Chapter 14

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"Good now that we know our roles how's about you call him".

I let out a deep breath, he's gonna kill me as soon as he figures this out.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up, a heavy feeling coursing through my chest making it harder for me to concentrate as i waited patiently to hear his voice and when i did it made my heart squeeze, god it's been too long.



Hi?, gosh i sound like a teenager.

"You okay?". His voice was just an outlet for pure lust, i could just listen to him and have an orgasm even though his tone right now didn't have an inch of flirting in was just... Plain.

"I'm fine, so... How have you been".

I heard some shuffling in the background and the voice of a woman, shit, this is so uncomfortable and extremely awkward and not to mention the fact that he was obviously having sex or just finished either way the thought sure leaves a deep feeling in my chest.... Suck it up you had your chance...

"Did you want something?".

"Uh.. Sorry if i interrupted you -". Just freaking say it. " -I just wanted to hear your voice".

"Have you been drinking?".

" No.. I know it's an out of the blue call but i was just thinking about you and i was hoping i could see you tonight but it sounds like you're busy".

"Actually i was". Damn it his tone was just so freaking cold, it was almost like he was doing it on purpose.

I need to pull out the big guns..

"I really need to see you tonight, I'm sorry Alex but i think i made a mistake with us...". And cue the tears which for some strange reason felt way too real, even the words felt like they were emerging from some deep dark hole that were stored in the depths of my heart.

"Fuck". I heard him sigh. " Where are you?".


"Don't move I'll be there in twenty minutes".

After he hung up i had to find some hidden strength to will myself from crying even more. I heard clapping behind me and i turned to see the stupid bitch giving me thumbs up.

"That was good, you almost made me cry, are you sure you've never did this before?".

" You know when Alex gets a hold of you i hope he rips your cold dark empty heart out -

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you're the one who's seducing him out of his money this time I'm just the bank in this situation".

Well fuck if that just made me feel even worse.

"Well there's no need for us not to enjoy the rest of this wine right?". I hate her perky voice, what the hell was Alex high on when he nabbed this one.


I heard her talking on her phone quickly before she stood. "Showtime, and let me warn you now if you even give him the slightest hint say goodbye to your parents so you think about that while you're seducing the hell out of him".

"You are one cold bitch"

"That's like the nicest thing you've ever said to me, we should totally do this again".

There was a knock on the door and i went over to answer it looking over my shoulder to see the psychopath disappeared.

I opened the door to see a very stunning brute with a light stubble and messy hair his hands shoved into his black suit pants....dear god..

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