Chapter 16

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Jareth got up out of his seat and waved his hand over a wall. A small brown door appeared with a silver knocker. Jareth held out his hand to Sarah and led her through the door. Inside was a small circle room, much like Sarah's room, only it was made out of a chestnut-like wood. A couple of sofas were scattered in the room with rugs draped over them but were centred around a fireplace where a roaring fire lit up the whole room.

"It is beautiful." Sarah commented as she walked through the door. Sarah had always wanted a cottage like house when she had a home of her own. That is, if she hadn't have come to the Labyrinth. She walked around each sofa, trailing her hand over the soft fabric, settling on one next to the fireplace. Jareth sat down next to her and it seemed almost odd for him to be in a place that was so... Modern. Sarah gave him a questioning look.

"When I visited you, I noticed that your house had these very comfortable looking chairs. I created this room when I first inherited the castle as a place to relax. I figured these would help." Sarah nodded as she kicked off her shoes and tucked them under her legs. Jareth's arm wrapped around her shoulder, giving her extra warmth. She soon found herself leaning her head on his shoulder as they watched the flames dance. They literally swirled around in a fiery tango, each flame being tossed around in bitter rage and passion. That was when Sarah noticed that they were dancing to music. Faintly in the background, the music changed to a slow-waltz. Jareth suddenly got up and offered his hand to Sarah.

"May I have this dance?" He grinned, his white teeth almost shining in the firelight.

"I can't dance!" Sarah protested but Jareth had already taken her hand and waved the furniture out the way. He pulled her in close so that there was no gaps between their bodies.

"I'll teach you." He whispered in her ear. The goblin king then began to sway Sarah from side to side in time to the music.

Jareth's heart was racing as he moved Sarah's body in time to the music. The light captured her face so that it was almost glowing, 'Or is that the silver pieces in her hair?' He wondered.

"There are no masks this time Sarah, only the real me." Sarah looked up at him and smiled. "And how does the real you differ from the one I see everyday?" He smirked slightly and stopped dancing. He cupped her face in his hand then brought his head down to her, his hot breath tickling Sarah's ear. "The real me can tell you how much you mean to me without anyone around to interrupt me." Sarah laughed a little then raised an eyebrow.

"So what does the real you think then?" She challenged.

"You mean the world to me, without you, I don't see the point in anything. My world makes perfect sense with you in it, while everything about you captivates me. Your sharp green eyes which sparkle in the right light, you hair is always parted equally to each side and how your nose bends upwards slightly at the end." Sarah blushed and lowered her head. It was when Jareth lifted her head slightly that she thought her heart was going to explode.

"You're prefect." With that, Jareth brought his head down to Sarah's and his lips crashed against hers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woohoo! Yeah go Jareth! Only took him 16 chapters but third time lucky!:P I hope this satisfies you guys;) thoughts so far? Comments? Maybe? Please? Pretty please?

Charlie xxx

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