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"Evan...please...you have to.." Dodie sobs quietly down the phone to her best friend.

She is sat alone in the park under the large oak tree with its looming dark branches and rustling leaves. It's 1am on a Tuesday night. The darkness blankets around the small girl and creates faces on the old twisted trees. The low hum of bugs and distant cars fill the night air along with the crackle of the branches in the tree as the wind blows. Not a star can be seen in the sky- the black clouds too thick tonight.

"Dodie, it's 1am.." Evan replies softly down the phone as he paces his small, blue-walled bedroom. He chews his lip as he waits for Dodie's response.

She sobs a little and pulls her knees closer to her chest as she curls up against the large tree. "..please...please..." Dodie repeats through her body-shaking sobs.

"I'm coming. It's okay, just stay beside the oak tree so I can find you." Evan whispers, a sigh of relief coming down from the other end of the phone. "I won't, Evan...I won't.." Dodie cries, lifting her free hand to wipe her cheeks of her salty tears.

When he arrives ten minutes later, Dodie scrambles to her feet and instantly clutches to the knitted jumper which covers his pyjama top. She buries her head into his chest and just sobs. Evan wraps his arms around her and gasps at how cold her bare arms are to touch.

"Dodes! You are freezing!" Evan exclaims, pushing her away and pulling off his thick jumper. He quickly pulls it over her head and pulls her back into his arms. "We need to get you inside before you turn into an ice-cube!" He gives a little laugh to try and lighten the mood but it completely fails.

He pulls out his phone and messages the group on their group kik, hoping someone will still be awake and be able to have him and Dodie over. No way could he turn up at home with Dodie at 1am, his mother would flip. Evan taps his thumb against the edge of his phone as he waits for a response.


Today @ 1:16

🌵Evan 🌵
Is anyone still awake?? It's 1am, I know, but this is actually an emergency!
D A N 🎌
What's up? Do you wanna private message me?
🌵Evan 🌵
No it's fine. I'm out at the park with Dodie but she is as cold as ice. Do you think we could quickly come round? If your parents don't mind!
D A N 🎌
Parents are out - come over!! Shall I put the kettle on and make some hot soup or tea??
🌵Evan 🌵
Thank you!! Yeah, we will be there as soon as!


"Come on, Dodie, Dan is letting us go round to his." Evan whispers, putting his phone in his pyjama bottoms' pocket and rubbing Dodie's back with his other hand as she remains buried into his chest.
She sniffles a little and pulls back, wiping her eyes with Evan's jumper sleeve. "O-okay..."

I swing open the door and quickly get the two others inside. "Phil's making you both a cup of tea in the kitchen, so, you can sit in the lounge whilst we wait." I smile at them both although a tired yawn forces out of my lips.

I have only just dragged myself back out of bed so I'm wearing a large baggy grey tshirt and my hair has begun to curl, standing up in random places. Although Evan was barely dressed better than me, clearly from also clambering out of bed to help, he wears a pair of red checked pyjama bottoms and a black tshirt with some triangular designs on.
He sits down on the settee and Dodie sits beside him, no tears streaming down her face but the stains of previous tears still mark her skin.

"Tea for two!" Phil smiles as he walks into the room, passing the two guests their mugs of hot liquid. Dodie wraps her hands around the mug and pulls it in to savour the warmth. Phil heads back to the kitchen bringing out tea for me and him. Eventhough he was fast asleep curled into me when Evan messaged, he still looks perfect.
His dark blue tshirt hugging his body nicely with a long pair of Muppets pyjama bottoms on. Even his hair is straight and in the perfect sweep as it usually is. Although I can't help but notice the continuous lack of sparkle in his eye, he keeps thinking he is tricking me with that forced smile or fake laugh.

Phil sits on the other settee adjacent to where Dodie and Evan sit. I take a seat beside him whilst taking a sip of my tea. We all exchange small talk for a while as we sip delicately at our cups of tea, we meaning me, Evan and Phil. Dodie sits silently, cross-legged beside Evan just staring into the steaming tea in her green mug.

"Are you okay, Dodie?" Phil eventually asks, making her lift her head suddenly. She nods slightly before looking down again, "I'm fine now..thank you. It's almost 2am and I should probably get back before someone wakes up and panics that I'm missing.." She gives a faint smile whilst standing and placing the mug on the brown coffee table. Evan stands up, mug down beside her's, "I will walk you home, then I need to try to get back in my room without waking my mum." He sighs.

I stand up and pull Dodie into a tight hug, "You have a good sleep, okay? Goodnight Dodie." I smile and receive a smile back from her.

By the time we have all wished each other a goodnight and I have washed the mugs, it's about 2:20am. Luckily, school's not on tomorrow for a teacher training day so I won't be falling asleep at my desk. More likely be falling asleep on Phil whilst playing Mario Kart.

Phil finishes drying the last mug and reaches to place it into the cupboard. As he does this, my arms snake around his waist and pull him back into my body. "Come on, let's go to bed." I whisper, pressing a kiss slowly and firmly on his neck. Phil delicately takes my hand into his to drag me slowly upstairs into my room.

Phil yawns, pulling off his pyjama top and discarding it onto my brown carpet before clambering on the bed. He keeps the duvet down to his waist and turns to lay on his side, his blue eyes looking up at me as I climb in beside him. Only seconds after I flick the lamp off and pull the quilt up does Phil nuzzle into my chest, his hands gripping on loosely to my grey tshirt. I place my arms around him as I feel my blinks slow down and my eyelids become heavier.

Absentmindedly I twirl his pure black hair between my fingers softly. "Goodnight, Phil.." I whisper but his steady breathing and relaxed body indicate that he is already far too into his sleep to respond.

Okay last update for maybe a week or two??? Sorryyy!! Although I will still be writing away just I don't have internet to publish anything haha!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this! I wanted a chapter to kind of be a filler but also elaborate on Dodie's and Evan's storylines a little bit more!

I hope you have the patience to wait for another chapter! I did avoid leaving you on a cliffhanger- see, I can be nice! I left you on some cute lil fluff ((:

- Connie x

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