Chapter 13

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"I know," Jareth replied turning back to face Sarah. "But I can try and protect her from Dursharc. Even if that means she learns combat."

Drake nodded and sauntered over to Gloria who was attacking a training dummy. Jareth chuckled at how Drake studied Gloria with an affection that even Drake himself did not realise he had. In Jareth's 170 years of living, not once had he seen Drake be as interested in anyone as he was with Gloria. Jareth pulled his gaze away from the now arguing pair and walked over towards Sarah.

Gloria looked up to see their teacher walking towards them.

'What the hell does he want now?!' Gloria thought as he continued to attack the dummy with as much force as she could. She didn't mind the reasons why Jareth wanted them to train but why he had to pick the most arrogant ass-hole in the whole Labyrinth she would never know!

"What?" Gloria asked, stopping for a moment to look at Drake. He was leaning against the weapon rack with a small smirk on his face whilst the east wing of the castle towered behind him in the distance. If he wasn't so stuck up, Gloria might've gone so far as to say he was attractive! His muscular build and bronze skin was a stark contrast the the Goblin Kings pale complexion. His dark hair fell over his chocolate eyes that seemed to hold so much arrogance it was practically dripping off him.

"Your doing it wrong." He said simply. Gloria looked at him in amazement.

'How dare he come over here and tell me that I'm doing it wrong!!'

"How the hell am I doing it wrong when I'm doing what you told me to do?!" Gloria yelled at him in frustration.

"You need to spread your legs more equally apart and bend your knees. It will be easier to move than your rigid posture now."

"Why don't you go stick that sword up your ass, no wait there is already one in there!" Gloria mumbled as she bent her legs and started to swing her sword at the dummy.

"If your fighting was as good as your sarcasm no one would dare come near you." Drake mumbled, just loud enough for Gloria to hear.

"I swear to God if you have some sort of problem with me go ahead and say it!!"

Sarah stopped suddenly as the sound of Gloria filled the field. Lottie motioned over to where Gloria and Drake were standing with an amused look on her face.

"I would ask what they are arguing over but I think I can hear them." Lottie laughed as Drake's face became redder and redder. Sarah joined in as the scene became funnier as Gloria started to scream in Drakes face.

"I'm going to go over and check on Hoggle and Sir Dydimus." Lottie announced suddenly.

"Okay...?" Sarah replied, as she watched Lottie walk over to them.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered her eyes and something, which felt suspiciously like another body, pressed against her back.

"What do you do if an enemy has you from behind?" Jareths voice filled Sarah's ears. She smiled and answered,"Well, you do this." And she kicked his shins then elbowed his stomach. Jareth doubled over and Sarah slipped out into sight. She grabbed her sword and pointed its tip towards his throat as Jareth got up slowly, a small smile lit on his face.

"And where did you learn that?"

She smiled again, "Don't you trust me to keep myself safe?" He raised an eyebrow as he lowered the tip of the sword. Jareth grabbed her free hand and pulled her towards him enough so he could wrap one arm around her waist. She blushed slightly as he lowered his head towards hers.

"Not enough." He whispered in her ear and quickly spun her around so her back was pressed against his chest, whilst his hands were around her wrists. Sarah couldn't help but notice that his chest was rock hard despite his thick clothing.

"Make sure your hand moves fluidly." Jareth moved his hand which caused Sarah's to move with his, the sword cleanly slicing the air in front of them.

"Bring it across like your painting a picture." Sarah thought this was an odd description but as he moved her hands she saw the odd gracefulness in the movements.

"Be strong in every movement."

They continued this, every time Jareth loosening his grip so Sarah was doing it on her own. He finally let go and Sarah completed the moves fluidly and correctly, so much so that she had moved forward about 6 paces without realising. She stopped and turned around to look at Jareth. She put down the sword and walked over to the smiling Goblin King.

"Thank you." He brushed his hand across her cheek. He smiled down at her and rested his hand on her neck as he began to lean in...

"You are all dismissed." Drakes voice rung out in the field.

"Sarah!" Gloria's voice filled the field again. Sarah pulled away from Jareth, a little annoyed at Gloria, "Duty calls." And Jareth watched her walk away again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thought it was going to be the real thing?;D sorry but not yet! Hope you guys are enjoying it and don't forget to comment and stuffs

Charlie xxx

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