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"A field..?" I mumble as we step off the bus which has left us in seemingly nowhere. Phil turns his head and grins, his tongue poking out the side a little, "Not the field! We have to go on a little walk before we get to where we are going!" He says, taking hold of my hand.

We begin to walk down the side of the countryside road, which surprisingly still has plenty of cars trudging down. Soon we reach a small gate entrance into the sheep field. "After you, my lord!" Phil grins as he holds the gate open for me, "but be careful where you step because there is a lot of sheep poo!"

I walk in and turn back to him, "Romantic!" I say sarcastically.

Slowly we plod through two fields and it feels like we have been walking forever, in reality probably twenty minutes! Eventually we reach a stile in the fence line and that's when i see the old castle upon the hill in the neighbouring field.
Quickly I clamber over the stile and a grin covers my face as I gaze at the beautiful broken structure. "Are we going round a castle?" I ask Phil as he climbs down beside me. I look at him and he nods, taking ahold of my hand again as we start walking towards the structure.
Now I know why there were so many cars on the little road, they were all traveling to visit this castle. Like all the people in the distance walking towards it through the fields, similar to us.

"Go stand infront of it, Dan! I will take your photo!" Phil smiles at me, pulling out his phone once we are on the path right outside the castle. I roll my eyes and walk up the path, leaving Phil at the bottom. I turn and give him a grin, putting up my hands to make peace signs. "Haha got it!" Phil calls, walking up to meet me. A few people are looking over but so far we appear as friends so things are going okay.

"Do you want one of you infront of it?" I ask but as Phil goes to pass me the phone a woman interrupts us. "Hello, sorry, I saw you taking photos and wondered if you wanted one together? I can take one for you if you want!" The old woman smiles sweetly. Me and Phil exchange a quick glances before smiling and agreeing.

We stand infront of the castle beside each other, I put up a peace sign and Phil places his arm around me with a grin on his face. "Okay! I'm going to take another one incase that is blurry!" The woman smiles and we get back in the pose but this time as the camera shuts Phil presses his lips to my cheek.

"Aw that's a sweet one!" She says placing the phone into Phil's hand, "Okay, goodbye!"
"Thank you!" We both say together before turning to each other and grinning. "Let's see the photos then!" I say looking over at the screen. The second photo has Phil pressing his lips to my cheek and my face is a picture, a mixture of shock and a grin on my face, my eyebrows raised and my hand sign drooping a little. But it's a cute photo.

"Come on! We can have more once we are inside!" Phil says grabbing my hand instinctively and walking through the magnificent gatehouse to the admissions desk. A tall, mid-twenties man with stubble and short brown hair is standing the other side of the desk, his eyes are large and a mixture of light and dark blue. He gives us both a large smile, "Two student tickets?" He asks us, suddenly showing off his broad Scottish accent. I nod with a smile, "Yes please!"

Phil pulls out his wallet and pays for us both to enter. "Have a good day!" The man says as we walkaway into the castle grounds, Phil flicking through the guidebook he got given. "What do you want to see first?" He says, looking up with a smile. I purse my lips and look around the courtyard, "Shall we head out to the keep first?" I ask and he gives a nod.

"Can you quickly just hold the book? I'm just going to go to the toilets!" Phil says, placing the book in my hands and rushing into the small shop with the toilets in. I frown a little but quickly take a seat on a wooden bench against the wall. Two women, looking up at the tower, catch my eye. Eventhough they are not right next to me, it's easy to distinguish that one has bright green eyes and the other has dark brown yet they still intertwine their fingers and peck lips. A baby sat in a baby-carrier on the front of the brown-eyed woman.

I become aware I'm staring when the green-eyed one makes eyecontact with me. She raises a brow and I stare wide eyed as I shake my head and put on a smile, I didn't want her to think that I am disgusted by her. A smile appears on her face before turning back to look at the tower.

"Hey, sorry!" Phil says, placing his hand on my shoulder and making me jump to look round. He pulls his backpack back onto his back, a pair of black glasses now on his face. "My contacts were uncomfortable so.." He chuckles as I stand up and peck his cheek. "Are you okay now, my blind little mole?" I teasingly grin, pinching his cheek gently. He rolls his eyes and nods but can't help a smile.

"Let's go to the keep then!" Phil smiles, holding out his hand for me. I take it but speak before we start walking; "Actually, can we go look at the chapel tower first?" I say and he nods slowly. "Yeah sure" Phil chuckles softly at my sudden decision but walks alongside me as we head towards the tower. I keep glancing over at the two women until we are standing basically behind them when they enter the tower itself.

Phil taps me on the arm and points up at the gargoyles above the tall door, "We should get some of them outside the bedroom door, scare your mum away!" He jokes with a grin, making me chuckle and shake my head. "Let's just go in!" I laugh and pull him inside.

We both fall silent as we look around the chapel with its mosaic flooring and stained glass window. "This small chapel was built to allow a place of worship for the labourers in the castle. The family would use their own private chapel inside the main keep." Phil reads a segment out of the guide book as we walk around, our hands still linked.


Later on, our castle visit is almost over as we enter the Great Hall on the second floor of the keep. It no longer has its roof or grand seating arrangement, more moss on walls than fancy tapestry. But still the general atmosphere of the room and the amazing view from the large end windows is breathtaking.

"Up here, near the windows, would be a raised wooden platform with the family's table and seats on. They would sit up here, with the parents in the centre and children either side, looking down upon their guests while having their banquet. That would be pretty cool, huh Dan?" Phil says looking up at me as we stand at the windows. I look at him, "Imagine owning this castle and having the power to banish people who did you wrong. And you would have this giant house for all your children to play in and always be safe because of the guards." I say softly.

"I wish we could get a castle together and banish everyone who we don't like!" Phil grins pecking my lips. I nod, "Not many people would be allowed in then!" I say and Phil shakes his head. "It would probably just be Lord Daniel and Lord Philip sitting at the high seats in their Great Hall with no one else to dine with!" Phil laughs.

I laugh before cupping my hand over my ear, "Oh, Lord Philip, I think I can hear our bards playing a tune in this Great Hall of ours!" I exclaim. Bowing slightly I offer my hand to him, "Would you care to dance, my Lord?" I grin cheesily and he laughs.
"What are you doing?!" Phil laughs but then quickly plays along, "Ah yes, Lord Daniel, I believe Bard PJ and Bard Dodie are playing my favourite tune! I would gladly have this dance!"

Quickly I pull him away from the window and into the middle of the large empty hall. My hands drop to his hips and his rest onto my shoulders as we begin to step and spin around together, both laughing and grinning. After a few moments of dancing I stop him in his spot, "Lord Philip?" I ask with a stupid grin.

"Why yes, Lord Daniel?" Phil giggles.
"Do I have my Lordship's permission to kiss him?" I say suddenly softly.
Phil nods, "Lord Daniel, " he whispers with a smile "you always have permission to kiss me."

And we quickly close the gap between us.

Idk if I like this chapter but I went to a cool castle today because I'm still on holiday as I write this! And whilst I was there I saw a couple being really cute together so have more Dan and Phil on a date inspired by irl people!

Also, whilst I was there I saw a dad let his son have a tiara instead of the sword the boy really didn't want. And aw it made me happy seeing his little face light up with that tiara on! I wish more people were liberal with their kids!

Okay honestly idk if im going to post all these on mass when I'm home or pace them out so see you at some point ??? ??


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