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Three weeks... it has been three weeks since the horrible encounter in the restaurant with Imshad and Anisa. Since then, we haven't meet either of them. If a guy was about to slap you in the middle of restaurant would you ever want to meet him after that? I bet you wouldn't. But not a single day of our life passed without thinking about Anisa. No matter what, she is our best friend. She has caused an empty space among us which was felt every time whenever me and Rahma met.

But we kept our distance because we didn't want her to do anything stupid because of the anger she had on us . I found it really hard to believe how quickly a person can change because of love. She abandoned everything she held tightly to her. example ; us. Love is like a burning flam while humans were like moths. The moth don't care when it sees the flame. Knowing it'll get burned, it'll keep going to the flame and once it's in, it can never go back . I felt Anisa's love was like this as it changed her to the worse, not just bad. Love is supposed to be beautiful, gentle and out of all, Islam explains about the beauty of halal love. I hope she realize this before its too late.

My mom's voice rang through the house startling me .
" Ilma dear, we leaving now, you better hurry".

I dragged my self out of the bed with a loud sign and ran downstairs to join my family to a visit for one of my dad's friend. I was not interested, but my parents and my sister made me to come because according to them, I've gone pale due to staying in my room the whole time. This was the exact situation with Rahma too.But her parents went too far by taking her to a doctor and she had to drink some terrible taste medicine for few days though she was fine. My parents thought some fresh air would do good, but I know it's useless. But I'm glad they didn't take me to a doctor. Because it wasn't my body that needed to be cured , it was my mind... ************** A N I S A

I couldn't remember how I got out of the resort. My surrounding was blurred. I blinked hard to get rid out the tears but with no succsess. I had to bit my clenched hands to stop the sobbing that's about to burst out. I must've looked like a maniac, running along the pathway. No more I found it beautiful,rather I found it as a pathway leading me to the prison . I felt even the birds were mocking me. The breeze was quite chilling, and that didn't help me at all.

Some how I managed to get in to a taxi. The driver was completely at ease, while some kind of a rock song kept blaring through the radio. He looked at me once and turned back, almost bored. maybe I'm not the first zombie looking girl he had to transport. Maybe a guy like Imshad was the reason for it. I know it sound crazy, but I was zoned out of my mind, literary . Imshad..Thinking about him, the way he was laughing with this Jasmine girl...I began to sob quietly. The driver might have heard it, but he didn't comment instead he raised the volume high. I was glad. The last thing I need was sympathy from a stranger.

Why? Why didn't I call him? Why didn't he mention about Jasmin to me? Why did his mother act so kindly later to let me down , brutally . What have I done to deserve this? To deserve this much pain? Why did I have to witness my boy having fun with some random girl? why this had to happen to me ? Why?
Why ?

I let out a small crazy chuckle. Who would have ever thought Jasmine's arrival would be the end of my first love? we never would notice about smaller things that happens in the world unless they are the cause to something bigger, a major thing to happen .Jasmines visit was not a big deal to the world, BUT her arrival made a huge impact on my life and and his and at that moment, I didn't know the price I'll have to pay because of them in future . Suddenly, I rememberd the first day we met. Oh the unexplainable feeling I felt when I saw him first time offering me his umbrella , the way his eyes crinkled in the corners when ever he smiles at me, the way he use to tease me, the fun we had by going out for dates, dreaming a future about us, that one day he will be the guy who will stay by my side, the late night phone calls, the sweet things he said to me , the way he look into my eyes, promising me that he will never leave me no matter what happen, all these memories came crashing like a wave until I couldn't bear it any more. I left everything, even my friends for him. How stupid I am? I deserved this punishment...

The taxi came to a halt on the other side of the road. The taxi could have stopped in front of my house, but for some unknown reason it didn't. Maybe he was too lazy to turn back. It was dark but I remembered to switch on the front light of my house before I left.

But at that moment I didn't care about it. Nothing mattered. All I wanted was to get inside my room, crawl under my sheet and never get out. quickly I paid him and rushed to cross the street to my house. It was a small road, so I never had to fear of any troubles. I heard the taxi driver calling me, screaming about something when suddenly the world around me turned black .


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