Chapter 25

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Sarah started running towards her room, to find it empty. Her friends were gone with no trace, causing Sarah to run out of her room and sprint down the corridor towards Gloria and Lottie's room. She swung open the door and saw the girls still there, opening a box. She reached Lottie first and grabbed her arm, "What the hell is going on?!" She shouted over the siren. Gloria nudged her and then Sarah payed attention to the chest they were kneeling over. A small note was placed on the top of it.

For emergencies ONLY

"Do you think this counts as an emergency?" Gloria muttered. Sarah nodded and pulled open the lid to find three outfits all folded out separately.

"Well, I think we know who these are for..." Gloria muttered, taking out the first. Her's was a dark green sleveless shirt which was up to her neck, with dark trouses. Instead of pockets, straps of fabric were attatched down the trouser leg with spaces for small knives. Sarah helped her tighten the arm straps which where plated metal which were designed to protect her arms whilst Lottie secured a similar belt around her waist which had a slot for a sword. Around her neck was a small cloak which had shoulder plates that secured the shirt in place. Lottie then got her out fit out of the chest which was slightly more complicated. A burgandy shirt, with the shoulders missing, and some burgandy trousers were the first she got on. She then placed on a black chest plate and some arm plates which would protect her from any damage. A hood covered her platinum hair while her shoulders were protected by some black armor plates as well as a small cloth which had the goblin cities emblem upon in. There were no spaces for swords or daggers though.

"I'm better at archery." She shrugged and took out the final outfit which was Sarah's. She shrugged on the deep midnight shirt, similar to the one she wore when she first came to the Labyrinth, her mind racing. 

'What is going to happen?' 

She put on the black trousers while Lottie and Gloria strapped the armour plates which surrounded her waist and neck with a space for a small sword. Finally, she strapped on the arm plates and looked out of the small window. She could see an army of orcs surrounding the city walls while the goblin army filled out of the castle doors. A small tap on the door caused the girls to spin around, panic stricken on all of their faces. Drake opened the door to be embraced by Gloria.

"I'm so fucking glad your here." She whispered into his shoulder, he held her for a minute, savouring the embrace. He then turned towards Sarah and Lottie who stood watching them awkwardly. 

"Lets get your weapons." He told them, waiting for the girls to follow.

Lottie held the bow in her hand and watched the others take up their swords and strap them on. She wasnt giong to be down there with them, that much was obvious. The most she would be able to do is shoot anyone who got near them but on the ground they are more vulnerable. Lottie realised in those short moments that she loved her friends. Not in the causal way, in the, 'If anything happens to you I dont know what I'm going to do with my life.' She turned back to her friends to see Gloria holding hands with Drake, who was persumably telling her words of comfort. Lottie hoped, with everything she had that nothing happened to them, as they were meant to be together. Speaking of perfect, she then noticed the absence of a certain goblin king. She saw Sarah sitting in the corner, tears in her eyes. Jareth hadn't come for her, he was probably sorting out the army, bu she realised how alone she must feel. Lottie walked over and sat next to her, where they sat in silence for minutes that felt like hours. Sarah wiped a tear which fell down her cheek. Lottie took her hand and squeezed it gently. Sarah watched Drake and Gloria hold each other as they waited to be called up to fight. She understood, then, Jareth's fear of the unknown. 

"Jareth?" Sarah nodded and looked down into her lap. "I'm scared." Lottie nodded and listened to the sound of marching.  

"If something happens to him, or you, or Gloria or anyone I care about... What am I going to do?" Lottie looked at the strongest member of their group, the rock that held them together. "That's not going to happen, and if it does... The people we love never truly leave us."  

"But if we get through this, what then?what about my family or yours or Gloria's?" Lottie considered this. "We all have a choice as we can't have everything. But we are lucky enough that we can chose which life we want to lead. Whatever's meant to be will work out." Sarah nodded, her heart beating furiously. There were so many thoughts running through her head were unbelievable. A goblin ran into the room and nodded. 

"Time to go ladies." Drake told them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys had a burst of inspiration! Which was great after the HUGE writers block I have been having:s Thoughts? Opinions, please?:'(

Charlie xxx

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