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I wake up to an empty space beside me and an uncomfortable numbness in my arm. Slowly I sit up and run my fingers through my curled hair, yawning whilst gazing round the bedroom. "Phil?" I sleepily mumble before clambering out of bed to open my bedroom door. I flick the landing light on and see Phil standing at the top of the stairs, a frown on his face and his eyes staring intensely down the steps into the house's darkness.

"What's up, buttercup?" I whisper with a sweet smile. Phil pulls his gaze away from the darkness and looks at me, "I thought I heard something." He says quietly with a gentle shrug. I take a few steps forward and hold out my hand towards him, "It was probably just someone outside, come back to bed." My voice is hushed as I take his hand into my own. He quickly looks back downstairs then back to me, "C-can you check..?" Phil mumbles, squeezing my hand gently.

"Phil I-"
"Please." Phil interrupts me with a little pout. I sigh and press my lips to his forehead, "Okay, okay! You go climb back in bed and I will be up again soon, yeah?" And Phil nods in response, dropping my hand and heading back into my room.

Looking down into the darkness I inhale deeply and begin to make my way down the steps slowly. As I reach the bottom I quickly turn the lights on and gaze round the corridor. I poke my head into the dark lounge and then into the kitchen, sighing in relief when nothing is there.

"Nothing's there, it was something outside. Now, shall we go back to sleep now so we can get some rest?" I say closing the bedroom door behind me. Phil is sat ontop of the bed looking at me, "Okay, thank you for checking." He says with a smile tugging at his lips.

"It's okay, lovely, you had just got yourself paranoid." I smile back, pulling back the duvet once he has stood up. Phil climbs under the covers and smiles whilst watching me clamber in beside him. I pull the quilt over us as I lay down waiting for him to curl into me.

"Can I take you out somewhere tomorrow?" Phil whispers, propping himself up on his elbow to gaze down at me. "Of course you can, where are we going?" As I ask I notice that familiar twinkle of happiness return to his bright blue eyes. Phil grins cheekily, "It's a surprise!" He giggles, "but you will like it! ....I hope..." Phil muses.

Quickly I lift myself up and peck his lips, pulling away so there is only a few centimetres between them. "I will love anything as long as I can do it with you!" I smile before pecking his lips again softly.

Phil smiles against the touch of our lips, lifting himself up to lay ontop of me but still propping himself up on his arms. My hands run down from his neck, down his chest, and to his hips; where they rest. Phil presses firmly onto my lips making my head fall back into the fluffy black pillow underneath me.

He giggles lightly against my lips and I carefully pull away with a grin, "What are you laughing at, you spork?" I laugh as he giggles shaking his head and making his soft fringe flop onto his face. "I was just thinking about how surreal this all is.." He giggles and I raise my brow in slight confusion. I open my mouth to speak but he quickly continues, "I was literally kicked out my own house about a week ago by my own parents and now I'm living in my boyfriend's house. A boyfriend who isn't my soulmate but I love him more than anything which young Phil could never imagine! And I'm laid in my boyfriend's bed at half three in the morning kissing him, even if his breath smells. But it's surreal that we are here and calm eventhough I have no home of my own now and we can't go in public as a couple without the fear of being verbally or physically attacked. Yet we are still here. Together."

I nod as he finishes and smile, "Yeah, I guess that is pretty surreal!" I say to him just before he presses our lips back together.

"I like it though." Phil whispers against my lips, lifting one of his hands to play with my hair.
"I like it too." I smile, rubbing my fingers against his bare skin on his waist.

Phil pulls away and sighs, shuffling down to rest his head on my chest to listen to my heart beat. "We should sleep.." He mumbles as I pull the quilt over us and wrapping my arms loosely around him.

"Goodnight then sweetheart, love you." I smile into the darkness. Phil mumbles into my chest before slowly lifting his head, "..love you.." He whispers before nuzzling back in.

It's 9:30am when Phil wakes me again, but this time he taps my upper-arm and gives me a sweet smile when I part my eyes. "Good morning!" He chirps, pecking my lips as I smile. "Get up and dressed so we can go out, Bear." Phil grins before standing up beside the bed looking down at me.

"Mmkay...mmkay..." I mumble, rubbing my eyes with my palms. A sigh leaves my lips and I sit myself up, slumping forward slightly whilst I try to wake up fully. Phil presses his soft lips to my temple before leaving my bedroom. I can hear his feet nimbly pattering down the stairs.

Once I return from the bathroom, now washed and partially dressed, I find Phil sat on my bed with a tray of food. "Pancakes and tea!" He grins as I grab a tshirt off the floor and tug it over my head. I grin back and pick up a pair of skinny black jeans- not really sure if they were mine or Phil's. Either way I pull them on and take a seat on the bed the other side of the tray.

"Sounds delicious!" I smile, leaning over for a kiss. Phil meets me in the middle and our lips touch. "I hope it is!" Phil smiles as he passes me my plate and cutlery.

As we tuck into our food I ask, "So, am I allowed to know where you are taking me today?" But Phil shakes his head with a toothy smile.

"No! No! Surprise!" Phil chuckles and I roll my eyes, "Fine!" I laugh a little before tucking back into my breakfast.

Just a cutesy D&P chapter for you ((:
Idk it was my first day whilst on holiday and I was happy so I wanted fluffy fluff!

I hope you enjoyed it! I'm going to the beach and then im going to write some more!

-Connie (:

I'm back from holiday so I'm about to mass post chapters sooo enjoy! Also all my Author's Notes will be kinda in the past because I wrote them after I finished each chapter when I had no internet. Idk I hope you got that!

With Their Eyes Filled With StarsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant