Chapter 10

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"You are not coming with me tomorrow. I've done this on my own five different times, I think I can manage a sixth."

Sirius leveled her with a flat look, "I am. Pettigrew is still out there doing the devil knows what. You're a young witch, you should be accompanied to Diagon Alley. What if there's an attack?"

Lupin cleared his throat, "there hasn't been an attack since we were young, Sirius. I believe she will be quite safe amongst her friends. If Pettigrew stayed in Europe he's more of a fool than I could have ever imagined. He has no motive to go after Siera."

Sirius collapsed against the couch, crossing his arms in front of himself. "It doesn't sit well with me." He sighed deeply, looking at Siera sadly. "It's not just that. I remember the beginning of term fever. All the parents bustling about with their charges, a frantic look in their eye. Their kids begging for sweets and new brooms. I want to experience that. Now that I'm father. You said it yourself, I've already missed five years."

"It's too dangerous." Siera whispered, reaching out to lay a hand on his shoulder. "What if you get caught?"

"I'd go in Animagus form, of course. No one would suspect a thing."

"We would draw attention, that's exactly the kind of thing you should avoid."

"She's right, Sirius. I know you've gone a bit stir-crazy-"

"That's not what this is about!" Sirius insisted, "I just don't think you should be unchaperoned." 

"Fine, then. Professor Lupin," Siera turned toward him, taking him by surprise. "Can you accompany me to Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy school supplies?"

Lupin glanced furtively between the Sirius and his daughter. Sirius looked as if he'd taken a bite of something sour. 

"Er, remember Siera there's no need to address me as your Professor. Just Lupin, or even Remus would be fine."

"Yes, yes I'll try to remember. What do you say? I promise I won't drag you around too long."

"I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to be around so many people."

"Oh, that's not true Professor, I mean, Lupin." It felt weird leaving off the honorific. As if she was disrespecting him. "The full moon was a week and a half ago. You're perfectly safe."

Lupin had practically moved into Grimmauld Place over the summer. He insisted it was temporary, but they all knew he had little money and even littler career prospects. No one would hire him after the incident at Hogwarts. He always left when the full moon neared, and he refused to tell either of them where it was he holed up when he did.

The man in question sighed, rubbing a hand over tired eyes. "I suppose."

"Thank you," She turned towards Sirius and grinned. He looked resigned, and she knew by dinner he would come to terms with the new arrangement. She wouldn't allow him to risk his own safety to walk her through Diagon Alley.

She knew he trusted Lupin to watch after her. It felt surreal to have a father worried about her wandering the streets alone. He was surprisingly over protective. He'd seemed like the care-free, ''I'm your friend" sort of parent at first. But it'd become apparent that he was quite terrified of anything happening to her.

She didn't ask, but she wondered if it was because he'd lost his own family when he was around her age. Disowned and thrown out while he was still in school. It must have been hard. He was lucky enough to have good friends, people who were willing to step up and be his family.

Siera excused herself to her room, satisfied with the outcome of her talk with Sirius. 

She passed Kreacher in the hallway. He bowed deeply, his eyes downcast. Siera sighed, "Kreacher, please, you don't have to do that every time you see me. You're allowed to look at me."

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