Chapter 2

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Sarah smiled as she glanced down at her two friends who were waiting at the bottom of the balcony. Her first friend, Lottie, gave her a small wave with one hand while her other was wrapped around her denim jacket. Lottie is a small girl with the most platinum blonde hair you could ever find. But it means that her eyes are almost highlighted due to their weird colour of almost a lime green. Next to her, shaking like a leaf, was Gloria. Gloria is considerably taller than both Sarah and Lottie, with dark skin and jet black hair that flows down to her waist. They were all the misfits of the school. Sarah, due to her constant daydreaming that often got her into trouble, Lottie for her obsessive love of sport and Gloria for her slightly 'arrogant' nature. But they all loved each other for who they were.

"Hurry up, I'm freezing my ass off over here!" Gloria yelled up at the window. Sarah stuck her tongue out at them both and ran down the stairs, her feet practically not touching the ground. She unlocked the door and her friends came running in, escaping from the cold.

"Thanks for coming over guys, I cleared it with my dad as they're not going to be back for ages now." Sarah said smiling. She took their coats but couldn't help but laugh when Gloria said,

"Well it's not like we had anything better to do at half 11 at night!" And with that, Gloria flounced upstairs with Lottie trailing behind her, looking very appologetic. Sarah just smiled as she walked towards the coat stand. As she hung the coats up, Sarah glanced up at the clock.

'Hmmm... Gloria was right.' Sarah thought. The clock reminded her of the clock that Jareth used to give her 13 hours. Only Jareth's was more grander. With the thought if Jareth, Sarah had a sudden pang of sadness. The Goblin King, who did anything to get her affection, was still in the Labyrinth. He was unlike any man she had ever met, and with him being a fae, he was immortal. The fact that he had once fallen for her was almost unbelievable. Sarah couldnt find anything interesting about herself which would make anyone (let alone the king of the goblins) be attracted to her.

"Aww your brother is soo Cute!" Lottie squealed from upstairs. This snapped Sarah out of her trance as her friends squeals continued.

"If you wake him up I swear to God I will murder BOTH of you!"

"What have I done?!" Gloria's voice screeched! Sarah just giggled and ran upstairs to her friends hoping to leave her thoughts of the Labyrinth behind her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Some time later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So what should we do?" Lottie asked. The girls had finished doting over Toby and gotten some snacks from the kitchen and piled themselves into Sarah's room.

"We could play dares?" Gloria suggested, her eyes twinkling. Sarah squirmed a little in her chair, last time she played dares with Gloria, she ended up wearing a packet of flour as a hat and having her legs painted orange.

"Okay... But no orange legs!!" Sarah announced. Gloria sighed, disapointment written across her face.

"Well, I'm going first, Gloria truth or dare?" Lottie asked, sitting next to Gloria to create a circle.


"Oh and that was a real shocker!" Sarah said sarcasticaly. This carried on for another 20 minutes, with a mixture of dares and truths, some being shocking while others being incrediby tame. Sarah glanced at the clock again, 10 to 12. Small butterfly's fluttered around in her stomach.

"Sarah?" Lottie asked her.

"Ummm... Truth!" Sarah pronounced, since her last dare had been to make out with one of her remaining soft animals.

"Why dont you ever wish for something out loud? Even if it is a joke?" Gloria asked, her curiosity piqued. Sarah started to fluch, her heart hammering against her chest. Conflicting thoughts battled inside her brain. The risk of her losing her only friends seemed so possible... But they were her friends. If the worse came to the worse she could laugh it off as a joke and hope they would soon forget about it. She was going to do it, she was going to be brave.

"Well, something happened a while ago...."

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