Chapter 19

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After only 3 laps, Drake called the girls back into the middle of the arena which was to the south of the castle. Gloria was out of breath but was more worried about Lottie. Although Jareth and Sarah seemed to be getting along nicely, Lottie seemed to be growing distant. "Hey you okay?" Gloria asked Lottie, who hasn't smiled at all that day, no matter how many jokes she had cracked.
"I'm fine, just in pain." She joked, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Hurry up!" Drake yelled, walking over to the weapon rack which was in the middle of the arena. The whole arena was based on the roman coliseums where they held gladiator attacks. Sarah ran over to the girls.

"I know where I want to stick that rack and I don't think he will like it." She said through gritted teeth. Gloria laughed but Lottie just scowled. "I'm surprised you haven't done that with Jareth or Elvador yet." She muttered bitterly.
"Huh?" Sarah asked, as she hasn't heard what her friend had said.
"Oh nothing." She smiled sweetly as they reached Drake.

"Today, we will be learning how to defend yourself if you don't have a weapon available. You will work in pairs, with one of you working with me. Elvador?" Elvador strolled out into the field with a blunt knife in his hand behind Drake.

"Elvador will attack me from behind and I will use three moves." Elvador winked at Sarah who rolled her eyes in disgust while Lottie watched the prince hopefully. Elvador put the knife to his throat and twisted Drakes arms behind his back. Drake smiled as he kicked the Princes shins, causing him to yelp and let back in pain, then elbowed him in the stomach to finish with a kick in the groin. The prince was wheezing on the floor in pain, Gloria and Sarah were laughing at the humiliation he was being out through.

"That was awesome." Gloria high-fived Drake who looked quite proud of the display of affection.
"I will work with Gloria first, Lottie and Sarah will be supervised by Elvador." Drake then took Gloria's hand and led her to a space in the arena.
"Are they going out?" Sarah asked Lottie.
"No but they totally should." She gossiped, temporarily forgetting her anger.
"Ladies, where will we be working?" Elvador showed them a dashing smile. Sarah sighed and dragged Lottie over to a space near the castle.

"Okay, so I will hold you down while you try and escape?" Sarah suggested. Lottie nodded and let Sarah capture her arms. After a couple of tries, Sarah was doubled over on the floor and Elvador was laughing at her wheezing. She glared at the prince and stood facing the castle waiting for Lottie to grab hold of her. She tried a couple of times but she couldn't bring herself to hit her in the stomach, after all she was her friend. Elvador strolled over.

"Lottie, could you go and swap with Gloria? I will help Sarah with this move." Lottie nodded and headed over to the fighting pair. (The good kind this time) The high prince moved behind a very rigid Sarah and rested his hands lightly on her waist.

"You need to move you arm back in a sudden movement," he ran his hand down her arm. 'Happy place, happy place.' Sarah thought.
"And then bring your leg back so you can move quickly." He then ran his hand gently over her thigh, pulling her against him.

'NO!' Sarah thought as she pulled her arm backwards and swung her leg back so he toppled over. Jareth suddenly appeared next to Sarah.

"You missed a spot." He then kicked Elvador in the groin. Sarah laughed at the high princes pain and turned to hug the goblin king.
"I was going to save you but you didn't seem to need saving." He laced his fingers with Sarah's and pulled her into his chest. The Prince got up carefully and glared at the king, while Gloria was walking over to them.

"I believe you are dismissed?" Jareth questioned sarcastically. The high prince stumbled off to the castle mumbling curses under his breath. Sarah laughed then looked up and Jareth, a grin staying on her face.
"That was brilliant."Sarah said, watching the goblin king. Jareth laughed with her and kissed her passionately but briefly.
"So was that." Jareth whispered in her ear. Sarah blushed and turned around after hearing a cough.

"You lovebirds done making out or do we need to wish for a room?" Gloria asked grinning. Jareth gave her a sly wink which Gloria returned.
'Finally things are going right for them two.' Gloria thought as she took Sarah's hands and twisted then behind her.
"Remember, I'm not as fun to hit as Elvador." She reminded Sarah, whilst Jareth just stood and smiled.

Elvador watched the couple kiss from the safety of the castle. He would destroy Jareth no matter what. He took his throne and now Elvador would take his girl.
"Alls fair in Love and War Jareth, and you have had too much luck in both of those areas." He then slipped away into the shadows, a grin plastered onto his face.

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