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How many galaxies?
How many planets?
How many moons?
How many stars?

Maybe some humans are destined for each other, their lives planned out and arranged long before they even exist to walk upon this planet.
They walk and grow apart but the forces of the universe aline everything almost perfectly to allow them to fall into a deep feeling of love.
The eyes are the window to the soul, what if they are the window to love as well? Each pair of eyes telling their own story, the same story someone else's are telling them.
These stories are forged in the universe itself, forged inside each planet is another person's story ready to be told to everyone. The planet's appearance to be displayed in their eyes.
Someone will share your eyes. Someone you know. Someone you don't. Someone will.
Planets determine your soulmate, the one you are destined to love.

What happens if the one who becomes your universe does not share your planet?

With Their Eyes Filled With StarsWhere stories live. Discover now