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"She wants me to go to her house.." I whisper as Phil pushes his front door open. He looks at me and discreetly pecks my cheek, "Just tell her you are busy!" Phil smiles but I shake my head. "I already said okay..." I reply to him.
"Look, Dan, maybe you need to straight up tell her." Phil says whilst me take our coats off. I move my eyes away from him and stay silent.

Phil stops and stares at me with his ice blue eyes. "Dan." His voice is stern as he folds his arms. I look up, "I might've told her that we are-"

"Oh hello! Phil you didn't tell me you were bringing a friend home!" A woman in the lounge doorway interrupts me and both of us look across at her.
"Mum! Yeah, aha, this is Dan."
Phil smiles as the woman gives him a warm embrace before turning to me.

"Hello." I smile awkwardly as she pulls me into a hug. She chuckles a little as she turns back to Phil, "You haven't mentioned a Dan before!" She turns back to me, "Well, it's lovely to meet you!"
"Right, well we are going upstairs, mum." Phil looks at me before running upstairs and me following him.

I exhale as I drop onto Phil's bed and he plonks himself beside me; after locking his door. He interlaces our fingers and smiles at me softly. "D-do you think you will ever want to tell anyone..? Like, I just want to be able to hold your hand and kiss your cheeks and hold you close." I whisper whilst laying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.
"Maybe some point soon but...not now..." He replies quietly, laying his head on mine "You aren't mad at me..., are you?"
I lift his hand and my lips connect with soft skin, "Of course not, Poppet." My voice is soft and I can feel his face move into a smile as it presses against the top of my head.

Phil raises his head then uses his fingers under my chin to lift mine. "I love you." He says ever so gently before lightly putting our lips together. My lips tug into a smile against his before we move away from the connection.
"What do I do about Meg..." I whisper whilst we stare into each other's eyes. Phil bites his lip softly before replying, "We have until the weekend to think about something, let's not worry now."

I smile at him.
He smiles back.
Our lips reconnect.

Phil's mum places the steaming plate in front of me at the table. "I hope you like sausage, chips and beans!" She chuckles as she places Phil's plate down. "Yes, thank you" I say with a polite smile before smiling across the table at Phil. He smiles back before taking a bite out of one of his chips.

"Do you need dropping off home later, hun?" Phil's mum asks as I swallow a mouthful of food. I shake my head and Phil answers for me; "He only lives around the corner mum. I will walk home with him." He says before subtly winking at me.
"That's okay then! I was going to say your dad should be home soon so if he needed dropping off he could be" She says to the two of us before bustling into the lounge and out the kitchen where we sit.

"Do you have to be home at a certain time?" Phil asks once we have finished our dinner and are now sat back in his bedroom. I shrug, leaning towards him to fix his fringe gap. He smiles sweetly at me just as Twenty One Pilot's cover of  Can't Help Falling In Love comes onto Phil's playlist.
Phil smiles and stands up from his bed, turning to offer his hand to me. I frown at him confused before he pulls me up onto my feet. "Phil what are you-" I go to say but he places his hands on my waist and starts moving us around in time to the music; "Just be quiet for two minutes and dance with me." He whispers so I lay my head on his shoulder and let my arms drop onto his sides.

I close my eyes gently as Phil navigates us around his bedroom whilst softly swaying. He leans his head on mine whilst quietly singing along with the lyrics.
The low sun had almost fully disappeared from the sky but it burst through the evening clouds, soaking Phil's room in a beautiful golden colour. The light illuminates our soft skin as we hold each other close.

Eventually the music fades and we are left embracing in silence. The soft musky scent of his aftershave fills my nose on every inhale.
"...I think the playlist finished..." His voice is so calm and so gentle into my ear. I release a wispy sigh against his neck, "..okay..." I whisper in response.
And then we stand in silence in each other's warm touch and embrace.

It's 10:30pm and Phil pushes me against the cold alleyway wall, his lips messily kissing mine. The sparks between us making us unaware of the pitch black night around us. Phil's fingers push through my hair and my hands fumble to grip onto his shirt, our tongues sloppily clashing.
Soon enough Phil pulls back and I lean forwards to lay my forehead on his chest. I let out a silent wispy laugh and my lets out a few quiet chuckles.

"I haven't genuinely felt your lips in a week, I think I was beginning to go insane." Phil giggles as I stand up, taking his hands in mine.
"I know, friends and parents make it really awkward sometimes." I grin before pecking his lips again. "I should really go home and revise for this history test tomorrow."
Phil nods and stands on his tiptoes to presses his lips briefly to my forehead.

"I will see your beautiful face tomorrow." He whispers and presses our lips together.

"I love you." I whisper
"I love you more." He replies.

With Their Eyes Filled With StarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang