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I stood there not willing to move. I was in awe. There was a boy standing in front of me. There must've been a mistake on the distribution of dorms.

"This is Room 217 right?" he asks.

I nod, "Yes."

The boy enters the room calmly and casually. This boy named Jeon Jungkook is in the same dorm as me. With my mind still confused, I continue to stare at him. He was wearing mostly black from top to bottom. His hair was a light burgundy. There was also a black and red suitcase behind him.

"Will you tell me your name?"

Jungkook took a step into the dorm and stared at me. I gulped out of anxiety.

"My name is Seo Yoonbyul."

"Nice to meet you Yoonbyul. It looks like we'll be roommates starting today," he smiled.

Does he not mind that his roommate is a girl? It's not a big deal about us sharing a dorm, but I have the gut feeling it's a mistake. There's so many students at this school and we're the odd ones out. Everyone has a roommate who's the same gender as them, while I get one that's the opposite gender. I'm going to go talk to the principal later about this.


I arrive at school and receive my key card. 'Room 217' is engraved on it. I drag my suitcase pass the office and went up the stairs to the second floor. There's a very long hallway that had blue details on the walls. The school was built very well. Statues and other important structures were placed around every corner of the school. Paintings were also placed on the walls, each with a golden frame. Somehow it didn't seem like a school, it was more like a large museum.

After a few minutes of walking around I found my dorm. I take out my key card and unlock the door. As I open the door, there was a girl standing in front of me. She looked very quiet and demure. Her hair was tied up with a red hair tie. She had black glasses with lenses that tinted grey. I notice her shocked expression. 

The girl tells me her name in a very polite and quiet tone. Good thing she's a quiet roommate. I would've died if I had an annoying one. But something was off, why am I sharing a dorm with a girl? I forget that thought and start exploring the dorm.

The dorm has so much space that it could be a house! There was even a bathroom in the dorm too, how convenient. There's two beds in this dorm, one on the top and one on the bottom. I walk towards the one on the bottom.

"I'm going to take the bed on the bottom floor."

Yoonbyul nods, "I'll take the second one then."

She carries her suitcase up to the second floor while I laid on my bed.


I lay on my bed and stare out the window. I'll be able to see the stars at night. I smile and look outside. Maybe my first day won't be so bad. I take out my cellphone and my headphones. I scroll through my music and put on a calming playlist. 


I go to the office to look for the principal. Within the office were a lot of people. There were three secretaries who were receiving calls, six teachers grabbing files that tell them who their students are, and one office assistant. The principal's office was in the corner of the room. The office had booths for all the staff that worked in there. The floor was made out of a thin beige carpet and the walls were all painted white.

I knock on the principal's door to see if he's there. The door opens.

"Yes student? Is there a problem?"

"Sort of. I was wondering why my roommate is a boy. Was there something wrong with the distribution of dorms?"

The principal laughs, "You see student. The amount of boys and girls in this school ended up being uneven. In the end, the staff put together students as roommates from who enrolled first. Since you and the young man that you are roommates with enrolled near the end, you both ended up being roommates. Did I make my statement clear?"

I nod, "Yes sir."

"Now go tell your roommate about this situation so that they know the reason why as well." 

I nod again as I bow. The principal closes his door. After he closed the door, I finally noticed his name engraved on a golden plate. I had forgotten his name. Thanks for the explanation Mr. Baek.

I return back to my dorm to see a bunch of students with their eyes glued to their phones. Even I don't do that. I only use my phone to listen to music. Every time I look at them, they seem so shut off from the world. It's the information age, as you probably know, over half of the people of Korea are the 'smart' 21st century. Just because you have a phone, why are you suddenly acting popular? My thoughts about other people are the same. People are no different than what society shapes them to be.

I take out my key card and unlock the door. I check the time, it's already two. There's no classes today since it's the day students settle into their dorms. I enter the dorm to see Jungkook sleeping. He sleeps very quietly. That's a relief.

I head upstairs to my bed area and start unpacking some things. I take out my folded clothes and hang them in the available closet. I start placing my daily essentials on the shelves that were right next to the closet. The last thing that I took out was the 'bucket list' book. I tuck the book between my arms and brought it downstairs. I chose a desk, but I don't know which one Jungkook wants. I hope he doesn't mind that I chose a desk without asking him which one he wanted first. I place the book on the desk and let a sigh. I guess I'll have to fulfill somethings while I'm in school.

I take a seat in the chair in front of the desk. It was a comfortable spinning chair that helped with posture. I explore the desk area to see a lot of supplies already placed out. This school even supplies students with school supplies. *sigh* Rich people...

A thought suddenly hit me. I have to tell Jungkook why we're sharing a dorm. He must be curious about why his roommate is a girl. I peel off a sticky note from it's packaging and wrote a note. I write down exactly what the principal had explained to me. I take the sticky note and stick it right next to his phone. He should be able to notice it right? Besides, most people our age these days use phones for messages and selcas. Although everyone's 'smart', we're gradually becoming dumber. Just using a smartphone doesn't make you smart, it just makes you the same as everyone else who has a phone.

My phone suddenly starts ringing. Shit. I'm going to wake Jungkook up! I take out my phone to quickly turn it off. It's an accidental alarm. As I was turning it off, Jungkook muttered something.

"Can you turn off your phone?"

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