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"Okay, so, what the fuck!" Meg exclaims as she violently drops herself into the chair opposite me at the table in the cafeteria. I look up from my bowl of spaghetti with a puzzled frown, "Pardon?"
"Don't you give me that look!" Meg snaps at me, her fists clenched tight. My eyes move round and I shuffle a little in my seat, "Sorry but have I done something wrong?" I ask quietly before her harsh eyes lock onto mine. Her laugh is forced and certainly not genuine.

"Look I don't know if you've heard of this thing, being nice! But that's what I've been doing the past few weeks, okay? Like I fucking get we have the same eyes, whoop-de-fucking-do! But you can have something called a friendship, heard of one of those have you?" She shouts at me but I stare at her bewildered, the wrapped spaghetti slowly slipping off my fork back down towards my bowl.
"And when I heard you weren't into this whole 'marry your soulmate' crap; I had a fucking party! Yay I get to just befriend the guy because all in all you aren't a bad fella! Well, you weren't a bad fella until you sent your fucking boyfriend to tell me to back off! Back off? Back off?! Like I was genuinely interested in dating you in the first place! Honestly, honey, you shouldn't flatter yourself like that!" Meg continues to shout, having now received the attention of the entire cafeteria of students getting their sloppy school dinners.

"Im so sorry, but I really have no idea what you are talking about!" I let out a nervous laugh but soon fall silent as her eyes stare so far into me it feels like they are stabbing into me.
"Basically, sweetheart, I'm trying to tell you that my girlfriend isn't too happy that my soulmate is attending the same school as me but at least I don't go sending her to tell you to stop talking to me! Maybe you should try being nice to people like I was trying to do; you might actually become popular!" Meg grins menacingly at me and I blink at her stunned from the sudden accusations.

My spaghetti plops down off my fork back into the bowl and her eyes follow it down to the spaghetti bolognaise in front of me. Meg grabs the dish in her hand and before I can react to what she is doing she has splatted the entire contents of the bowl on the top of my head, red sauce splattering all over me and a lump of spaghetti stuck on the top of my head.

Everyone in the cafeteria bursts into fits of laughter as she leaves me to drag pieces of sloppy pasta out of my sticky hair. The spaghetti slides off my head and unfortunately lands directly in my lap. A small sigh escapes my lips and I stand up, grabbing my bag and storming out of the room of people. My face is bright red from embarrassment and pasta sauce.
Students all around me had been taking photos and no doubt someone got film footage of the actual plate being dumped onto my head. That's just what I need to be spread around the school!

Just as I head into the toilets to clean myself up I bump into PJ.
"Oh hey Dan, how's it- Okay man what the fuck happened?!" He interrupts his own sentence as he notices the mess im currently in.
"Meg happened.." I mumble as I walk into the boys' toilets with PJ now following me over to lean against the side of my sink.
"Dude, what did you do?" Peej chuckles as I drop my bag on the floor and turn the taps on to allow a fast flow of water to escape onto my hands.
"I literally did nothing. Meg on the other hand didn't hold back from her actions!" I grimace as I begin to splash the hot water onto my face and into my hair, scrubbing slightly in hope of getting most of the tomato sauce off of my head.

"What did she do? Just randomly splat your lunch onto your head?" PJ laughs, picking a stray piece of spaghetti off my shoulder.
"Well, thanks for pointing out the obvious! You are always so quick to notice things!" I snap, clearly no longer in the mood to take a joke even from PJ.

"Sorry! Just trying to lighten the mood!" He raises his hands in defence and looks up at the ceiling, he exhales heavily whilst tapping his feet.
"Are you free tomorrow after school? I've invited the others over for a bit and wondered if you wanted to come but like you might be sorting things out with Meg!" He grins at me. I roll my eyes and press my thumb onto the tap allowing the water to squirt upwards and soak PJ. He jumps back before shoving me, "What the fuck!" He exclaims but Im too busy laughing to hear.

After finally calming down a little, I nod my head and reply to his previous question; "Yeah, well Phil was probably just coming over to mine so I can come. He will probably tag along even if you haven't invited him!" I chuckle before turning off the taps and grabbing my bag.
"Well, to be honest, I didn't expect anything different from you two!" Pj winks and I feel my face turn bright red again. "What is that supposed to mean?!" I mumble nervously, ducking my head as we leave the toilets.

"Oh you know what I mean!" Peej grins and pulls his locker key out his pocket.
"How could I possibly know what you mean?!" I act clueless as I lean against the lockers beside his.
PJ goes silent for a few moments whilst searching in his locker but a cheeky smile stays on his face.

"Are you two official yet?" He eventually asks, keeping his eyes on the inside of the locker.
"I- Pj! I don't un-understand!" I laugh nervously, rubbing my hand on the back of my neck.
He stops and stares at me, "Dan, you told me that you liked the guy and you seem to spend every waking moment with him! If you two haven't made it official yet, honestly, I would be shocked!" He grins and pinches my bright red cheeks teasingly.
"Maybe..." I mumble, swatting away his hands and avoiding eye contact.
Pj practically squeals at my confirmation but I turn and begin walking away from him. "No Dan wait!" He calls after me.
"I've got to get going to class Peej!" I call back, brushing my dripping wet hair out of my face.

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