Chapter 26

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Sarah looked up at the east tower and saw Lottie's dark hood waved in breeze. She fiddled with the knife hidden in her left arm plate.

"The calm before the storm." A nearby goblin muttered. Sarah turned and looked at Gloria, who's entire focus was on the gate which was the only thing standing between them and the Orc army. They had been put in the group which was furthest away from the gate, but it didn't stop Sarah looking for Jareth. Sarah thought back to the moment before they walked out the door, when Sarah and Gloria wouldnt know if they would see Lottie again. They held each other tightly, hoping. Praying they would see each other again. 

"If I don't see you guys... I just want to tell you... I'm sorry for everything." Sarah muttered into the girls. Gloria held her face and smiled through the tears. "Hey, you're not getting rid of us that easily!" They all laughed for a bit but then Lottie left, running towards the east tower.

Suddenly, the gate began to open and Dursharc strolled in lesiurley, wearing the same dark armour as he did when sarah had first seen him. Behind him, a dark wave streatched out as far as Sarah could see. But hope sparked in her chest as she saw Jareth appear in front of the orc king.

"You dont have to do this Dursharc, you can turn back now and we shall have peace." Jareth spoke calmly, levelling his light eyes with Dursharc's dark black ones. A growl emerged from the back of the orc king's throat and tightened his grip on the large axe he was carrying. Jareth's heart began to pound but he kept his face even, his eyes locked onto his.

"The time for talk is over! My people have gone on long enough in the shadow of your glory, we now take what is rightfully ours!" Dursharc roared, sending a ripple of cheers and battle cries through the wave of dark soldiers.

"So be it." Jareth muttered, a crystal appearing in his hand. He flexed his arm back and threw the crystal into the black mass, causing Dursharc to look round, his eyes following the crystal. It fell into the wave, when suddenly it exploads taking out several orcs sranding around it! Dursharc turned around to watch the goblin king disapear and in his place, was Drake.


Sarah looked up and saw a formation of arrows hit the black mass. Her devision moved forward, desperate to reach the battle. Sarah craned her neck and saw several hell hounds making there way towards them. Sarah took her sword and charged towards the beast with Gloria at her side, there movement's almost perfectly in sync. Gloria's sword was the first to make contact with the hounds tough skin, causing it to yelp and turn around to face it's attacker. Sarah, on the other hand, was jumped on by a nearby hound which pinned her hands back. Sarah's mind and heart was racing while the dog tried to bite through her armour, growling at the back of its throat. She pushed her legs up and out, making the dog go flying. A nearby goblin helped her up, handed her sword back and continue to run into the battle. 

"Having fun yet?" Gloria asked, as she reached Sarah's side, a small scratch on her forhead dripped blood. 

"More than you by the looks of it." Sarah muttered, as they jogged forward to the raging battle. She raised her sword, and cut down a orc, which was stumbling towards her. This pattern continue of the girls cutting their way through orcs and hell hounds until Sarah saw Jareth. 

"You think you can win against my army?!" Dursharc yells as he brings hs axe over Jareth's head, the young king only having a few moments to block the attack. Jareth pushed against the orc weight, praying to any gods that were listening to give him strength. 

"You have no cause but your own pride to attack!" Jareth yelled over the sound of the metal clashing around them. Dursharc's eyes narrowed and shoved Jareth back so that he went flying into some debris. 

Sarah's heart stopped as she saw the goblin king fly through the air. Nothing mattered. Time slowed down, as she saw the man she loved hit the rock and the orc king laugh at his fallen enemy. Sarah felt an arm grab hers but she pushed it away and ran through the fight, pushing through everything. Her only aim was to reach him. As his body became closer she threw herself next to him. He layed s

"Jareth." She whispered, cupping his cheek in her hand. "Jareth please look at me." Tears began to spill over her cheeks as sorrow overwhelemed her. The goblin king's eyes fluttered, his breath slowing slightly.

"I love you." He whispered.

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