Chapter 11

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"Okay, we are going to need support from the high elves when he attacks. No matter what the outcome, he will attack." Jareth spoke, leaning over a table with a large map of the, well I suppose it's their equivalent of a country.
"Sire, when are the Orc's planning on attacking?" A large goblin rumbled.
"In just under 6 months which doesn't give us much time..."
Jareth ran a hand through his hair and looked at the map. The high elves had always been strong allies with the kingdom but he knew the orc's already had an alliance with dark knights and some of the hellhounds.

"Jareth, told, Sarah, Orcs, maybe, not attack?" Ludo asked slowly, a confused look on his face. Jareth sighed and again ran a hand through his hair.
"I didn't want to worry her, it's safer for her." He walked towards the window and looked out across the Labyrinth. If Sarah got hurt he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
"Sire, if I may, wouldn't it be safer for her highness and her companions to be trained?"

"Aww they are so cute!" Squealed Lottie as Sarah introduced Hoggle and Sir Dydimus to them.
"I is not cute! I is Hoggle." Hoggle exclaimed. Lottie drew back and looked a little sheepish. Gloria hid a smirk behind her hand and feigned a cough.
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright miss, and you would be?" Sir Dydimus asked, motioned to Gloria and Lottie. Gloria offered her hand to Hoggle, which he took.
"I'm Gloria, and this is Lottie." Sir Dydimus took Lottie's hand and kissed it. Sarah smiled as her friends became acquainted with on another.
"Hey, can I look at your lance?" Asked Gloria. Sir Dydimus nodded and handed her the lance with great care.
"It is a point 2 end lance, latest edition." He told the girls. Hoggle made his way towards Sarah who was leaning against the door.
"Are you okay?" Sarah asked Hoggle.
"Yes, thanks, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked and walked out the door.
"We are just going outside, we will be back soon."
"Okay." Lottie replied, her attention soon taken by Sir Dydimus and Ambroscious.

Sarah and Hoggle walked out to the balcony.
"So what's up?" Sarah asked cheerfully. Hoggle looked over to the Labyrinth and a sad look crossed his face.
"I was... I was just wondering how long your gonna be stayin' here?"
Sarah sighed and knotted her fingers together. What she didn't notice was a dark figure was leaning against the shadows.
"I don't know Hoggle. I wished myself here because I missed you guys and I missed the freedom and independence I felt whilst here." She paused and walked out into the middle of the corridor.
"But I come back to see the Labyrinth in the middle of war and I feel so helpless. I know Jareth won't let me fight as he knows I could get hurt even though I want to fight! This place means so much to me and I can't fight for it. So, unless anything happens, I will probably be going in 6 months." Sarah sighed, her eyes pricking. She knew Jareth was desirable and that many others would be interested in him. He would forget about her quickly enough. The hidden figure left quickly but Sarah turned her head to late to see them leave. "Come on, lets go back in." Sarah said, leading Hoggle back into Gloria and Lottie's room.

------------ 4 hours later------------------

"I'm so bored..." Gloria moaned, throwing the book down. A knock on the door grabbed everyone's attention.
"Come in." Lottie yelled and a small goblin scurried in.
"Your presence is requested now." It grunted at them.
"And who has the right to order is around?!" Gloria asked, more like yelled at the goblin.
"His highness, The Goblin King."
"Come on guys, this should be interesting." Sarah said, getting up from the floor. Everyone else followed suit and they walked behind the Goblin towards the throne room.

As they entered the room, Sarah was hit with recognition. This was where Toby was kept when Jareth captured him. She missed him so much and her dad too. The goblin then led them through another corridor until they reached a large set of double oak doors. He opened the door and left extremely quickly.
"I'm glad to see Putrid showed you the right way here." Jareth spoke, his leg dangling leisurely over his throne. A large table filled the space with several chairs with red satin cushions were set in the middle of the room. He motioned for them all to take a seat as he swung his leg around so he was sitting properly. Gloria and Lottie raced for two seats that were positioned so that Sarah had no choice but to sit next to Jareth.

"So what is this about?" Sarah asked, noticing how his throne was positioned so that he was higher than everyone else. He took a deep breath and started. "It has been agreed that several other kingdoms will be joining our forces against Dursharc. So the first part is a warning that the castle and Labyrinth will not only be host to you but to the High Elves and the Sprites who will be joining us at a later time." He paused to look out of the window. Sarah noticed that he seemed to be slightly at war with himself.
"And?" Sarah asked gently, moving her hand a fraction towards his. She didn't know why she did it but it was out of instinct more than anything.
"You will be trained in combat in case of any surprise attacks."

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