waist and we continue walking.

“Welcome to London, baby,” he chuckles and I shake my head in disbelief.

We walk past Big Ben and over one of those many bridges and walk towards the London eye. I am amazed, I knew it was big but I never imagined it so massive. Boats drive over the river beside it and it looks beautiful.

“Do you want to go on it?” Harry asks me, he pulls me closer to him again.

“I don't know,” I whisper not stopping to look around me.

“I take it as a yes,” Harry chuckles and grabs my arm to pull me through the people and towards the entrance.

Again I know I shouldn't be surprised by the fact that he knows everyone but he manages to get us into the front row of the line, instead of the end of the line and so we get on the London eye only in a few minutes. There is only an old couple and a little child with us and Harry and I walk towards the corner. He grabs my waist and stands behind me as we wait for it to start. I lean back and Harry puts his chin on my shoulder. I could stay like this forever and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and realising how happy I am.

As it finally starts moving I open my eyes and Harry holds me tighter, I can see over the whole city and it looks so beautiful. I have never seen something like that and I'm so glad I cam with Harry.

“Look there, far far away is my house,” Harry chuckles and I put my hands over his crossed hands on my stomach.
I laugh as a response and Harry softly kisses my cheek. It makes the heat in my body return and I turn my head to look him into the eyes as he locks his eyes with mine.

“I love you,” I whisper and the smile I love so much appears on Harrys face.

“I love you baby,” he whispers and kisses me softly.

I softly squeeze his hand which are now tighter around my body and I feel him smiling. He looks so happy as he pulls back and I focus on the beautiful landscape again as we both stand there without saying anything. I am so focused on seeing everything and trying not to miss a thing that I don't realise that the girls starts to speak with the older couple, probably her grandparents. Only as Harry starts to move nervous I pay more attention and I notice that the voice of the girl changes and it sounds more excited. Did she notice Harry? I look back to him, he stares out of the glass, his lips are pressed into one small line and his eyes aren't sparkling any more. He pulls me closer and puts his chin back on my shoulder. I manage to kiss his cheek and he pulls the corner of his mouth up to a smile. It isn't a smile which reaches his eyes put he takes a deep breath and softly pulls away from me.

He turns around and the girl squeaks as he bends down to his knees and pulls his fake smile.

“Hi you,” he says softly and I watch him as the girls head turns to a bright red.

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