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The voice is soft and makes me grumble a little in my sleep. Something is moving on my stomach and begins to make me stir.


It says again and this time my eyelids flicker open, but the room is too dark to focus on anything other than the softness of the pillow beneath my head. I lower my hand down to my belly as something continues to move on it. A hand sit's below my own on my tummy.

"Sorry to wake you, Bear..." Phil whispers into my ear from behind me, pulling me closer back into him with his hand under mine. "I...I had a bad dream again...and y-you said.."

"...I said that if you have a bad dream then wake me...I understand...just give me a chance to wake up..." I mumble, finishing what he is trying to say. Slowly I roll over so our noses touch gently and our chests rise and fall together. Phil's wide eyes stare into mine which stay half-lidded and tired. After a few minutes of waking up, I speak, "Okay, let's talk abou-"

"I'm sorry!" Phil interrupts me loudly and I quickly press my lips to his to quieten him.  "Phil, don't wake my parents. It's like 3am. But you don't have to be sorry. Let's just talk." My voice is quiet when I pull back and rest our foreheads together.

Phil sighs softly and pecks my lips gently, "...Can we just lay here?" He mummers quite some time later, lucky I hadn't fallen asleep. "I don't want to talk about it because...well, it was only a dream and it's not real.."

I nod sleepily as he shuffles down to rest against my chest. Taking the hint, I roll onto my back so he can nuzzle into my bare chest whilst my arms wrap around him. His body gently rises and falls as his hot breath makes my skin tingle. Phil's long, nimble fingers draw spirals on my stomach relaxingly.

But now I'm awake, I'm thinking.

Thinking about what's going to happen.

I heard my parents talking again the other day, I say talking but shouting is more appropriate. My dad doesn't want Phil in 'his house' anymore and I'm scared my mum is starting to agree. So, I've tried to stop any physical contact or flirting with Phil outside of our bedroom. But now he thinks I hate him because I won't kiss him before he goes to do his paper round or wrap my arms around him to help him wash the dishes. He thinks I hate him, but I love him and that's why Im doing it. But if he is kicked out, where will he go? Would I go with him? What would I take with me? Would PJ let us crash at his? His house is big enough but then his dad is worst than even Phil's parents and then we-

"Dan." Phil's soft voice interrupts my thoughts. "Stop overthinking things and just relax..." He whispers knowing my body language so well now that he doesn't even have to look at my face to know when i overthink.

"Whatever you're thinking about will be okay...it will be fine...we will be fine..." Phil says, gently pressing his lips to my bare chest.

I smile up through the darkness at my ceiling, wrapping my arms more securely around him. "Yeah...I love you, Phil." My voice is now a soft whisper.

"I love you too, you loser...now get some sleep and stop stressing...we've got school in the morning, you can stress there..."

I give out a gentle laugh before letting my eyelids flutter shut. Falling asleep to the silence of my bedroom and the warmth of Phil's body against mine.

Sorry this is pretty short and uneventful but the last chapter had lots of drama so dont hate me!

Ive got writer's block atm and I have no clue what to write. But like only for this fic ???
Idk, I was trying to write anything to get my creativity flowing and am now writing a oneshot  im really proud of! But im still stuck on this one.

Well, ive started my Alevels now which is weird to think about! So that's taking up a lot of time as well but hopefully I will get some good chapters going again soon!

Sorry! :S
-Connie x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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