Chapter 18

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Jareth watched the stars shine in the sky. He couldn't sleep after what had happened, how could he? He had kissed Sarah and she had kissed him back! Everything was going perfectly. Even though she wanted to talk to him, he could ask her to court him. This would fulfil his desire to be with Sarah as well as help sort out the mess with the Labyrinth. But through the kings happiness, he remembered the high prince. Elvador was known in the the realm for having his way with many women but he had never fallen in love with any of them. When a Fae or an Elf falls in love that is it. No other being can compare to the one they love. However, many had wondered if Elvador was even capable of love with the amount of 'toys' he'd had in the past. He shook his head, he wouldn't let him touch Sarah.

Sarah stretched out and looked at the sun streaming through the window. Suddenly, her face got attacked by one very urgent dog.
"Okay Ambroscious, I get it." She got up and opened the door, looking back at her friends to check they were still snoring. Se closed the door behind her softly and led him down a couple of corridors to a garden. (Whippey had left her a list of secluded places in the castle)

Ambroscious bounded into the trees and found a couple of gnomes to play with. Sarah sat down on one of the benches whilst shivering a little. She kind of wished she had brought a jacket. Watching Ambroscious, he reminded her of her own dog Merlin. She missed her home, her family and her dog more than she could imagine but she had to stay here. She wasn't quite sure why, it was more of a gut feeling, but she just knew she had to stay. She shivered again and ran her hands down her arms to try and keep circulation going.

"Cold?" She smiled slightly and dipped her head.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Not long." Jareth smiled and walked over from the pillar he had been leaning against to sit next to Sarah. He took off his leather jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
"Thanks." Sarah said, pulling the jacket over her chest. Warmth then surrounded her and she snuggled deeper into the jacket.
"It's fine. Why are you out here so early?" Ambroscious bounded out of the hedges after a gnome that looked incredibly scared.

"Ahh." Sarah chuckled at Jareth, then whistled for the dog to come back. He bounded up to Sarah and lied on his back waiting for a belly rub. She tickled the playful dogs tummy and was slightly surprised when Jareth did the same.

"I always wanted a dog. But Drake is allergic so it was definitely a no." Jareth confessed, rubbing the dogs ears.
"At home, I got given Merlin for my twelfth birthday by my mom. We used to take him for long walks along the bridle path. When she..." Sarah trailed off. Jareth took her hand and held onto it.
"You okay?" Sarah smiled quickly,
"Yeah, just, not used to talking about it." Jareth scowled a little, "Your stepmother?" Sarah sighed a little.

"After my mom died everything just stopped. It was like we were stuck in a time where me and my dad knew she was gone but still expected her to be in the garden covered in mud, or was going to walk in with Merlin dripping wet, laughing about it. When my dad met my step mom everything seemed to work again, but I couldn't talk about my mom. It was one of her rules. She said, 'it's the past and she and Toby were the better future' and that 'it would only upset your father.'" Sarah trailed off, her eyes glistening over. Jareth let go of her hand and draped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in towards him.

"What was she like?" He asked her quietly.
"I was told she was a lot like me. She didn't like to do as she was told," they both chuckled at this. "I miss her everyday." Jareth lifted her chin up, and saw a rear run down her face. He wiped it away with his thumb.
"Thank you." Sarah turned her head to one side. "For what?" He smiled,
"For telling me." Sarah blushed slightly, then out of impulse, she kissed him lightly on the lips. It was short and sweet but it made the kings heart flutter a little.

"Thank you for listening." She then got up, making Ambroscious jump. She shrugged off the jacket but Jareth shook his head.
"You keep it, it looks good on you." Sarah pulled the jacket on again, grateful for the extra warmth. She started to walk out of the garden.

"Come on Ambroscious." Sarah whistled and the dog bounded over to her.
"I'll see you later." Sarah told him, walking back into the castle.
"Still in the dog house Jareth?" Jareth internally groaned. "Still sneaking around Elvador?" He smiled at the prince who emerged out of the shadows.
"I just couldn't help but notice the young mortal wandering the castle, so I followed her," he shrugged, but a nasty smile spread on his face, "she is very beautiful." Jareth's hands clenched slightly on the bench they were sitting on. He calmed slightly and brought a crystal ball from out of his pocket and started to play with it.
"She is, you would do well to stay away from her." The prince walked over to him and sat down next to him.
"Why the hell would I want to do that?" Jareth dropped the crystal and took his knife to the princes throat. The prince's eyes grew wide and then formed back into his usual smirk.
"You can't kill me." Jareth smiled back.
"No I can't but that doesn't mean that you can get 'damaged' from a 'training exercise'. But since I am a good king, I will let you go but if you lay one finger on my Sarah I will kill you." Jareth threatened, slowly removing the knife. The prince dusted himself off then bowed sarcastically. "As you wish." He then walked back into the shadows from where he came. Once he knew the high prince had left, he ran his hand through his hair. He wouldn't let Elvador touch Sarah. She was his and won't let any other man look at her. Jareth got up and went to have breakfast.

"Hi guys." Sarah walked into the dinning room with Hoggle, Sir Dydimus and Ludo. A chorus of hi's were returned to her as she took the remaining seat next to Jareth. She was wearing some dark trousers with a light shirt and a certain leather jacket. Jareth leaned over to her and whispered, "Nice jacket."
"Thanks, a nice guy gave it to me when I was walking the dog." She smiled and continued with her breakfast, Jareth smirked a little and continued with his.
"Ladies, if you could follow me down to the arena for your next training session." Drake announced.
"Training sessions?" The high queen questioned Jareth.
"It is a precaution, in case of any surprise attacks or if any of them are captured. It is in my best interest to keep them safe." Jareth replied smoothly, motioning for the girls to follow Drake. Gloria looped her arms into Lottie's and Sarah's.
"Nice jacket." Sarah nudged Gloria as they followed Drake.


Hello you lovely people:) so Jareth and Sarah are flirting but not in a relationship? Thoughts on Elvador? Feedback? Please?:3

I also realise I originally called Dursharc another name, but I have changed it so I hope this clears any confusion. Sorry this is kind of a filler chapter:(

Charlie xxx

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