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A dusty hot planet made of thin sands. The brown sands, of dark and light shades, create huge graceful patterns across the planet's surface due to the rotation and gravitational pull of its nearby sun. The gentle curves of the sand and the warm amber glow of the sun on the plant's surface, show off its soft and simple beauty to maximum potential.

I read the description from the back of my charm necklace whilst I vigorously brush my teeth, I turn the circular charm over in my hand so I can see the planet on the front. The small circle sits nicely in my palm, the colours of the surface exactly identical to my eyes which are locked upon it.

"Daniel! Are you almost finished in there? You are going to be late!" My mum shouts through the bathroom door as I spit out a mouthful of toothpaste into the sink. I push my charm vigorously into my school trousers before putting my toothbrush down in the pot and opening the door.
"Pj is waiting for you! Come on!" My mum nags as I step out the bathroom, she bats down my black blazer and fixes my pale blue tie before giving me a gentle shove towards the stairs. I sigh and blow her a kiss, "See you later, mum" I smile before running down the stairs, jumping down the last three.

PJ stares at me before cupping his hands around his mouth, "WE HAVE A FUCKING BADASS OVER HERE! LOOK AT HIM JUMPING DOWN THOSE STEPS!" He exclaims, sending into fits of laughter. "Shut up!" I laugh as I pull my school shoes on and grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulders.

"Miss Emma Blackery!" Peej announces as we both step through the slim school gate surrounded by herds if students all flooding into the school grounds. Emma turns around just in time to be embraced by PJ, she squirms in his arms before he lets her go. "Someone is happy today!" She laughs before looking at me for a response, I shrug and look at PJ.

"I found her." PJ says as the three of us begin to walk closer to the grey dull building. I notice Emma frown in confusion at him but I wait for him to continue. "Last night, I found her. I found my soulmate!" He grins, me and Emma both cover our mouths in sync. PJ's pale green eyes look between us, all three of us are grinning like children in a sweetshop.
"Y-you..." I begin but pause to clear my throat, "You found your soulmate..? How? Where? We need details Peej!" Emma nods in agreement as she is obviously too overwhelmed to reply. PJ grin widens before he speaks "Her name is Chloe and she is 17, which isnt bad! I mean, she is only a year older! Anyway, I was just on tumblr and her photo appeared! IVE BEEN FOLLOWING HER FOR MONTHS!" He screams the last part and suddenly we have thousands of eyes staring at us in confusion. "She has my eyes..." He continues in a hushed tone, "So I messaged her and then we were up all night talking! She lives in France but she was born in Scotland and her family is Scottish!" His voice begins to grow louder again as he gets more excited.

Emma stops him from walking by standing infront of him and looking up into his eyes full of life. "When are you going to meet her?" she asks and I scoff earning a harsh glare from Emma. "They have only just met!" I exclaim, chuckling a little like it is a joke. It clearly wasn't. Emma and PJ both stare at me with blank expressions before Emma speaks, "They have to meet up, they are going to have to marry at some point. He can't just wait until then." PJ nods in agreement. I frown. "You guys don't really think you have to marry your soulmate, do you? Society just tells you that you have to, that is why everyone does it you see.." I respond, crossing my arms over my chest. PJ rolls his eyes "No, Dan, it's because you are destined to be with that person so obviously they are the one you love and then marriage just comes along after the love blooms." he said in an annoyed tone of voice.

I shrug and keep walking towards the building, hearing their footsteps as they follow behind me. Their voices are whispers as if they didn't want me to hear but I could still hear them, I just chose not to

"Emma! Dan! PJ! Wait up!" A voice shouts making me turn my head to see Felix and his group of popular friends walking towards us. "Im having a party tonight, do you guys want to come along?" he smiles at the three of us but we just stand in a stunned silence. I have been asked to a party? By the most popular boy in our year? Me? Emma looks at both of us before nudging me, prompting me to speak. "Yeah, we will be there!" I grin madly making Felix give me an awkward smile, I was obviously too enthusiastic with my grin. Marzia, who was leaning into Felix smiles and responds in her soft-spoken voice; "We will see you there then."
And then, they walk away.

The three of us stare blankly to where they were previously stood until Pj speaks. "Did we just get invited to a party..?" He whispers. "A party full of popular kids..." Emma added. I blink twice before the corners of my mouth tug into a smile, "We are going to a party!" I chuckle and turn to face them both. They both grin madly and we all start chuckling about the whole scenario but we are rudely interrupted by the bell for class.

"Bye Emma!" I laugh, ruffling her short hair before walking off with PJ towards the language block. We have German. "I don't want this stupid lesson.." Pj complains, kicking a stone on the path as we head towards the door. "Oh cheer up Peej!" I say teasingly pinching his cheek. He swats my hand away and shoves me to the side a little, letting out a short snort of laughter.
"Boys, inside please." Ms Rainsworth snaps from behind us and we both quickly shuffle into the classroom and take our seats. I sit at the back row of the class and Pj on the row infront of me. A girl called Dodie Clark has the seat beside me and Evan Edinger, her friend, sits beside her. On the other side of me is supposed to be Sam Pepper, but he never shows up to school anymore and I never really found out why.

"Morning Dan!" Dodie smiles as she pulls out her seat and sits down, her brown curls bouncing on her shoulders gently. I smile at her softly, "Morning." I respond. I'm not really friends with her but we talk from time to time. She hangs out with Evan(obviously), Chris Kendall, Luke Cutforth and Phil Lester.

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