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I walk towards the line where we're suppose to stand to shoot our arrows. I position my feet the correct way before placing my arrow on the arrow rest. I place my fingers on the string and prepare to shoot. Alright, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, that's what the colours look like on the target. In reality it only has the colours, yellow, red, blue and black, but I always think of it as a rainbow.

Jungkook looks at me with a supportive look. He nods, assuring me that I will do fine. I manage to read his lips, he's saying fighting. I nod back. Here goes nothing. Hopefully my archery skills are still within me.

I draw the string back and let go, letting the arrow glide through the air at a quick speed. I hear a slight thud, the sound an arrow makes when it hits the target. I take a closer look to see what I had hit.

"Yoonbyul! You hit a bullseye!" cheered Jungkook. He sticks out his hand for a high-five. I high-five him back. "You got a definite ten points!"

A smile grew on my face. I take a glance at Haneul's reaction. His mouth is open with a gasp. He looks as if he's ready to pout. Just before it was Jungkook's turn again, Mr. Song suddenly stopped the whole class from shooting. It must be time to go retrieve the arrows from the targets. I start walking towards the target until Mr. Song stops me.

"Who's the one in this group who got the bullseye?" questioned Mr. Song.

I dodge Mr. Song's question, I don't want him to make it a big deal, but honestly, I do. I want all of these students to know that I'm some common person with no skills.

"Was it you Jungkook?" asked Mr. Song while Jungkook shook his head and pointed at me, "Yoonbyul! You got the bullseye?"

I nod, giving a faint smile, "Ne."

"That's amazing!" praised Mr. Song. He calls the class over to my group's target, "Class! This is an example of a perfect shot. I would like to see someone else also get bullseye, or at least a ten. From what I'm seeing so far, the rest of you need to practice a bit more. I don't even see any arrows on your targets."

Mr. Song walks away to continue the class. I steal a quick glance at the rest of the students. They're showing a bit of disgust and jealousy on their faces. Because of that, I feel much more confident in archery.

Jungkook pats me on the back, "I told you that you're going to ace it." He then leans in closer and whispers, "Thanks for beating Haneul." I gesture him a 'no problem'.


The class draws to a close for the day. Mr. Song had calculated each group's accumulated points. Our group had the most out of the rest of the groups. Jungkook managed to get many eights and nines and even a ten. Surprisingly Haneul got mostly nines and a few tens. He's actually good at something else than teasing others.

I go change and meet Jungkook outside the gym. I feel something weird on my shoes. My shoes probably gave out, it's at its breaking point already. I take a look, there's a hole on one foot while the other had something stuck to it. The shoe's glue that was keeping it together had melted. I guess converse aren't meant for physical education. They wear out so quick, but they're the only nice shoes I had that allowed me to somehow fit in with the crowd. I start walking away from the gym with Jungkook.

"Yoonbyul! Jungkook!" shouted Mr. Song down the hall. Jungkook and I stop in our tracks and wondered what Mr. Song wanted. "I have something to tell you. I was wondering if you two would like to join the archery club?"

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