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"Do you do take-out drinks?" I ask the boy who must only be a few years older than me as he stands behind the counter. He has dark brown hair all swept across to one side.
He looks at me before looking behind him into the small kitchen area. "Erm...Jack? Do you know if we do take-outs?" The boy asks Jack, the boy with the quiff and glasses that met Hazel the other day. Jack furrows his brow and steps upto the counter, starting to look through their cups.

"Jack? What are you looking for?" Hazel sighs, entering the kitchen through the back door and dropping what I presume is a school bag. She grabs a black apron and pulls it over her soft pink blouse that matches her newly polished finger nails. Hazel sighs, standing behind the two boys, "What seems to be the problem?" She asks and Jack looks at her.
"Dean asked me if we did take-out and I was trying to figure out if we did." Jack says looking down at the dark haired boy who I presume is Dean.

Hazel pushes them both out the way and grabs a stack of disposable cups, "Right." She says before looking up at me and grinning, "Hello again, sorry about that! What can I get for you?" Hazel says and I smile back.
"Can I have two hot chocolates with just marshmallows to take out?" I say, tapping my fingers gently on the countertop. Hazel gives me a nod before looking at the two boys who stand beside her, "Go on! You heard the man!" She grins making them sigh as they begin to make the drinks.
"That'll be £3.20, Dan." Hazel says tapping it into the cash register. I grab the coins and look at her in confusion to how she knows my name. She smiles at me, "Your 'friend' called you Dan when you came in a few days ago, I assume that's your name then!"

I slide the coins over the counter, "Boyfriend actually" I say with the biggest grin across my face just from the freedom of being able to announce that. Hazel grins closing the till after dropping my coins inside, "Cute, do you go to school together?" She says and I nod.
"Wait, you go to Woltbeck Secondary?" Hazel raises a brow and again I nod in response. "I go to their Sixth Form, I'm in Year 12. These two buffoons are there with me...unfortunately!" She grins looking at Jack and Dean.

"Oh, I'm staying on next year with a few friends" I smile with a nod. Hazel goes to speak but Jack steps forward and slides me the two hot chocolates. "So, do you guys just own this place as well as studying?" I ask, picking up the drinks. The three exchange looks and nod, "We each have different free periods so we have managed to work out the opening time to be appropriate. Although my mum officially owns it but.." Dean says and shrugs before heading into the kitchen.

"Well, I need to go. I'm going round to my friend's house to surprise her with hot chocolate!" I grin, "I'll see you later!"

"See you around, Dan!" Hazel smiles as I walk out the tea rooms- making the little bell cling.


Somehow I have managed to balance both cups in one hand so I can knock on the brown wooden front door. I'm only standing here for a few seconds before the door flings open and I'm greeted with a smiling face.

"I brought hot chocolate, can I come in?" I grin and Dodie smiles, stepping to the side to let me in. She shuts the door behind me. "You weren't in school again today, so, I've come to check-up on you!" I say as we walk into her lounge and take a seat on her black sofa. Carefully I pass her a cup and she takes it gratefully.

She doesn't have any makeup on, her short hair is in a ponytail, and most of her body smothered in a large knitted jumper. "I thought you would be with Phil, or did you leave him at home?" Dodie smiles with a small giggle. I shake my head, "I don't spend every waking minute with him!" I say but she raises an eyebrow in disbelief, "Beside he's at some Spanish revision class or something!" I add and she grins.

"Knew it!" Dodie chuckles, "You wouldn't have come here if you weren't lonely!"
"Hey!" I frown, "I said to Phil this morning I was coming to see you, even before I knew about his class!"
Dodie's face lights up and she takes a sip of her drink. "Oh, well then, do you want to do something? Seeing as you have made an effort for once!" She teasingly winks and I sigh. "If you want me to go..." I say, standing up but she quickly scrambles to her feet. "Let's go up to my room!" Dodie says and I smile down at her with a gentle nod.

Dodie's room is like a room straight-out of a teen film. The walls painted a pale blue with fairylights strung around the top. Against one wall she has a white wardrobe covered in polaroids, beside a white desk with a round mirror and blur cushioned seat. Against the opposite wall is her bed with white sheets with pale roses on and on the wall beside the bed are more polaroids and fairylights. Finally, at the end of her bed is a keyboard on its stand with a ukulele propped against the wall.
"Sorry for the mess!" She laughs, using her foot to clear a path through all her belongings on the floor. "It's okay, my room is atrocious! Especially now Phil's living in there as well!" I laugh as I drop myself onto her bed and looking around. She plops next to me, "I can only imagine!" Dodie giggles having some more of her drink.

"Where did you get these hot chocolates? They are so nice!" Dodie smiles up at me.
"If you get out your pyjamas and put some clothes on, I could show you!" I grin, trying to subtly get her out her house to make her feel better.
She rolls her eyes but still she stands up and grabs some leggings. She replaces her pyjama bottoms with them and looks at me, "Leggings and my jumper will do. Let's go!" Dodie grins putting our empty cups on her bedside table.


As we get there Hazel is locking the door of the tearooms. "Oh, Dan! Sorry we literally just shut!" She says in her soft Irish accent once she notices me and Dodie.
"It's fine, I just came to show her where her lovely hot chocolate came from!" I chuckle looking down at Dodie. Hazel grins at her and Dodie grins back.

"Hazel." The older girl steps forward with her hand outstretched as she introduces herself.

"Dodie." The other answers, reaching out and shaking her hand.

"Well, I'm heading home but you can join me if you both want?" Hazel smiles, pulling her back pack onto her back. I look at Dodie and she gives a small nod. "Your parents won't mind you inviting two almost strangers to your house?" I ask Hazel but she shakes her head with a chuckle.
"I live with Jack and his dad. They are the most laid back people I know!" She grins, "So, you coming along?"

We both nod and all set off down the street together.

Hey! Wrote this on my last day away but now I've been home for a day, I'm off again and leaving you with this cutesy chapter because idk if I will have Internet where im going for a week!

Also, this entire chapter involved no phan - sorry! I want to start really building on other characters so an entire chapter for mainly Dodie and Hazel, with a bit of Jack and Dean thrown in for good measure!

-Connie (:

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