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A week or so has passed since Phil moved in to my house and his belongings are still mostly packed away.

"Hey Phil." I say whilst laying on my back on my bed, turning my head to look at the other boy who sits at my desk typing on his laptop. He stops tapping his fingers and looks down at me with his gentle smile.
"I'm not pushing but, when do you think we can sort your stuff out? It's just it's kinda all stuffed in the corner" I push myself up to a sitting position, leaning back on my hands.

Phil pulls his eyes away from mine and looks at the pile of his things in the corner of my room. It isn't the pile being messy which bothers me, honestly you haven't seen the state of my room, but I want Phil to feel more 'at home' and he can't surely feel that if all his things are packed away.

"We can do it now...if you want?" The dark haired boy says almost silently, raising to his feet and heading over to the corner. I quickly scramble up and follow him over. I pick up a pile of his clothes before heading to my wardrobe to hang them up for him, fortunately we don't mind sharing clothes now and again so if they get mixed up it won't matter.

Discreetly I watch Phil out of the corner of my eye as he begins to slowly take his belongings out the cardboard box and place them in suitable places around the room. He then suddenly stops with something in his hand and lowers himself to the floor, his eyes locked upon the item in his grasp.

"What you got there, Philly?" I ask as I head over, squatting beside him but frowning as I see the framed photo of him and his family. Phil looks young in the photo, maybe 7 or 8; his hair a ginger shade and a huge grin painted on his face. "Who's that?" I whisper, my finger pointing at the other young boy in the image. He looks older than Phil, slightly taller and his grin not as big.

Phil sighs and puts the photo down beside him on the floor before reaching forward for more items out the box. I furrow my brow a little at his response of silence, I clear my throat before speaking "Do you have an older brother? That's pretty cool. I always wanted another sibling."

"Martyn." He says before picking up some books and walking to take them to my shelves. I stand up from crouching and watch him, "Do you guys talk much? He looks like a nice fella'." My voice is chirpy and I know I should stop pushing him go talk but I can't help it.

Phil shakes his head continuing to face away from me as he places each book individually on the shelf with mine. "He left home to go live with my grandparents when he was 14. I was 12 at the time, about to turn 13. After that my parents purposefully dropped any contact with my grandparents and even when they showed up at the house to see me they wouldn't let them in. I learnt that Martyn was quick to learn that he liked 'others' and I was taught that he was filth and a liar. 'Someone can't love anyone other than their soulmate' I was told." Phil pauses and forces a small laugh, "They were so wrong..but I guess they drilled it so far into my head that I actually believed it. I didn't want to contact Martyn because how dare he.."

I place my hand softly on Phil's shoulder making him turn around to look at me. "But now...oh Dan...I just thought..." He begins to smile and I raise a brow in confusion. "We could go and find him, Dan! Oh Dan we have to! We could go to my grandparents' house and see if he still lives with them! Well, he will be 17 now, but that isn't old enough for him to move out so of course he will be there! Oh Dan we have to!" Phil grips onto my hands, tears forming in his eyes.

I open my mouth to say something but instantly stop myself. His grandparents and brother are now his only hope at 'family'. The idea of seeing them clearly means so much to him, surely I can't say no. "Where do they live then?" I say with a grin making him smile and pull me into a hug.

"They live in Yorkshire still, near my old house and..." Phil says but I cut him off with a sigh. He pulls out of the hug and looks at me like a confused puppy. "Phil...how are we supposed to get to Yorkshire?" I frown a little.

"We can get a train into Manchester and then call a taxi to pick us up and-" Phil stops as he sees my expression.
"Phil, I love you so much and I want you to be able to go to your Grandparents' house but, in all seriousness, how are we going to afford two train tickets and afford a taxi as well?" I say following Phil as he walks over and plonks himself on my bed.

"I..." He says but sighs and lays down on his front, burying his face into the pillow. I bite my lip and softly rub his back, I sigh and begin to speak again "I can look online and see how much they cost. Maybe then if we save every penny we can find and stop buying sweets at the shops afterschool. We could start a dog walking business or maybe babysitting, although I would much prefer dogs-" phil snorts "-Then maybe we could afford to travel up there one weekend. It won't be right away and you need to keep that in mind but we will mange it, I promise. Okay?"

Phil nods his head, face still buried into the pillow. Then he slowly rolls over and a smile appears on my lips as I see his curl into a smile. "Thank you..." He whispers.

"You don't have to thank me everytime I do something for you!" I laugh. Phil pouts a little, "I like to thank you though."
I roll my eyes and grin, "Stop doing that stupid face and kiss me, you dork!" I laugh.

And he does.

How did I manage to make a 1000 word chapter out of one scene in Dan's room? Idk!
But oooo, so Dan and Phil are heading to Yorkshire together, huh? Will it be a cute lil trip or a disaster?! Stay tuned ((;

Also, this chapter was super cute to write with Phil being all cute and bouncy and pouty. I love pouty Phil.

Well, that's two uploads in one day. Will I manage another or will I procrastinate and lose concentration? Find out next time!

Okay I need to stop trying to sell this like it's a tv-show drama..

-Connie <3

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