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"Daniel! I think PJ is here for you!" My mum shouts upstairs at me as I quickly grab my bag and run downstairs. I pull my shoes on and fling open the door, spotting PJ walking down the drive. "Good morning!" He grins and I grin back, stepping out and closing the door behind me.

That's when I notice he isn't alone today. "You don't mind me walking to school with you guys, do you?" Phil smiles at me, my smile grows even bigger noticing PJ's grin dim a little.
"Of course I don't mind! This is great! Two of my best friends walking to school with me!" I chuckle, walking up the drive with them.

PJ walks infront of my and Phil who become quickly engrossed in conversation about basically nothing. "Hey Emma." Peej said making my brown eyes gaze up to see the short girl infront of us. I give her smile and she smiles back at me before turning to PJ, "What's up?" She says quietly and he shrugs, "I will tell you in English." He said as we all continued walking.

I stare at the back of PJ's head bemused, he was acting weird and not a good weird. I continue to stare until Phil's delicate touch on my arm makes me turn my head to face him, his blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "I should find my friends, they will be looking for me." He says softly and I smile gently. "Okay, but what do you have first? I have geography."
Phil smiles, 'I will see you there!" he pulls me into a quick tight embrace before disappearing into the crowd of students. I say disappearing but I can still easily see him as he is basically a giant.

I must have been looking at where he had gone for quite some time because when I turn my head I have the other two staring at me.
"You know you aren't actually falling for the guy. You cant, you don't have the same eyes. You won't love anyone until you find your soulmate." Emma says, frowning and folding her arms over her chest.
I look between them, furrowing my brow. "Are you being fucking serious?! One, Im allowed to love who I want! And two, im not even interested in him! We are friends!" I snap and PJ scoffs. I glare at him, "Phil told me what happened. At the party. Chris told him." PJ freezes at my words and locks eyes with Emma who looks confused. "You made out and I know you did. Why did you do that, Peej? You know he isn't your soulmate yet you still went in for it didn't you!"

PJ grabs my blazer collar and shoves me back into the fence, "Don't you dare accuse me of that! Im not some gross queer!" He screams.

Queer...I hate that word. They use it to describe those people who love others opposed to loving their soulmate. It makes me sick hearing that word used as an insult. I hate seeing the religious groups preaching you cannot love anyone but your soulmate. The hate crimes you hear on the news, 'another couple found dead in home after  being discovered to not be soulmates'. What have they done wrong? Loving someone who others don't want them to be with? Is that wrong? Society is always finding someone to hate on for being their own person.

"YOU DARE USE THAT WORD!" I shout, grabbing his shirt and spinning round so he is the one pressed against the fence. He wheezes as his air is knocked out his lungs. "Why? Is it because you are one? You and Phil?" He says, throwing a punch into my stomach making me stumble back.
"Stop!" Emma shouts, stepping between us with tears in her eyes.
Im physically shaking with rage, panting to get my breath back from the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"What is going on here?" Mr Hanson says, standing beside me whilst looking at the scene. We have seemed to have gathered quite a large crowd.
"Say what you want about me. But don't you dare say a word against Phil!" I snap before turning around.
Sad blue eyes meet my angry stare. I soften my look as I see tears pouring down his pale cheeks.

"...Phil..." I whisper before he grabs my hand gently and whisks me off into the crowd of people.

A sigh escapes my lips as we sit leant against the metal fence on the tennis courts.
"Are you okay?" Phil whispers, our fingers loosely intertwined.
"I don't know anymore, Phil. I don't know how to feel. I thought he was my friend." I admit quietly, letting out another soft sob.
"That's okay, you don't have to know what you are feeling all the time. And im sure he is still your friend, people can just act different when talking about something they don't really understand." Phil attempts to reassure me, his sad pale eyes gazing at the side of my face as I continue looking forward.

"Dan. If you aren't comfortable about what people think of us, we can stop hanging out if it would make it better for you." Phil says solemnly.
I turn to face him, "Don't be so stupid Phil!"
"I just want you to be happy.." He whispers, tears flooding down both our cheeks.
"You make me happy Phil!" I say, making smiles appear on both our faces.

He leans closer to me and everything begins to move in slow motion. This is when I panic. I don't know why. Why do I feel panicked? He is about to kiss me! Why am I so scared?
I leap up and shake my head repeatedly, "Im sorry! I can't do this! No I just can't!" I sob before running.

I run out the tennis courts and down the path. I run through the main doors and down the corridor. I run through a door on my left and run down another corridor. I've never ran so fast or far in my life. I shove the toilet door open and run straight into a cubicle.
I pant fast trying to get my breath back. What did I just do?

What did I just do?

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