Chapter 20

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After dinner, the girls retired to their bedrooms but one didn't stay in her room.

"I have to go and meet Jareth about Dursharc, I will see you guys later." Sarah told the guys. They agreed as long as she was careful. She left her room and headed down to the dinning room to meet Jareth. She needed to ask what was going on with them. They were going to talk and figure out what they were going to do about how they felt.

"Where are you going at this late hour?" Sarah kept walking determined to ignore the high stalking prince. His hand caught her waist when Sarah snapped.

"Leave me alone!"

"And why would I do that?" He smirked.

"Because if you hadn't got the message, I'm not interested in arrogant assholes." He grabbed her waist and spun her around so that her body was pressed against his.

"Then why are you with Jareth?"

"Let her go." Jareth's voice echoed around the corridor. The prince smirked then pushed his lips onto Sarah's. She squirmed under his grip when she managed to get her left hand free. With all the force she could muster, she punched high prince Elvador in the nose. She broke free off his grasp an ran straight to Jareth. He held her in his arms and kissed her head.

"Get out." Jareth growled. The prince staggered up laughing, "You can't make me." He wiped the blood from his nose but Jareth was pushing him up against the wall.

"You threaten me, and Sarah in my home. You try and seduce Sarah in my home, and you wonder why I want you out. If you leave now, you will come to no further harm. I have sent a message to Drake and your parents they should be here now." On cue, Drake appeared next to Sarah while Elvador's parents appeared next to where Jareth was holding the prince. "Jareth, what is the meaning of this?!" The high king questioned. Jareth turned to face him, but kept a firm grip on the prince.

"Your son has insulted myself and the people dear to me in my home. He is to leave and never return. He has disgraced my home and I will no longer have him here." The queen went to protest but her husband held up a hand.

"I have no quarrel with you or your kingdom. But when your son try's to seduce the woman I love, I will not approve of it." The queens mouth opened at her sons act, while the king simply nodded.

"Elvador, you will return home and we will talk after the war is over."

"You stay here?! This place is rightfully mine!" Elvador scratched. Drake left Sarah's side to help restrain the prince.

"No. Jareth was next in line despite your rank, and I stay as the war must be won. You will understand when you are older and a less foolish."

"Escort him out Drake." Jareth ordered returning back to Sarah. Drake nodded and snapped his fingers over Elvador's head. He suddenly slumped down, paralysed. The king and queen bowed at Jareth then disappeared into thin air.

Sarah looked at Jareth who turned around and immediately checked her over.

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" Sarah nodded with tears in her eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm okay." Jareth held her close to him.

"I want to kill him." He muttered after burying his head in her hair. She laughed a little, realising nervous energy.

"His parents didn't seem too bothered?" Jareth laughed and replied, "Its not the first time this has happened love." Sarah turned her head to one side.

"Love?" He sighed then ran a hand through his hair.

"I was going to do this properly, more formally."

"Do what?" Sarah asked, the moonlight shining against Jareth's hair which had fallen over his eyes. He took her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes.

"Sarah, I love you. I always have and always will. I know we have the war to prepare for but I honestly can't wait anymore." He paused for a second to let his heart slow down.

"I don't like taking chances, or walking into the unknown. But.... Sarah will you do me the honour of courting me?"

Sarah's heart stopped, was he asking? She knew her answer but it was the fact he was asking her and not telling her.

"You're asking?" Jareth laughed at her,

"For god's sake Sarah, after that the thing you take away from it is-" She put a finger to his lips.

"Yes." She whispered. A grin spread across his face and he captured her lips with his. There was no space between them as happiness burst out of the pair of them. Jareth was the first to break the kiss.

"You're good at that." He said breathlessly. Sarah laughed a little then continued to kiss him. It got to a point where Jareth lifted her off the ground and spun her around the corridor. He finally put her down as they were both breathless. "Don't leave me tonight." Sarah asked. Although Elvador was gone, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Of course." Jareth replied. And,as is he read her mind, he produced a crystal from his pocket.

"This will alert your friends you are sleeping somewhere for tonight as... We got caught up in plans and it will be easier for you to stay in a different room as you don't know when you will be back?"

"Yes, thank you Jareth." Sarah replied gratefully. If her friends new the reason, they wouldn't let her stay with Jareth. In fact, Sarah was more worried about then finding out about her and Jareth courting. Jareth let the bubble float away then took Sarah's hand and led her to a part of the castle she hadn't been before.

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