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"So, why are you covered in spaghetti?" Phil asks with a frown as I sit down on his bed with a sigh.
I glance up at him and fold my arms, "Well, maybe I should be asking you! Seeing as this seems to be down to you!" I snap and he looks baffled at my sudden accusation.

"Wait! What?! I didn't do anything?! Why would you think I dumped spaghetti on you?!" Phil says in defence, taking a step back as I stand up.

"Well you were the one who thought it was a great fucking idea to confront Meg about flirting with me! Oh and guess who didn't like being confronted! Ah yes; Meg!" I snap at him loudly, thankfully his parents weren't home.

"Wow! Well im so sorry for wanting to help my boyfriend! And I did not confront her about flirting with you! You make me sound like some jealous twat!" Phil snaps back with a frown.

"You can't deny it Phil! I literally fucking saw you talking to her! I saw her get angry and shout at you! You fucking twat! Why did you think I wanted her knowing?!" I shout at him, grabbing his upper arm tightly.

He instantly shakes me off his arm and steps back, "Don't touch me like that! You clearly got this round your neck! I did not say anything about bloody flirting when talking to her!"

"So, were you talking about the weather or something?" I laugh horribly "Phil, you can keep on fucking lying but I know you told her to back off! She got fucking angry and dumped this shit on me! This is all your fault! And now guess what?! She knows we are fucking dating and she hates both of us! What is she going to go and do now?! Ah yes probably just tell the entire school that we are fucking together!" I scream at him, our faces only a few inches away as I step closer to him.

Phil's lip quivers a little and soon enough tears are pouring down his cheeks, I had totally forgot that he can't deal with confrontation and especially not with shouting.

"Phil look-" I begin but he interrupts me.

"Do you think I did that to hurt you?! Because I was trying to help you! You had been really down for days and she invited you to her house! You were so upset and worried! So I went to speak with her but I did not tell her to back off! I asked her to take a step back because you were uncomfortable and it upset me! She kept screaming at me! I had to tell her that we are dating to shut her up! But I thought that wouldn't even matter seeing as you have already told plenty of people!" Phil rambles on, occasionally raising his voice as tears pour down his face.

Phil wipes his tears on the back of his sleeve, "I guess I'm sorry for loving you enough to care about when you are sad and when you are worried and when you are confused! Im sorry I care about your problems! Im sorry that I did this to you, I guess!" He sobs and I pull him into my arms.

"Im so sorry Phil...Im sorry...I didn't mean that...I didn't..." I mumble into his neck as he hugs me back tight. "I'm sorry I got angry...I guess you just cared...I'm sorry, do you forgive me..?" I whisper and he nods a little with a sniff.

"I think you need a shower!" Phil chuckles whilst pulling back a little to look at me, wiping his eyes on his sleeve softly. I nod and smile a little, "Would you mind if i used your shower?" I asked and he shrugged. "You will have to have a bath because my dad broke the shower last week" he shakes his head with a smile.

"If you go and run the water, I will fetch you some fresh towels and a change of clothes." Phil smiles before pecking my lips and heading out his room to go and collect towels or so I would assume.

A small knock on the door makes me turn my head just after I stop the hot water flowing into the full bath.

"Can I come in? I have towels." Phil says through the white wooden door of his bathroom.
"Yeah sure, come in!" I smile as I stand up from leaning over the steaming bath of bubbles.
The door slowly opens and Phil dumps a large pile of white fluffy towels on top of the toilet seat (beside the bathtub). I turn fully and smile at him as he steps forward.

"All freshly washed.." He whispers so softly and so quietly that it made all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. His hands slowly reach up and begin to pull at my tie before letting it drop onto the blue tiled floor. He never breaks eyecontact as he starts to unbutton my pasta stained white school shirt; he lets it drop to the tiles. I bite my chapped lower lip and a smile creeps onto his face as he reaches for my trouser zip, letting them join my shirt and tie on the ground beneath us. Now, here I am, standing in Phil's bathroom in just a pair of plain black boxer shorts.

"...the bath is really hot and I used a nice bubble bath...it would be a shame if you missed out on it, huh..." I whisper, my own hands beginning to undo his clean shirt. It slides down his pale form and joins my clothes on the cold tiles. "...that would be a real shame.." Phil whispers in response, pulling his own trousers off and onto the floor.
I take a few deep breaths, raring myself up before pulling off my boxers and climbing gracefully into the bath. Everything I have is on show and Phil can see everything. But instead of doing anything obscene or making any kind of comment, he just gives me the most heart warming smile and joins me in the tub - my back pressed against his bare chest and his pale skinny legs wrapped around my body, sitting either side of mine.

Phil slides his arms around my waist as I lay my head back against him with eyes shut gently. His hot breath dances across my damp skin and his cold fingers draw spirals onto my stomach. This is what bliss is; this is what happiness feels like.

"So, you definitely don't hate me anymore?" I whisper after a few peaceful moments in the warming water. Phil takes one of my hands and links our fingers together - they fit like a jigsaw.

"I never hated hated you in the first place, I love you Bear." He says in his low calm voice, his lips pressing a soft kiss on my boney shoulder.
A large smile tugs at my lips and I open my deep brown eyes to watch the swirling steam rise to the cream ceiling. "I love you too." I whisper, my head still resting on him and my back leaning against his chest so I could feel his heartbeat. Through my body.

"Actually, " I continue in a quiet tone,  "I love you more."
Phil lets out a quiet chuckle before giving my hand a squeeze, "Well then, I love you most."

I hope the fluff warmed your heart as much as it did mine <3

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