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He's looking at me.

Why is he looking at me like that?

I've never seen this guy before, but he's looking at me like I'm dirt on his shoe.


What have I done to him?

Hang on, he's not the only one.
A girl up ahead keeps glancing at me from next to the lockers.
We make eyecontact and instantly she walks away.

Now that I think about it, lots of people keep glancing at me as I walk down the corridor.
Pity, disgust, anger.

"Watch it!" A boy snaps as he shoves into my shoulder, the corridor getting busier as people leave their classes.
"I-..sorry..." I mumble but he just gives me a glare that cuts into me like knives.

I bow my head and fold my arms over my chest until I make it into the safety of Mr Dean's science lab.

"Dan! Welcome to the party!" PJ exclaims, moving his feet off the desk and standing to greet me.
I give him a smile, the occurrence in the corridor suddenly a blur to me as my mind is occupied by the chemistry class.

Mr Dean emerges from his office and places some books on the front desk. "Do you want to take a seat or are you planning on spending the lesson in the doorway, Daniel?" He chuckles, his chubby face illuminating with a toothy grin.
Quickly I head to the back of the class and sit down on my stool just as a few more students filter through the door and to their seats.

The lesson begins but im preoccupied doodling in the margin of my book and on the desk itself.

I only raise my head when the door swings open. "Sorry Im late sir." Dodie smiles politely, messily clinging onto her books in her arms.
Mr Dean gives a small nod of acknowledgement before raising a hand to encourage her to take a seat.

"You okay?" She whispers as she nudges me once she has occupied the seat beside me. I nod a little before looking back at what I was doodling.
"Are you sure, Dan?" Dodie says softly, placing her hand on mine. I jump a little and look up to meet her sad eyes. A small frown appears on my face as I look at her, "Should I not be?"

I see her gulp a little and squeeze my hand. "Everyone is talking about you and Phil..I just wondered.." Dodie begins to speak but I fade out her voice. I feel my throat close and my head begin to spin.

Everyone knows. Everyone knows. Everyone knows.

Dodie's hand grips onto mine tighter as if she knows exactly what is rushing through my head. "Dan. It will be okay. Just breathe." She whispers, a few members of the class beginning to notice us at the back.
I shake my head slightly and stand up, my hand slaps over my mouth and I dash out the room to the toilets.

The best way that I have discovered to get out of class; pretend to be on the verge of throwing up. It works, trust me.

The cool clear water runs over my open palms as I stand with them beneath the tap. Slowly I bring them up to touch the hot skin on my face, closing my eyes as I feel the ice cold water trickle its way down my cheeks.
A voice makes me jump out of my daydream and quickly tug my hands down. PJ stands in the doorway of the toilets, his eyes filled with sympathy and sadness.

We lock eyes and remain there for a long while, neither speaking a word. Until, "Dan. You're crying.", PJ says softly. I reach my hand up and touch my fingers upon my cheek. It's damp.
Slowly I drop my hand and suddenly I find myself sobbing. PJ opens his arms and we both walk towards each other, before I dramatically throw myself onto him beginning to sob into his shoulder.

His arms embrace me tight, giving me a sense of comfort and protection as I sob painfully into my best friend's blazer. Gently his hand rubs my back and I relax into his touch. I have never had any of this physical touch from PJ before. PJ is a good person but he was one of the many who believe physical touch between non-soulmates was weird and awkward. A lot of people believe this is utter bollocks, I should probably add, and many are extremely liberal with the idea. Now, I think PJ has finally become comfortable with such things as hugs. It feels good.

"Do you want me to get Phil?" He whispers eventually once I finish crying onto him. Slowly I shake my head and pull myself off him, sniffing a lot and fiercely wiping at my eyes. "Are you sure? Im not even saying it because he is your boyfriend. Mainly just because he is much better at comforting than me!" PJ smiles and rubs my upper arm comfortingly.
I roll my eyes and nod a little, a few tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"Stay here. I'm going to go fetch him, okay?" PJ says and I give a small nod, leaning back against the wall still trying to stop my tears. He gives a small nod and smile before taking off out the door.

I wish he would have stayed because then maybe I would not feel so awkward when Anthony Padilla wanders in. We make split second eyecontact, in which he raises a brow in confusion to my tears before heading over to the urinal.

I drop my gaze and sniff a little wishing PJ would return. The sound of Anthony's zip is followed instantly by the sound of his feet as he walks to the sink.
"You okay?" He says, making me jump in confusion.
I look up and notice the reassuring smile on his face. Slowly I give him a nod before wiping my eyes.
"I'm sorry what has happened to you..You don't deserve to lose your privacy." His voice is hushed but still has a spritz of happiness. "And, don't worry. I support you and so do many of my friends."

I feel his hand firmly pat me on the shoulder just before he walks away out of the toilets leaving me comforted but also slightly baffled.

As he walks out the door, Phil walks through and instantly over towards me. "Come on, let's go to the orchard. We can talk there." Phil says, a little harshly but still he takes my hand ever-so gently into his.
I'm led slowly out of the boys' toilets and out the building towards the orchard around the back of the school where it is almost completely silent.

Once we are sat down cross-legged opposite each other, Phil takes both of my hands in his. "What has happened, Dan..." He whispers and only when he gazes up at me do I notice the floods of tears finding their way down his face.

"What has happened.." He repeats softly.

I'm back, my exams are over! Well, technically they finished last week but I haven't updated this until now! Mainly because I had like three ideas prior to this which I didn't like
But, I hope you like the increasing drama! I felt like we have had too many fluffy chapters before this hahaha!

Okay, I will try to update pretty frequently now but I can't promise!

-Connie x

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