Chapter 4

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Sarah began to dust herself off and help her friends up from their collapsed state.
"So... Where exactly are we?" Gloria asked, her voice tinged with slight annoyance while her hand rested on her jean-covered hip. Sarah looked around for a minute to confirm her first thought.

"I think we are in the hedge maze.." Sarah replied, looking around for an exit. If she rememebered correctly, there should be some doors with the talking knockers.
"Come on guys, if we want to get anywhere we need to get to the castle."
"Okay, hold up. Whats this?" Lottie asked, walking to a statue of a cup with a ladder leading bellow the ground.
"Don't go down there!!" Sarah yelled, pulling Lottie away from the cup. Letting go slowly, Sarah proceeded to put the lid back on the cup.
"Why not? What's down there?" Lottie asked. Sarah looked at her, memories flooding back of running away from the cleaver after taunting Jareth. She smiled slightly at the reaction Jareth had when she told him his Labyrinth was 'a piece of cake.'

"Put it this way, you don't want to know. Come on, this way." Sarah said, leading them through one of the arch ways. She had told them the important parts, and the part she almost got killed didnt seem that important at the time. Sarah continued to lead them through several arches, but the sound of metal clashing against each other, the further they continued. Luckily, the girls had left their coats back at Sarah's house, so the heat of the Labyrinth was barely noticeable.

"That doesnt sound too good..." Lottie said cautiously.
"Yeah... Lets go look but we have to be quiet." Sarah said, taking lead. Gloria rolled her eyes but followed cautiously. They finally reached the two doors. The one with the knocker in his ear yelled,
"Well look who it is! The girls back with her friends! Where's your big fluffy pal?"
"He isnt talking about me is he?" Gloria asked, sounding slightly offended. Lottie seemed to be in a state of pure shock, looking at the knocker as if it was going to bite... To be honest Sarah wouldnt put it past it to do so.

"No he isn't." Sarah replied, a wave of sadness washing over her. "Come over here we need to talk to the other one, he might actually hear us." Sarah said walking over to the other door, her patience wearing thin as the clash of metal and the shouting noises became significantly louder.

"Lottie, take the this." Sarah said, pulling the ring from the other knockers mouth. The knocker gasped for breath, it's eyes full of relief.

"Oh, thank you madam! You have returned! How can I assist you this time?" He asked Sarah.
"What?! What did he say?" The knocker on the other door yelled over, Lottie jumped out of her skin whilst Gloria marched up to it and yelled,
"It said hello and how can I help you deaf-"
"Alright, alright no need to shout miss!" The knocker yelled back.
"If you wouldnt mind, could you tell us what all the noise is about?" Sarah asked, turning back to the door she was standing infront of.
"What noise? There's no noise!" The knocker in front of Gloria yelled defiantly.
"Thats because you're as deaf as a post! The reason, miss, is because of the war thats going on miss." The knocker replied to Sarah.

"What... What war?" Sarah asked, suddenly afraid for her friends safety. The deaf knocker sighed and rolled its eyes with apparent boredom.
"Well, ever since you left. The king has been under attack from the Vertshadow Valley of Orcs. Their leader, Dursharc, is furious as the kingdom has no heir, no queen which was originally agreed."
"But why should Orc's care about this kingdom?!" Gloria asked. The knocker sighed and looked at her like she was the stupidest person he had ever seen!
"Because... A long time ago, the goblins and orcs fought over who should have the right to the Labyrinth. The Goblin King at the time was wed to a beautiful fey and she was with child. Due to the king having an heir, they had a right to the land, but.. If the Labyrinth was without an heir or queen for more than 200 years, the Orcs have a right to claim the land as their own." The deaf knocker finished, his voice ominous.
""200 years?!" Lottie exclaimed.
"Here, time almost has no meaning, 100 years can feel like 50. Also, most creatures are immortal as far as aging is concerned. But, 'wonded in battle can prove fatefull for any as none can live forever.' That is the rule we must all live by." The knocker replied, his smile now obvious without his ring.
"It will be 200 years in 6 months, but the Orcs are restless and eager for blood." The deaf knocker spoke, his lack of hearing seeming to disappear but Sarah did not comment.

"Where is this happening?" Sarah asked them both. The knockers looked at each other before replying, "It is happening at the east courtyard, not far from the castle. Behind deaf bat over here's door." Sarah looked at the girls before speaking. "I need to go and check everyone is okay, I mean.. Hoggle, Ludo could be there and it is almost certain Sir Dydimus is there."
"And a certain, tall, dark Goblin King?" Gloria asked, her hand returning to hip. Sarah blushed and started to play with the edge of her white lace top.
"Well, there is no point us standing around here, lets go through." Lottie said, walking towards the deaf knockers door. Sarah moved in front of Lottie, giving them both a grateful smile, and knocked the door twice. It opened slowly, with a long lasting creek. The girls made it through with Sarah closing the door behind her. Suddenly, an ear piercing scream filled her ears but as she spun around, her eyes met with a flash of metal.

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