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The seat is pulled out beside me and I jolt my head away; it's her. She sits down, it's second period in Biology. My throat tightens as I desperately attempt to keep my eyes fixed on the table.
"Morning!" I hear her say chirpily as she drops her bag and places her book on the table. "Hello." I reply simply not moving my head or eyes to look at her.
"Good morning!" She smiles as she sits down when the following week comes.
"Hello." I reply again and open my book, letting the pen touch the paper.
"How are you?" Meg asks and I look up awkwardly, "Im fine."
Another week comes.
She sits down, her seat closer than before.
She gets out her book.
She turns to me with a smile, "Good Morning!"
"Hello." I reply.
"How are you?" She asks.
"Im fine." I answer.
"I think we are doing that experiment today." She smiles.
"Mm." I respond.
"Good Morning!"
"How are you?"
"Im fine."
"We are doing osmosis today."
"How was your weekend?" Meg asks.
I sigh.

"My weekend was good thank you." I briefly give her a smile. "What did you do?" She grins, happy at finally getting a full sentenced answer from me. I looked at her and shrugged a little, "Hung out with my boyfriend." I emphasise hoping she will get the message. "Cool, what are you doing this weekend?" She smiles and I shrug.
"I wondered if you wanted to come over to mine, im having a few people come round." Meg grins, our identical eyes never losing contact. She clearly hadn't got the message.
"I...I don't know..." I mumble and look down at my book.

Short chapter sorry !
Im experiencing horrendous writer's block at the minute agh!
But thought I should update and continue the drama with Meg.
Hopefully the next chapter is better!

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