Chapter 30

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Sarah was sitting on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chin. She felt.... Numb. Nothing really mattered. Sleeping,eating, talking. It all seemed pretty pointless to her, considering she was alone. Well, thats how it felt for her anyway. She got up and walked towards the window, letting the breeze flow through her hair, a tear falling accross her cheek. She looks down at her stomach, which gives a deflated growl. Almost like, finally, it is giving up any hope of food. Sarah knew she shouldn't have come, everything was her fault. Everytime she had eactly what she wanted, she managed to mess it up in some way or another. The pain just stayed there, a constant ache which never stopped, never left her. It was buried in the pit of her stomach, a monster that was slowly eating her up from the inside out. Sarah didn't cry everyday, she didn't have the energy to most of the time. The first couple of days she spent crying. All through the day and night the tears just kept flowing out of her eyes, the crys desperatly trying to get rid of the pain that stayed with her. After a while it became a friend. A reminder almost of what she had done and the person she loved was lying in that bed, his face white. Several times she fainted out of pure exhaustion and it took several hours for the Sprites to bring her around. Everyone left her, telling themselves she would suddenly snap back. Suddenly the good old Sarah would be back. Sarah scoffed at the thought of love. The door opened behind her, but she didnt turn around. Her gaze fixed on the sun that was sinking into the sky, splashing red behind the clouds. 

"Sarah?" She didnt turn around.

"Sarah you need to come with me now." The Spirtes voice mixed with urgency and excitment. Normally, she wouldnt answer but the urgency pequied her curiousity.

"why?" She whispered, her voice barely auidable. 

"It's Jareth... He is... He is waking up." 

The Sprite led Sarah to where Jareth was being kept. She saw Drake at the door way crying, a smile lit up on his face when he saw her. He ran straight towards her and hugged her. And for once, Sarah hugged someone back. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." He whispers into her hair. She lets the corners of her mouth turn up, forming a sad smile. Drake is the only one whe knew exactly how she was feeling. 

"How is he?" She whisperes, her voice not able to be any louder than that. 

"He is good, he is awake but very weak." Sarah nods, the tears streaming down her face. Joy and the familiar pain mixed together, causing her heart to feel like it was going to explode. Sarah began to cry, letting everything pour out onto the shoulder of the man who had helped her in the right way.

"I know." He whispers over and over again, letting her feel the grief she had built up over the few weeks. The other's had told her to remain strong, to not let the grief take over her. But, sometimes, the pain we feel demands to be felt. After her breathing became more regular and the tears stopped flowing, she walked into the room. 

Her eyes were swimming, causing the room to start to spin slightly yet she pushed on. Sarah reached the door to his room and saw him. Lying in the bed with his eyes fluttering open and watching the light. He looked up and saw, his eyes glistening over. Sarah chocked out a sob and tried to run towards him but her eyes began swimming so much she fell to the ground.

"Sarah." Her name was swimming around the growing darkness, and hands tried to stop her fall before the dark consumed her. 


Please dont hate me!! I wanted to make this as realistic as possible and I hope this was okay! Only a couple more chapters left:(

Charlie xxx

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