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There is a shit tonne of violence in this chapter, sorry.

I sit in silence on Phil's bed as the argument downstairs grows fiercer.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT IN MY HOUSE!" Phil's dad screams through the building before the loud sound of skin hitting skin is heard.

"PAUL!" Phil's mum screams as I rush to the top of the stairs. My eyes land upon a scene I never thought I would have to see.
Phil's dad is standing over his son with his hand raised. Phil was slumped on the lowest step, holding his cheek, with his mum trying to pull his father's hand down.

Suddenly, Phil stands up and attempts to throw a punch back at his dad but his dad fights back and Phil is back on the floor. "I didn't raise my son to be a faggot.." He spits before turning to walk out.

This is when I lose it.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" I shout whilst storming down the stairs, "HOW DARE YOU USE THAT FUCKING WORD! HOW DARE YOU STRIKE YOUR OWN SON!" Before he can turn around, I've thrown a punch at Phil's dad. It hits him in the back, making him jolt.
He turns to speak but I slap him round the face, leaving a red hand print. "YOU DISGUST ME! LOOK AT YOU, YOU FUCKING SWINE!" I scream at him whilst he puts his hand to his striked cheek.

I quickly turn and crouch infront of Phil, "Are you okay..?" I whisper but I get shoved into the wall with the force of a punch to the side of my head. Desperately I scramble to my feet, the taste of blood strongly in my mouth. I move my eyes to look at Phil's mum, "Are you going to do anything?! Are you going to help your son when he is in needed?!" I grimace as I speak.

"Paul.." She sighs and grabs his arm, "Don't do this..just, go and put the kettle on or something". He turns and looks at her, lowering his hand before shooting a glare at me and Phil.

He leaves and she clears her throat.

"I want you out of my house right now.." She mumbles looking at the ground, "Philip, go and pack your things. I want you out of this building in 20 minutes."

Phil looks up at her, his eyes showing how hurt he is like she has just physically ripped his heart out. "...m-mum..." he mumbles through his tears. She looks at him, her eyes filled with hurt but a different kind, a hurt linked to disappointment or disgust.

She leaves.

Me and Phil were given a box before we came up to his room. And now? Now we are trying to put as many things into the small box in the time given.

"Phil...calm down...you are going to kill that houseplant.." I whisper, gently taking the small potted plant out of his hands. "It won't fit in the box. I'm going to carry it for you, okay?" I try to speak calmly to reassure him that everything will be okay but I'm not even convinced by my own words.
Phil sighs and walks slowly back to his desk, picking up; a watch, a photograph in a frame, his laptop and connectors.

The watch, photo and connectors just fit in the box but there is no way his laptop will fit in the almost overflowing box.
"Give it here, I can put it in my school bag." I say softly, taking it from him and slipping it into my bag which contains his folded school uniform. Phil's school bag contained all his school books and some more casual clothes.

"Philip." His mum says whilst standing in the bedroom doorway. Phil picks up his bag and box, glances sadly around the room before leaving without making eyecontact with his mother.

We both leave the house in silence.


My hands trace shapes gently onto his back whilst we sit on my bed, Phil collapsed in my arms as he sobs heavily into my shoulder. It's been like this for the last hour and a half.

My mum doesn't know why Phil is crying or really why he is now living with us. But she tries her best to help me comfort him.
"I've brought you both a hot chocolate each, maybe it will help." She says quietly, placing them down on my desk. Sadly she looks at us both and gives me a reassuring smile before silently leaving us alone, closing the door behind her.

"Did you hear that, Philly? Do you want to drink your hot chocolate? It even has cream and chocolate sprinkles on." I whisper but he instantly shakes his head. "You need to drink something, babe, you've ben crying and you are going to end up dehydrated." I sigh.

He shakes his head again, "not thirsty.." he mumbles into my shoulder.

A few more hours pass us by and luckily he has finally stopped crying and drank his drink after more nagging from me. We currently lay on my bed in our pyjamas.
I'm laid on my back staring at my ceiling through long blinks, Phil is curled up beside me with his head on my gently rising chest and my arm loosely around his torso.

"I told them..." Phil mutters, making me jump from hearing his voice which is croaky from sobbing. "...told them I love you...that we are t-t-togeth-ther..." He breaks on his last word and is suddenly sobbing into my chest again. I look down at him sadly, wrapping my arms tighter around him to give him a sense of security.

"You've got me and i've got you. Remember?" I whisper into his soft dark hair.

"I've got you..." he mumbles almost silently, "...and you've got me..." it's so silent I don't even know if he is speaking to himself or me.

"Isn't that all we need?" I ask quietly, reaching over with my free hand to softly play his his hair.

"...that's all we need..." He responds quietly.

Fuck. What did I just write?
I hope you guys like drama because man that was intense!
Hmm I wonder what will happen now!

Also, look at me regularly updating again! I'm getting the hang of this!

I've been at a spa all day with my mum and omg it was so lovely, I'm so chilled out now. Although you wouldn't be able to tell that from me writing this chapter haha!

I will try to update again soon!
-Connie ((:

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